Edit: https://db.tt/4UQP29FE
We’ve also gone an hour again, and WordPress doesn’t like it!
This week, we(by we, I mean Don) has found a ton of information to talk about!
Don tells us about a couple of races he statted up from the Crimson Empire comic book series: the Echani and the Thyrsians. He also shows off the Neshtu, a race of rocky pacifists.
Jez Gordon wanted stats for the Harch, an arachnoid race mentioned The Clone Wars. Don provided!
We discuss “cash cow” skills: Pick Pocket, Gambling, Forgery, and the like. Skills that players use to gain coins.
Then there’s the Mandalorian posts by Don: the Bes’uliik and Tra’kad ships, as well as a write-up on Beskar, Mandalorian iron which is incredibly strong. He also wrote up Beskar’kandar, Mandalorian armor.
We’ve got the D-5 Mantis craft from The Old Republic statted out as well.
More Stats!
Nen-Carvon PX-7 Troop Transport