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Type: Terrestrial

Temperature: Temperate

Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)

Hydrosphere: Arid

Gravity: Heavy

Terrain: ?

Length of Day: 32 Standard Hours

Length of Year: 244 Local Days

Physical Diameter:  ? km

Sapient Species: 10% Human, 30% Near-Human & 60% other species

Starport: ?

Points of Interest: Skyscan 6, The Dump & Zone 210

Population: ?

Planet Function: ?

Official Language: Galactic Basic Standard

Government: Corporate

Major Cities: Eeookko & Relaali

Tech Level: Space

Major Exports: Raw ore & Precious metals

Major Imports: Foodstuffs, Manufactured Items & Technology

Affiliation: Various Corporations

System: 244Core system

Sun: 1 - 244Core

Moons: 2

Sector: None Listed

Region of Space: Unknown Region

244 Core was an arid, corporate-controlled planet in the Unknown Region.

Containing an abundance of riches, raw materials, and precious metals, it enjoyed a legendary status within its sector. Although the planet was heavily mined over the centuries, none of the Unknown Regions' companies that competed for control of the world made a dent in its considerable resources.

The Skyscan 6 space station was located in orbit above the planet to warn of incoming meteorites and asteroids. The Dump, a former strip mine now left as a junkyard was also located on 244Core.

Eeookko, located in the middle of a giant crater created by a meteorite was a prominent mining site. Relaali, a large city surrounded by mines, company-owned living quarters, three major ground and speeder transportation hubs, and the largest spaceport on the planet.


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