Shooting Womp Rats Episode 46


We’re finally back! Joey’s worked his magic yet again to bring us another episode.

On the agenda for today:

A few extras that popped in are the beginnings of a new GM series, where we take GMs through the basics of the game. Next episode, we’ll be taking GMs through character creation.

I also came up with an idea about generating Wookie characters: roleplay out the Wookie’s rite of passage. Listen to it, plus our submissions of the week, for more!

A shout-out to our friends at the Roll For Initiative podcast for mentioning the G+ community and REUP!

Busy Busy Busy

I’ve been in and out of town all week, thus recording has not been in our stars.

Anyone interested in helping host on the podcast? We could use some guests in order to help for those things when either Don or I just can not get our schedules together. All you need is a microphone.


We will be coming back ASAP, though, so don’t fret!

Shooting Womp Rats Episode 45

Don does more of his magic work with starships:

      1. Corellian CR100 corvette
      2. Stiletto-class Light Corvette
      3. Tector-class Star Destroyer
      4. Vigil-class corvette

Brett Pisinski shares Eyota Nadani with us, a Baragwin arms dealer turned Rebel informant in his game set in the timeline of Star Wars : Rebels.

James Spahn gives us a few First Edition creations:

      1. Mobquet Andromeda-A Repulsor Steed
      2. Incom H-15 Repulsorboard
      3. Nightsister Energy Bow
      4. Alejandro Mendoza Destreza de Pelgia – an exiled saber rake formerly of the Tapani sector
      5. Template: Disgraced Dark Apprentice now working for the Alliance to advance his schemes of vengeance on the Emperor and Darth Vader

Then we discuss Don’s upcoming campaign set in an alternate Star Wars Universe, or what I like to call Star Wars : There Ain’t No Ewoks Here.