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; Shownar
: '''Type:''' Terrestrial
: '''Type:''' Terrestrial
: '''Temperature:''' Temperate
: '''Temperature:''' Temperate

Revision as of 05:43, 12 October 2016

Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Vertag Crystal Spire formations
Length of Day: 25 standart hours
Length of Year: 370 local days
Physical Diameter: ?
Sapient Species: Humans, Shownarri (near-humans), others
Starport: Imperial class (1), Stellar class (2)
Points of interest: ?
Population: 3 billion
Planet Function: Entertainment, Tourism
Official language: Basic
Government: Private ownership with organized crime leanings (Oro Freatt)
Major cities: ?
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Souvenirs
Major Imports: High technology, Luxury goods, Tourism
Affiliation: Galactic Empire

System: Shownar
Sun : ?
Moons : ?
Sector: Parmic sector
Region of Space: Outer Rim

Description: The crystal planet Shownar in Parmic Sector is a place of stunning natural beauty that not even the introduction of gfalactic civilization has dimmed. The planet is unique, consisting of three large land masses that are entirely compsed of a rare form of Vertag crystal. The crystals formed in spires several kilometers tall, which at night glow with faint blue light. The wind rushing between the spires at higher altitudes creates a haunting, ghostly harmonic wave, called "Shownar Lullaby" which is incredibly beautiful and soothing.

Most spectacular, though, is the planet's proximity to the celestial oddity, the Torch Nebula. The Torch Nebula is an immense cloud of gases and elements, or "star stuff", that at night fills Shownar's sky with a spectacular light show of blue and red fire.

Source: Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim