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The Path of Baadu

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The Path of Baadu

The Baadu, or Gray Jedi, are a rare breed of force users. They consciously try to remain neutral in the struggle between the Dark Side and the true ways of the Jedi. This is not an easy task, and it is harder to attain even a fair amount of neutrality when one is working with the Force. A very specialized Force Power (The Cleansing) is needed for the existence of the Baadu.

Note: Baadu are very rare. NO non-force users (except those with Scholar: Jedi Lore 10D+) should have heard of them, and only Jedi Masters (or any Force users with 30D in total Force Skills) should have heard of them. Note that I say “heard,” and not “be a fountain of youth in the Ways of the Baadu.” GM's should not have their favorite tavern owners spinning off tales of the dozens of Baadu-related stories that they've heard.

History of the Baadu

The Way of the Baadu was spawned from Biirta Baadu, a human Jedi Master who flirted with the Dark Side for much of his very long, Force using life. He never actually became an adept of the Dark Side, but became quite well versed in its use. Biirta managed to develop a Force power that was able to keep him somewhat free from the clutches of the Dark Side. He was always just beyond reach. He never taught anybody his findings, but his journal survived. A few copies of his journal were made, and they exist scattered throughout the galaxy.

The Baadu tend to be very solitary. There is no unity in the ranks of the Baadu, and there may be enmity between members on the rare occasions they meet. The way of the Baadu is a lonely path, and few people can maintain the duality of consciousness it requires.

Most Baadu tend to lead “questionable” lives, doing things along the lines of bounty hunting, smuggling, etc. Although these acts are certainly illegal (for the most part), their evilness can be questioned...

Force Side Points

Instead of just receiving Dark Side points, Baadu receive "Force Side Points". When a Baadu commits an evil act, he receives a Dark Side Point, just like all of the other Force users of the galaxy. When a Baadu commits a good act, he receives a Light Side Point. The principle is the same as for the Dark Side Point, except one receives a Light Side Point when committing good acts.

Baadu are consistently attempting to have ZERO points in both. They want NO Light Side Points and NO Dark Side Points. This can be attained by one of two ways.

  1. Removal of Force Side Points Through Deeds: The Baadu can remove a Dark Side Point by not doing anything evil for ONE adventure/episode. Being “kind of good,” but not good enough to get a Light Side Point. GM's, use your discretion here. Baadu should be able to remove a Dark Side Point by not doing anything evil. Not necessarily being NICE, but even just the good side of neutral. The Baadu can remove a Light Side Point by not doing anything good for ONE adventure/episode. Being “kind of evil,” but not evil enough to get a Dark Side Point. Stuff like killing people who deserve to die, and REALLY enjoying it. Or, if a Baadu was working for the rebels, they'd be able to remove a Dark Side Point by torturing an imperial person who wouldn't talk, to get valuable information.
  2. Removal of Force Side Points Through the Cleansing: When Birtaa Baadu first decided to be a neutral force user, he found that method #1 was unwieldy and cumbersome. There were times when he didn't know where he stood in his “alignment” at the moment. After years of intensive study, he managed to develop a unique and powerful force power -- the Cleansing. The use of this power facilitated advancement through the force. Baadu wondered how he kept the path without it. There were setbacks, but Baadu found the bonuses of the power to outweigh the setbacks.

How to Forget the Ways of the Baadu

  1. If you are using The Cleansing, stop.
  2. If you want to become a Dark Side force user, simply get rid of your Light Side Points, and advance your Dark Side Points to 6. Once the Baadu's Dark Side Points equal 6, the Baadu way is forgotten, perhaps forever.
  3. The operation is the same if the Baadu character wishes to become a Jedi Knight. Simply get rid of all Dark Side Points, and increase Light Side Points to ten. (remember, the Dark side is quicker and easier) Once LS points are brought to ten, all Baadu hindrances and bonuses are lost.

Note: A Baadu character can exceed the Dark Side threshold of 5 DS points and still remain Baadu. To leave the way of the Baadu, a character must actively choose to leave, and the threshold must be exceeded.

Note: The difference threshold should be no more than seven at any time. (i.e. the Dark Side Points minus the Light Side Points should not be greater than 7 or -7) If the difference threshold is exceeded, Baadu lose their abilities (Subtract the lesser number of the Force Side Points from the greater. If there are more Dark Side Points, the resulting number is how many Dark Side Points the Character has. If there are more Light Side Points, the GM can 1.) put Dark Side Points at zero, if the GM does not want to use the Force Side Point System for non-Baadu; 2.) put the resulting number in as Light Side Points.

Force Points and Force Skills

The Baadu receive Force Points for committing acts, just as other Force users do. When they spend a Force Point for good/evil, they get one Force Point back at the end of the adventure/episode. When they use a Force Point for good/evil at the dramatically appropriate moment, they get two Force Points back.

The Baadu can use Dark Side Powers without automatically gaining a Dark Side Point, however they do receive a Dark Side Point if the Dark Side power is used for extreme evil.

It costs 50 - 100% more cp's to raise force skills than a normal Jedi. For example, to raise Control 4D to Control 4D+1, with a Master it would take 6 - 8 Character points, depending on your GM's preference.

As an option, GMs should feel free to impose a dice limit of 5d-10d on Control, Sense, and Alter. This is suggested only if the GM feels this Force-using template is too powerful.


Most Baadu use lightsabers, but some favor blasters. It is a matter of personal preference. If a PC wishes their character to be a blaster toting Baadu, GM's should incorporate the abilities of the Teepo Paladins.

Implementing the Force Side Point System for non-Baadu

Please note that the Force Side Point system introduced for the Baadu might not be ideal for a normal Jedi. The WEG Dark Side Point system does the job quite well, as far as Jedi are concerned. If gm's wish to implement the Force Side Point system for non-Baadu, bear in mind that the Dark Side of the Force is MUCH easier to turn to. Jedi who were totally pure before can be turned to the Dark Side, just as easily as someone who's intentions for the Force were “questionable.”

Editorial: The Baadu Jedi have been a topic of much debate on the Star Wars RPG Mailing List. Many people feel that the Baadu is a cheap way of allowing Jedi to commit evil acts. Jedi should never be allowed to do evil without consequence. That goes against everything the Force is about. The major component in Force using, which keeps a Jedi in check, is his emotional connection to the Force. You take this away and things just become ridiculous. On the other side of the argument are those who feel the nature of the Force is dynamic and always in motion. Nothing, especially something as fluid as the Force, is so cut and dry as to allow only two sides; there has to be a middle ground. Whether you love them or hate them is you’re decision, but it is the GM’s decision to allow them in a game.