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Aces & Eights
Name: Aces & Eights
Craft: Jack Leland Mid-Sized Transport Aces & Eights
Type: Yacht
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 59.4 x 138.1 x 19.8 meters
Weight: 6,000 tons
Skill: Space Transports
Crew: 6; skeleton: 1/+10
Passenger Capacity: 4
Cargo Capacity: 300 tons
Consumables / Fuel Capacity: 125 tons (800 hours)
Cost: Unknown
Maintenance Costs: 54,000 per year
Nav Computer: yes (intra-system only)
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 5; Hard Burn: 7
Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh; Hard Burn: 350; 1,000 kmh
Hull: 4D
- Passive: 40 / 1D
- Scan: 80 / 2D
- Search: 120 / 3D
- Focus: 4 / 4D
- 2x 100 Pound Short Range Missle Launchers
- Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space Range: 1-2/5/9
Atmosphere Range: 10-2,000/5,000/9,000m
Ammunition: 80 total
Damage: 3D
Description: A privately-owned vessel, Aces and Eights is known throughout the Border and outer worlds as the personal transport ship of an eccentric, rich, roving gambler by the name of Jack Leland. Though officially the ship is his preferred accommodations for taking high-stakes poker games outside of the Core, many folk are familiar with the fact that the crew is for hire for certain jobs—hand-picked by level of personal interest as much as money by the owner and Leland’s hired-gun, Captain Maxx Williams.
Aces and Eights, though a mid-size transport, has many expensive amenities. A loft area with low ceilings and exposed pipes allows for incidental storage and an out-of-the way spot for meetings. The rec room comes complete with exercise mats, punching bag, and full set of weights. The galley is a combination kitchen and dining room. A large Cortex access terminal dominates the bow end of the room. The ceiling has four enormous skylights, allowing for an excellent view of the black. The infirmary is rather small for a mid-bulk transport, and is suited to short-term care only.
The hangar holds the Captain’s Launch—a small short-range shuttle that normally integrates into the ship during normal operations. (The roof of the ship opens up to allows the launch exit and entrance to the body of the ship.) Captain Williams and the owner, Jack Leland, are the only two who have access to the launch area. High-tech retinal imaging will lock out all but the most skilled and determined.
The room most often talked-about on the ship is the Game Room, where Leland holds high-stakes poker games when the worlds he visits do not have casinos or hotels suitable to his standard of living. The game room has a card table, billiards table, and liquor cabinet stocked with only the best booze in the ‘Verse.
- The Firefly and Serenity Database: Aces & Eights
- Serenity Role Playing Game (page 117)
- thedemonapostle