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Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Barren, Stormy & Toxic
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Little & Toxic
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Caverns, Sharp rocks, Toxic seas & Volcanic mountains
Length of Day: 32 Standard Hours
Length of Year: 314 Local Days
Physical Diameter: ? km
Sapient Species: ?
Starport: ?
Points of Interest: Alkaline Sea, Diamond Desert, Forest of Broken Glass, Outpost 17 & Pictograph Caverns
Population: ?
Planet Function: ?
Official Language: Galactic Basic Standard
Government: ?
Major Cities: ?
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: ?
Major Imports: ?
Affiliation: ?
System: Durace system
Sun: 1 - Durace
Moons: 0
Sector: None Listed
Region of Space: Unknown Region
Durace was a toxic, barren planet in a hostile region of space in the Unknown Region. Although the atmosphere was breathable, Durace's hostile weather made colonization difficult.
When first discovered by the Galactic Republic cruiser Galaaron during the Great Hyperspace War, Durace was a pleasant world. At some point though, a large-scale disaster ruined the planet.
Native Flora & Fauna:
Native flora included:
- Alparas flowers
- Carnivorous plant life
Native Fauna included:
- Avka
- Sea Creatures
- Various other predatory wildlife
- Wookieepedia