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User:Kurst/DarkSpace Sector

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The Darkspace Nebula from the Outside

The sector of space referred to as Darkspace (called the Twenty Worlds by its inhabitants) is an obscure (literally) area of about 50 lightyears diameter in the Unknown Regions of the Galaxy. It is permeated by Dark Matter and Dark Energy elements of the cosmos that are only hypothesized about and are far from being understood yet. This permeation causes the sector to look like a gigantic nebula made up of a cloud of luminous gases and cosmic dust that contains a big bubble of emtiness, like something exploded with a big bang a long time ago and now only the hollow shell of hot cosmic debris is left. As a matter of fact, the Dark Matter and Energy shields the systems within from ordinary scans (and vice versa), hiding about twenty settled star sytems and many more unsettled ones. Contact between the inside of the nebula and the outside is extremely difficult and not thought possible currently by the residents (with very few exceptions). Thus life in the Twenty Worlds runs in slightly different lines than life outside of the Darkspace nebula. There are some otherwise unknown species. There are several concepts of "The Force" that have nothing to do with what the Order of the Jedi believes in. Some strange technolöogy developed. And remnants of an old holocaust have started to haunt the void between the worlds.

The Darkspace nebula had actually been settled around 13500 BBY but it was written off as lost due to a complete lack of communication (caused by the intrinsic properties of the nebula) and was subsequently forgotten. Against all odds the settlement managed to hang on and even thrieve on it's own, starting a colonial empire of its very own among the nebula's worlds.

Map of the Twenty Worlds
  • Atlasis system
    1. Atlasis - the waterworld
  • Bothom system
    1. Bothom - the jungle world
  • Crotliv system
    1. Crotliv - world of the free
  • Dresden system
    1. Dresden - the dead world
  • Gant system
    1. Gant - target of all factions
  • Geideri system
    1. Geideri - the cradle of civilization
    2. Kish - world of entertainment
  • Haredda system
    1. Haredda - gas giant mining colonies
  • Haven system
    1. Haven - independent asteroid colony
  • Kaelot system
    1. Kaelot - the archeological mystery
  • Leisarn system
    1. Leisarn - the socialist mining world
  • Lo Bidar system
    1. Lo Bidar - world of intrigue, political schemes and warfare
  • Mystalis system
    1. Mystalis - the "magical" world
  • Palamad system
    1. Palamad - the desert world
  • Retridine system
    1. Retridine - the world of crafts
  • Thra system
    1. Thra - world of alien mystics
  • Tiomon system
    1. Erepodi - ecological and political power keg
    2. Tiomon - world of knowledge
  • Wesridon system
    1. Wesridon - world of alien savages
  • Zairic system
    1. Zairic - the frozen world
History of Darkspace
Daily Life in the Sector
Glossary of Terms and Terminology



History of Darkspace

Timeline Calculation

9462 YI ≈ 2 ATC ≈ 3,652 BBY

The Beginnings

? Years before recorded time
At an unknown date, humanity settled Geideri Prime and fought to establish a new civilization as communication with their origins had been lost.
Year 1
A religious order of settlers founds The Citadel to act against the public fear that "the colony was left to die". The belief was based on a creator force/entity called "Immotos" that protects and is a source of strength. Time starts to be recorded as Y.I.
1 - 228
Records of events in this time are very sketchy at best. Different forms of societies and governments compete on Geideri. Supposedly during this time the UrSek made contact with humanity when they themselves arrived in Darkspace to settle the world of Thra.
An imperial government gains control of all of Geideri.
Through guidance by the UrSek humanity uses Magic for interworld-travel, sets foot on the third planet of the Geideri-system and names it Kish. As Magic is not in widespread use, no actual colonization occurs at this time.
First development of HardTech interworld transport.
Kish is colonized using HardTech transportation.

The Mighty Grasp

2100 - 2250
The worlds Kaelot, Palamad, and Gant are colonized.
2500 - 2600
Haredda, Atlasis, Tiomon, and Erepodi are brought into the growing empire.
Malthan is crowned the first Interworld Emperor. Liophods are encountered for the first time by humans.
The Emperor Resad I begins the longest lasting Interworld Dynasty.
Palamad wins its freedom from the Empire.
Dresden wins its freedom from the Empire.
The Resad Empire begins its decline.
Citadel moves its homeworld to Palamad.
The Princes of Palamad start building an empire of their own and attempt to take lands on Tiomon and Erepodi, resulting in a war between these three worlds.
The Resad Empire has no more interworld provinces under its control. It becomes a planetary government on Geideri.
Palamad controls all of Tiomon and Erepodi and much of Atlasis
The Palamadi Empire falls. Palamad itself is divided up among its many princes.
Last known contact with the UrSek of Thra
The Quan are first encountered.

The Wars of Devastation

Cartel forms.
Wars of Devatation begin.
Wars of Devastation end. Interworld Senate is formed.

The Early Years

Settlement of the Twenty Worlds is complete. All worlds are independent at this time (though not all worlds are united).
Dresden is annihilated by the Citadel.
The Citadel attacks Haven, but is turned back.
The Cartel sends assassins against The Twelve of Haven.

The Pirathon Purge

Pirathon breaks away from the Citadel Orthodoxy.
Computers all over the Twenty Worlds go awry, starting with the Gamegrids of Kish where thousands are killed as a direct result.
Citadel issues the Pirathon Doctrine. The Pirathon Purge begins.
First bioship, a major SofTech™ product, is created.
The Pirathon Purge ends.

The Rise of SofTech

Cartel (with Pirathon backing) begins major SofTech™ production.
Interworld Senate reforms and the race of UrRu makes contact with humanity on Geideri

The Worlds Today

9462 - The present
Today the worlds are a strange combination of "magic" and technology. Society in most places is fairly primitive, using iron or steel swords for weapons, stone and wood for construction and animal mounts for transportation. In other areas, it is sophisticated with interworld travel, biotechnology and huge factories. The reason for this discrepancy in technology and in society in general is the lack of travel and communication between worlds. Most of the worlds and the people that populate them are almost completely isolated from each other. The only exception to this are the very powerful or priviledged individuals. "Magic" is not terribly common, but its use permeates both ends of society.
150 years after The Purge, the Pirathon Doctrine is now well accepted. After so much time, people have grown accustomed to the current state of affairs. The tales of the previous days of high technology are just that - tales.
Local governments control the various worlds or nations, but the Citadel's influence is everywhere, with temples in very city. The Cartel is still in the process of re-establishing itself in society, building new factories and corporate cities for their employees to live in. Lorists continue to study and record all the knowledge they can find. The Senate is trying to re-establish its place in the governments of the Worlds, but its power is certainly not yet what it once was.

Daily Life in the Darkspace Sector


Glossary of Darkspace Terminology

A - E

The Aiute
Aiute is a concept that is revered on Sylva. No one seems to know if it is a force or an entity, but it seems to be at least semi-sentient and is strongly connected to music, dance and art.
Favorite sport on Atlasis but slowly gaining a fan following all over the Twenty Worlds. It is played underwater by two teams of 6 players each, trying to score goals with a ball in an underwater arena.
The Cartel
The huge corporate conglomerate that controls most of the commerce in the Twenty Worlds. It is second in power and influence only to the Citadel, its arch-rival organization. The Cartel are the main producers of SofTech™ and CrysTech™.
  • CBD
The Cartel's Bio Design department, which manages non-sentient creatures designed for various purposes.
  • CTD
The Transport Division. They specialize in the transportation of goods and people over any distance. Presently an expensive way to travel (see → Travel) though before the Purge it had bee fairly cheap.
  • CVE
Cartel Void Engineering - a "product management group" of the Cartel, that is responsible for starsea products.
  • CWW
Cartel Water World - Cartel "product management group" for water based developments
Chaos Storms
Naturally occuring extremely violent electrical storms on Gant with enough power to rip holes into reality. Target of many organizations.
A kind of large flightless bird native to the world of Crotliv. These birds are popuar for racing and as riding/draft/work/search animals as they are versatile and can be easily bred for specific tasks without resorting to bioengineering/SofTech™.
The Citadel
The Citadel also known simply as "the Church" is a religious organization that is the most powerful force within the Twenty Worlds. Its priests and bishops control most of the population and the governments through their influence.
  • CML
The Citadel Mystics Legion is one of the main branches in the organization of the Citadel and is mainly concerned with the powers that Immotos grants to followers. The Arms-Research Division actually manufactures a limited amount of weapons based on Immotos principles.
Corporate War
War between the Cartel and the council of Retridine in 6270 when the Cartel tried to swallow the economy of Retridine by moving their headquarters to that world. The Cartel was fought back and the realtions have been uneasy at best.
CrysTech™ is technology based on "living" crystals. These crystals can be grown with many different properties, from providing material for tools and building material, coating of surfaces to change properties, light refraction and manipulation, sound damping, alteration and amplification, to conductors and storage of force powers.
CYBERDRUG SESSION - the new you!
Also: "power pulses" or "impulse treatment". Not actually drugs, but "medical" applications of specifically controlled and directed electrical impulses to the human brain to produce various effects (see: →Cyberdrugs & Cyberdrug Application). Legal HardTech application, but restricted to specialized physicians and therapeutical medics that have a licence. Since Cyberdrugs have been restricted a number of naturally harvested or mined substances known as Spice have come up.
A force user who was taught by the #Dargonathian College
Dark Energy
A kind of energy that emanates from a different, completely alien dimension into the galaxy. It cannot be detected by RealSpace technology, it can only be sensed and manipulated through Magic and seems to somehow be connected to the concept of "The Force". It can cause RealSpace energy signals to dampen and/or distort. The existance of Dark Energy is mostly still a rumor.
Dark Matter
A kind of completely alien matter from a different dimension. It does not interact with RealSpace matter or energy in any way, except for blocking or absorbing energy flows. It does not register on active scanners of any sort, but can be indirectly detected because it blocks all energy signals, creating a kind of scanner "shadow". The existance of Dark Matter is mostly still a rumor.
Short for Darkspace sector. A large intragalactic nebula in the Unknown Region territories that contains the Twenty Worlds. It is called "Dark" because no stars within are visible or eaven measurable from the outside. Even within the nebula, the light of the stars diminishes with distance and stars outside of the nebula are completely invisible, blocked out by the Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the nebula.
Encyclopedia Templica
Encyclopedia Templica
Most encompassing work of reference in the Twenty Worlds, published by the Citadel. Available as 201-volume hardcover edition, or as multimedia edition on molecular storage disc, or data-crystal. Please note that all works of reference must be Citadel-approved.

F - J

A five hundred square kilometers area in Kish with arenas, stadiums and centers, where all immaginable games, sports and competitions can be watched and played.
Some examples:
  • Chocobo races
  • various card or similar games like "Tetra Master", "Triple Triad", or "Sphero'Break"
  • live-action games like "Gunner's Gauntlet"
Gemini Society
Gemini Socienty
A religious order revering the duality of the universe: good and evil, law and chaos, light and dark, high and low, etc. They have small followings on many worlds, but they are a very small group compared to the Citadel.
Also called "OldTech". All technology that is based on plastics, metals, and on conventional mechanics, electronics, computers and engines. Most HardTech ist illegal in the Twenty Worlds since the Pirathon Doctrine.
IG (Immotigens)
IG Coins
Currency in the form of silver coins that is distributed and supported by the Citadel. Coins of different size, thickness and imagery designate different values. In general 2 IG are worth 1 ₮ (Tradit).
IDF - Interword Defense Force
Interworld Defense Force
The Interworld Defense Force acts as the law encorcement agency of the Interworld Senate. It is one of the three elite forces of the Twenty Worlds.
Diety of the Citadel that is an all-powerful, non-antropomorphic creator.
Impulse Treatment
see →Cyberdrugs
Interworld Senate
Government of the Twenty Worlds. Formed 6145 at the end of the Wars of Devastation. Twenty elected senators, one from each world, are responsible for laws that concern policies between worlds. The senate has control of the Interworld Defence Force as their law enforcement agency. Reformed in 9312 when interworld relationships were slowly reestablished after the Pirathon Purge.
Iron God & Mother Machine
Iron God & Mother Machine
In the days of OldTech, the Iron God and the Mother Machine were worshipped in many places on most worlds. The Cartel tried to make them more important than Immotos, resulting in the Wars of Devastation over three thousand years ago. The Iron God and Mother Machine remain obscure alchemical concepts today, known only by a few and worshipped by even fewer reactionary individuals or groups in remote places.

K - O

Term often used by humans to refer to the Quan of Wesridon
An amoeba-like, space-faring race that prey on humanoids. They do not seem to originate from any of the Twenty Worlds
Lords of the Five Chains
Secret organization of force users seeking to gain power. It is rumored that they are centered around an extremely powerful ancient artifact. They are greatly feared by the Citadel
An organization headquartered in Belragor (capital of Geideri), that is all about the collection and distribution of knowledge.
Local (Twenty Worlds) popular idea of The Force. Usually means light side applications of the Force. See also →[[#Sorcery|Sorcery].
Metamorphs are either intelligent beings created through SofTech™ based upon human DNA, human embryos changed through SofTech™, or humans given massive SofTech™ gene-modification treatment. Metamorphs often have inhuman powers and abilities.
MicrOrgs™ is a SofTech™ technology based on tailored, bioengineered micro-organisms to produce various effects:
  • TempOrgs™ are applied to an individual and affect the user for a limited amount of time before the micro-organisms die.
  • PermOrgs™ are implanted in an individual where the keep living in a kind of symbiotic relationship to produce various effects.
  • BuildOrgs™ are applied to or coated onto objects.
Mighty Grasp
A time (around 2000 YI to 6000 YI) when the worlds in Darkspace where arressively settled by the people of Geideri and much technological progress was made.
Local (Twenty Worlds) slang for Hyperspace. Maybe it's not absolutely the same as Hyperspace as hereabouts it has some strange and unusual properties compared to what is known as Hyperspace in the rest of the Galaxy, but it's close enough. In general, travelling through Nullspace would take 2 days per RealSpace-lightyear at a x1 Nullspeed multiplier, but reaching this speed is rare, expensive and takes a lot of guidance skill and/or bioengineering.
see →HardTech

P - T

Palamad Empire
Dynastic Interworld Empire from 3620 to 3885, under the rule of the Three Princes of Palamad. At its height it extended from Palamad to Tiomon, Erepodi, and Atlasis.
A religious off-shoot of the Citadel who initiated the Pirathon Doctrine that resulted in the Pirathon Purge.
Pirathon Doctrine
The Citadel issued belief that computers, robots, androids and most other HardTech items are unholy and blasphemous.
The Doctrine states:
  • None shall build a machine that moves - for movement is the privilege of the living
  • None shall build a machine that thinks - for thinking is the privilege of man
  • None shall build a machine that ceates power - for power is the privilege of Immotos
Pirathon Purge
8306 - 8315: Time after the declaration of the Pirathon Doctrine when HardTech was actively sought out by the Citadel and destroyed. This plunged the Twenty Worlds into chaos as the worlds were cut off from each other. Travel and trade were no longer possible.
Power Pulses
see →Cyberdrugs
The Preservationists are a group reactionary HardTech supporters who oppose the Pirathon Doctrine and wish to bring back the "good old days". They are necessarily secretive.
The Quan are a race of bipedal, digitigrade, mammalian felines, native to the world of Wesridon.
Also called "Space", "The Void", or "Starsea". The vacuum of space that seperates moons, planets, and stars.
A specific form of mass-produced metamorph, created with very little free-will capabilities. They are used as slaves throughout the Twenty Worlds.
Resad Empire
Empire dynasty that began with Resad I and lasted from 3107 to 3683. It spanned multiple worlds in the Darkspace sector during most of its time.
Scarlet Underground
An elaborate interworld network of freelancers, rogues, mercenaries, fences, dealers, bounty hunters and similarly shady professionals that are highly sought after, but do not always wish to be found.
SofTech™ is a kind of technology based on bioengineered organisms, based on biofeedback, metabolism-control and biomechanics.
Grey or dark use of the Force in the form of "spells" or abilities. See also →Magic
Since the Pirathon Doctrine and thus restriction of Cyberdrugs, several organic substances have emerged that stimulate or dull the human senses. These substances have come to be collectively known as "spice". Spice differs from TempOrgs™ in that they mostly affect senses and have no medical application.
  • Atlasis Spice - a substance from some kind of sea slug that has healing properties, but also affects the mind. Illegally collected and refined on Atlasis.
  • Crystal Dust - a sparkling dust from Leisarn - causes euphoria as well as calmness and obedience.
  • Decansh Spice - special dried and ground grass seeds from Wesridon. Causes a very mild euphoria for Quan, but may cause strange visions for humans.
  • Palamad Spice - an illegal substance that affects force sensitivity. It is "mined" on Palamad.
Standard Day
A standard day is 24 standard hours long, based on a day on the world Geideri. Work shifts throughout the Twenty Worlds are measured in standard days although days on specific worlds are usually either longer or shorter than that.
Standard Year
A standard year is 360 standard days. This is based on the year of the world Geideri.
Local (Twenty Worlds) slang for RealSpace
Temple Gates
Interworld gateways through NullSpace in the form of temple like structures that can be activated through powerful Magic that only the Citadel knows how to use.
The Twelve
Mysterious rulers of Haven, an asteroid mining colony in an otherwise lifeless system. The mining colony once belonged to the Cartel.
Twenty Worlds slang for a criminal, crime boss, drug addict, gambler, deviant, etc. Originally meant someone coming from Ryssar on Crotliv.
The ™-logo designates a Cartel product, brand or service.
₮ (Tradits)
Common currency for interworld commerce in the Twenty Worlds, distributed and backed by the Cartel. Tradits are small plastic discs that are colored according to their value. 1 ₮ is worth 2 IG (Immotigens)
Twenty Worlds
The twenty worlds that were settled by humans from Geideri. All of these worlds' star systems are located within the large nebula also known as Darkspace.

U - Z

The race of the UrRu are lumbering, hunched, four armed beings from the world of Thra. They contacted humanity when the Interworld Senate reformed in 9312.
Ancient race of tall, four armed, wise beings, strong in the Force, that settled on the world of Thra and had been allies of humanity throughout the first five millennia in Darkspace after which they suddenly disappeared.
see →RealSpace
Local [#Twenty Worlds|Twenty Worlds]] slang for documented hyperspace routes. Green routes are well documented, so travel is fastest and easiest. Blue routes are moderately documented, and vio (short for violet) routes are at least documented which is way better than no documentation at all. Also see → Travel
Wars of Devastation
6051 - 6145: Wars that broke out between the Citadel and the Cartel over the control of human society. The war ended inconclusive with a treaty that left the newly formed Interworld Senate as a safety catch for the activities of the Cartel.
YI or Y.I.
Y.I. stands for Year of Immotos and designates the year after the foundation of the Citadel. The Immotos year is based on the year on Geideri where the Citadel was founded: 360 Geideri days at 24 hours a day. Also see →History of Darkspace

The Twenty Worlds

The Darkspace sector contains maybe many more star systems than twenty, but around twenty worlds in those systems are terrestial in type or interesting enough enough to have been settled.

Game Note: Darkspace planet templates writeups include an additional characteristic: Force Flux. This is caused by the massive amount of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in that sector, which seems to be somehow connected to the flow of the Force. The value of this characteristic is given as a positive or negative modifier to Force Skill checks made on that world.


Type: Terrestial (15800 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Saturated, nearly all of the surface is underwater
Gravity: 0.9
Force Flow: standard
Terrain: ocean, forest lakes (massive "trees" growing out of the water in a dense forest-like area, sheltered by a high, rugged atoll)
Length of day: 23.5 standard hpd
Length of year: 409 local dpy, 400.5 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: abundance of marine life (fish, mollusks, corals, etc.), some amphibians, no birds, reptiles or mammals
Population: 1 million
Planet Function: Waterworld
Governments: Matriarchal monarchy
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals: Erthin (100 thousand)
Other Cities: Paratal, Verott, Nortomm, Mijarinthon, Jaibali, Worot, Aqual, Zibeshal, Uyremas, Gianem, Collogi
Starport: Erthin - limited servicePLUS
Points of Interest: Erthin and its Blitzball stadium, rumors of a water-breathing native species,
Tech Level: mainly between Stone Age and Industrial Age, with some notable exceptions based on ancient OldTech and magical artifices.
Resources: Fish, water plants, tidal & coriolis energy
Needs: Cloth, metals, plastics, glass, technology of any sort
System: Atlasis-System
Star: Sipricol
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. Atlasis
  3. gas giant
  4. gas giant
  5. frigid rock
Description: Atlasis' surface is covered with water. In some areas the great ocean is very shallow, forming what other-worlders would call a deep marsh. In such areas, called "forest lakes" by the local inhabitants, the water is only 3 to 6 meters deep. Tree-like plants based upon the ocean's bed below, grow up out of the water, forming dense forest-like areas. These forest lakes are usually sheltered by strings of high atolls, too steep and rugged for farming. Most of the ocean, however, simply resembles the seas of other planets. In its deepest areas, the ocean floor is estimated to be more than 15 kilometers below the surface. The open waters are subject to fierce coriolis storms more severe than on any other known world. As woulds be expected, there is an abundance of marine life on Atlasis. There are no avians, reptiles or mammals, although some amphibious life has developed in the forest lakes, dwelling either in the water or in the trees.
Most of the population lives in floating cities, constructed primarily of wood obtained from the forst lakes. Those cities are located in safe locations, sheltered by atolls or huge underwater reefs. The capital Erthin City is different and a true wonder to behold. Located within a protective atoll, it is actually a ancient floating HardTech platform that houses the Blitzball stadium in its center: an arena around a massive HardTech device that is able to project a spherical force field that is completely filled with water when a game is about to start. It originally escaped the Pirathon Purge by chance and was later sanctioned by the Citadel because it does not contain any robotic or computer features and for the positive effects the game has on the population.
The governmental system is a matriarchal monarchy, and all the important officials in the government are women. The men carry out the economics - the farming, the fishing, etc. The farmers and fishermen of this world are the backbone of the Atlasian economy. Offworlders prize the unique plants and fishes available here, thus in the area of interworld trade (a very limited area), the local populace does fairly well. So much needs to be imported to this world however, that its people are poor by most standards.
One or two percent of the population are metamorphs with gills or other means to live underwater. Many of the wealthier citizens or groups live underwater in homes bound to a protective reef and own replicants with gills that tend underwater farms. Through SofTech science, humans have also developed Domesharks to carry them through and under ther water and a number of large indigenous fish are captured and trained to use as mouts or to pull boats. There are persistent rumors on Atlasis that a race of water-breathing humanoids dwells beneath the waves of this world. They ride upon huge dinosaur-like fish. It seems to have no basis in fact although it is a colorful local tale.
History: Altalis' history has been one of frequent wars and uprisings. Founded in 2535, still at the beginnings of the Mighty Grasp, a colony was placed on the world, but it was a long time before anyone seriously thought of putting a large permanent settlement there. The vigorous civilization that sprang from the settlement was invaded and almost completely taken over by the Palamad Empire in 3690. The forces of the existing monarchy on Atlasis fought against them using guerilla tactics. When the great imperial days ended, and worlds began to form their own government, a hereditary monarchy began on Atlasis. In 5170, the great queen Uvremi ascended the throne. It was under her rule that the population expanded and other cities besides Erthin were built. After her death in 5230, it was a continued tradition and policy that women should hold all governmental positions.
Soon after her death, a number of discontent factions grew among the populace. These groups, it is thought, descended directly from the resistance forces that fought against the Princes of Palamad long before. Raids were made both on starships arriving at and leaving from the planet and planetary transport craft. The rebels, based themselves out in forest lakes. Sporadically these groups continue to terrorize the cities and transports of the world, and at times have spurred actual wars against the monarchy. It should be noted that these groups are not united and fight among themselves as well.
Nullspace Travel: Palamad: 7½ days, Gant: 9 days, Geideri, 9½ days, Lo Bidar: 15 days, Haven: 15 days, Zairic: 15 days


Type: Terrestial (16200 km diameter).
Temperature: Hot
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Saturated (most of the surface is underwater, but no more than a few feet)
Gravity: 1.0
Force Flow: +1D pips
Terrain: mostly jungles, swamps and marshes
Length of day: 25.2 standard hpd
Length of year: 342 local dpy, 359.1 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: varied: birds, arthropods, and reptiles; some reptiles grow up to 30 meters long; Zimmev1)
Population: 1 billion
Planet Function: Source of biomaterial for SofTech™
Government: Various communal governments, main church is Pirathon
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals: Verwuth (1 million)
Other Cities: Gerralt, Kappil, Torulod, Dertaar, Zalphun, Rotterdan, Asmolod, Lidderdeal, Firot
Starport: many with limited service
Points of Interest: Rumored huge laboratory complex with a hoard of HardTech
Tech Level: Feudal Age
Resources: Biomaterial, specialized crops, specialized wood
System: Bothom-System
Star: Avalyn
System Log:
  1. Bothom - no moon, but several rings
Besides the one planet, there are two thick belts of asteroids and many "stray" asteroids which fill the system.
Description: Bothom's surface is covered with jungles, swamps and marshes. Heavy clouds dominate the atmosphere which is saturated with water, making it an extremely hot, greenhouse world. Only at the poles do temperatures plunge below freezing at any time. Water covers most of the land, but in only very isolated areas is itr deeper than just a few feet. Highland areas comprise small islands, but even these are very wet.
Bothom has a number of large cities and many smaller towns and villages. The more wealthy inhabitants have home cooling systems, poorer must simply endure the heat and humidity. The Cartel has developed a SofTech™ coolsuit to fight the enviornment of Bothom, but again, it is mostly only affordable for the wealthiest. Many of the world's citizens harvest specialized crops in cleared areas or collect valuable flora and timbers from the surrounding jungle.
The natural fauna of the world is quite varied. There are no mammals, but a large number of birds, arthropods and reptiles. Some of the reptiles grow very large - 20 to 30 meters long.
There is rumored to be a huge laboratory complex deep in the jungle that survived the Pirathon Purge and contains a hoard of Hardtech items. It was supposedly a research center studying the flora and fauna of Bothom. The center's location, and even definite proof of its existence, are not known.
History: Bothom has long been a planet of great worth because of the special plants that grow only in its steamy jungles. These plants provide the important ingedients for many drugs (both medicinal and recreational) that are used in the Twenty Worlds. Many have wanted to control Bothom, but few ever wanted to dwell there. It was the last world to become independent of otherworldly government control.
The world was colonized in 4584 by forces from Dresden, and remained under their control for almost one thousand years. Then, when the Dresden empire had collapsed, Bothom fell under the jurisdiction of first Palamad, and then Kaelot. In 6438, Bothom won its independence from Kaelot in a short and relatively bloodless war.
When the Pirathon split from the orthodox Citadel, many of its followers came to Bothom. The world has remained a Pirathon-controlled planet ever since. Even today, the Pirathon uses its relationship with Vothom to appease the Citadel with rare plant materials when needed.
Bothom has remained unchanged for most of its history. The population has grown slowly but steadsily as the need for workers to gather needed plants increased.
Nullspace Travel: Retridine: 10 days, Haven: 13 days, Geideri: 13½ days, Kaelot: 17 days, Gant: 18 days, Leisarn: 27 days
1) Zimmev
Type: Omnivorous jungle myriapod
Brawling 2D+1*
Move: 7 (maximum is "Cruising Movement")
  • Armor shell (+1D physical and energy restistance)
Size: 5-45 cm
Frequency: Common (Easy to find)
Game Notes: These are the statistics of an individual creature. When attacking, Zimmev form a swarm that increases in numbers constantly round. That means that each round Brawling increases by +1 pip and effective STRENGTH increases by +1D. The maximum increase is +4/+4D for human sized targets and can be much more for larger targets. Their mandibles and pincers are unable to pierce metal or hard plastics (e.g. Synthisteel or Duriplast) so if someone is fully encased he's safe, but not if there are weaker joints (like most non-powered armors). A "stun" or "wound" to the swarm drives away enough creatures to reduce the swarm bonus by 1/1D for a round. An "incapacitated" swarm drops away from the target and must begin to attack anew.
The Zimmev is uncomfortably common on the world of Bothom. It is a black, myriapodic creature that can reach the size of a man's forearm. It has four pincered legs, ten with smaller pincers for movement, and short but strong mandibles. It does not fear any creature. Even the huge reptiles that stalk Bothom's forests can be brought down by a swarm of these omnivorous arthropods. When one of these creatures is attacked it emits a squeal and releases pheromones that call more of it's kind for assistance. Rarely they come in a particularly large swarm and eat everything in their path, making the normally green landscape black with their presence.


Type: Terrestial (13000 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moderate to Moist, 2/3 of surface underwater
Gravity: 1.1
Force Flow: standard
Terrain: varied
Length of day: 20.1 standard hpd
Length of year: 556 local dpy, 465.7 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: Thyph 1) (giant predatory birds), Chocobo 2) (large flightless birds, bred for different purposes), otherwise varied but unremarkable
Population: 4 billion
Planet Function: Place for free thinkers & black market and gambling location
Government: Council of Three Hundred (elected officials).
Official Language: Geiderin
Capital: Quirminus (10 million)
Other Cities: Finnor, Silthor, Winth, Tari, Ryssar, Thunn Goi, Mi, Karotosh, Olanth
Starport: Quirminus, Ryssar: standard class
Points of Interest: Black market of Ryssar 3) (independent city of corruption and decadence; 2 million)
Tech Level: between Information Age and Space Age
Resources: domesticated and bred Chocobo
System: Crotliv-System
Star: Riptiss
System Log:
  1. searing rock (twin world of 2., orbitting each othe as well as the sun)
  2. searing rock (twin world of 1., orbiting each other as well as the sun)
  3. Crotliv - 4 moons: Brandon, Heidro, Lisin, Christot
  4. temperate rock - no atmosphere
  5. temperate rock - no atmosphere
  6. gas giant
  7. gas giant
  8. gas giant
  9. frigid rock
  10. frigid rock
  11. frigid rock
  12. frigid rock
Description: Crotliv is well populated for its size. The climate on the five major continents varies from arctic to tropical. The planet is governed by a council made up of three hundred elected officials. A massive buteaucracy handles all governmental activities other than official lawmaking, which is the jurisdiction of the council.
The flora and fauna of Crotliv are not particularly remarkable, although they are quite varied. Giant eagle-like birds called Thyph inhabit the inner mountains of the world and present a danger to travellers. They are easily large enough to carry off a man. Laso a kind of large flightless birds called Chocobo are bred for various purposes (pet, riding, work, etc.). Chocobo races have become quite an attraction on Kish since interworld trade has started again slowly.
History: Settlement of Crotliv occurred relatively late in history. In 5612, this world, one of the farthest from Geideri in the Twenty Worlds, was established as a colony founded by that first planet of men in Darkspace. The colonists were comprised of vsionaries and politicval dissidents. It was the last settlement of Geideri. When that planet was swept by a frenzy for individual liberties (an effect for which the colonists of Crotliv planted the seeds), Crotliv easily gained its own freedom with the support of the people of Geideri.
These ideas of personal liberty and freedom spurred the creation of the Council of Three Hundred which governs Crotliv to this day. The history of this world after that point is rather uneventful. Crotliv was spared much of the violence of the Pirathon Purge, since it was so far from the hub of civilization.
Nullspace Travel: Mystalis: 15½ days, Haredda: 16&frac; days, Kaelot: 19½ days, Geideri: 23 days, Tiomon: 25½ days
1) Thyph
Type: giant aggressive avian predator
Brawling:Claws 6D+2 :Beak 5D+1
Move: 30
  • Beak STR+1D+1
  • Claws STR+2D
Size: 10 meter wingspan
Scale: Speeder
Frequency: Uncommon (Moderate difficult to find)
Game Notes: [...]
2) Wild Chocobo
Wild Chocobo
Type: large flightless birds
Brawling 3D+1
Search 3D+2
Move: 35 (no all-out movement)
  • Clawed Kick does STR+1D+2
  • Fluttering Jump - if a Chocobo can make a running start and beat its stubby wings it gets +5D to Jumping rolls
Size: 2.5 meters tall
Scale: Creature
Orneriness: 3D
Frequency: Common (Easy to find)
Game Notes: These large flightless birds have turned out to be easy to breed for various purposes.
3) Ryssar
is a city of over two million people, occupying the banks of the Thistledown River in the center of the world's larges continent. Ryssar is known to be one of the most decadent and corrupt locales in all the Worlds. It is an independent city, nestled amid a large mountain chain. The planetary government does little to affect what occurs within the city's walls, but does restrict movement into and out of Ryssar, known to be the abode of criminals of all types. It is also a political haven, an excellent location for black market activities, and a center for gambling and any other vice. In comparison to many cities, Ryssar is completely lawless.


Type: Terrestial (16900 km diameter).
Temperature: Cool (grey or black due to atmospheric alterations sky blocks out the sun)
Atmosphere: Type II (ratiation and biochemical pollution)
Hydrosphere: Moist, 3/4 of surface underwater
Gravity: 1.0
Force Flow: +1D (Dark Side)
Terrain: varied
Length of day: 26 standard hpd
Length of year: 379 local dpy, 410.6 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: devoid of life (some lower life forms still survive)
Population: 0 (officially)
Planet Function: War memorial - after a horrible war, the planet was left devastated and lifeless
Government: none
Official Language: Geiderin (theoretical)
Capitals: Chinmora (formerly)
Other Cities: All cities are in ruins. Only Pthaos and Rastrogen were left in a state that has any buildings left.
Starport: none
Points of Interest: War Memorial Monolith
Tech Level: No technology left
Resources: none
System: Dresden-System
Star: Thanosh
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. hot rock - no atmosphere
  3. temperate with Type III atmosphere
  4. Dresden - no moons
  5. gas giant
Description: [...]


Type: Terrestial (9850 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moist, 4/5 of surface underwater
Gravity: 0.7
Force Flow: standard
Terrain: beaches, mountains, forests
Length of day: 19.9 standard hpd
Length of year: 410 local dpy, 340 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: Essao (four-legged, blue-plumed birds with sharp beaks and four eyes)
Population: 2½ billion
Planet Function: Former resort, now Cartel factory world, ecological and political powder-keg
Governments: Elected prime minister and cabinet
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals: Jubiliv Thermoc (1 million)
Other Cities: Zoral, Cala Bitar, White Lavinsa, Nor Laromm, Vishone, Calitosh Rithon
Starports: limited service
Points of Interest:
Tech Level: between Industrial and Information Age
Resources: low gravity, beautiful landscape, SofTech™ factories
System: Tiomon-System
Star: Zithos Cir
System Log:
  1. hot rock - no atmosphere
  2. Erepodi - 3 moons: Nurem, Deic, Thinnos
  3. Tiomon - no moon
  4. frigid rock
Description: [...]


Type: Terrestial (16200 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moist, 3/4 of surface underwater
Gravity: 1.0
Force Flow: +2 pips
Terrain: varied (equatorial jungles with low rising resilient growth due to frequent violent storms)
Length of day: 29.1 standard hpd
Length of year: 306 local dpy, 371 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: Arwolf 1)
Population: 2 billion
Planet Function: Self-sufficient target of major sector factions
Governments: Monarchy (Great Orontiph), elected council of elders headed by royal line (Nuinam).
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals: Gidear (Great Orontiph, 2 million), Minnum (Nuinam, 1.5 million)
Other Cities: Nuinam: Chon, Dictolon, Icen; Great Orontiph: Yron, Tesar, Lorthen
Starport: Gidear, Minnum, Beremit - limited service
Points of Interest: Equatorial Chaos Storms
Tech Level: between Information Age and Space Age
Resources: Energy (dangerous), trained Arwolves (rare)
System: Gant-System
Star: Pollea
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. hot rock with type III atmosphere and oceans
  3. Gant - 1 moon: Beremit (inhabited)
  4. cool rock - no atmosphere
  5. gas giant
  6. gas giant
  7. frigid rock
Description: Gant is a medium sized world with three fourths of its surface underwater. Sea transport is common.
Nuinam and Great Orontiph are the only two nations on Gant. Both are mighty states. Primarily, Nuinam controls the northern continent, while the southern continental areas are ruled by the King of Great Orontiph. Nuinam is jointly governed by a royal line of twin kings (the line was altered through the Force to always produce twins) and a council of elected elders.
The jungles of the world's equatorial region possess an odd phenomenon. Because of strange climatic reactions with elements in both the air and on the surface, electrical storms of incredible ferocity foment often. The amounts of energy generated by the storms are so violent that the fabric of reality is rent asunder and gateways to other locations in RealSpace, NullSpace, and entirely other realities are sometimes created. The energy releases are referred to as Chaos Storms.
Because of these gateways and the incredible source of energy the storms provide, several groups and organizations, the Citadel and the Cartel among them, lust for dominion over Gant. Each hopes to harness the energies of the Chaos Storms. The contending organizations often react violently to competitors when encountered in the area. Their hostility is said by some to be fueled by some other aspect of the storms. Much of the worst fighting of the Wars of Devastation (6051 - 6145) occured on Gant.
Gant was one of the starting points for the Pirathon movement, and has been an important social organization there ever since.
Gant's moon, Beremit, has an atmosphere and is inhabited. Three major cities are located there, and the moon has its own independent government. It was forced to become autonomous and self-sufficient since the Pirathon Purge (8306 - 8315) cut it off from Gant. The environment of the moon lends itself well to agricultural development.
History: After the first colonization in 2247 Gant was again settled by homeless star-faring wanderers in 3462. It has always been independent of otherworldly rule. In 3755 just three hundred year later, Gant split into two seperate nations. They have been at war a number of times, but never have the conflicts been particularly bloody. Thrice, people have tried to secede from one of the two nations. These areas of land were either taken back by force, or were swallowed up by the opposing state. Nuinan and Great Orontiph are equally balanced, but they do not tolerate the formation of other states. Presently (9462) they coexist peacefully.
1) Arwolf
Type: Four legged, aggressive, pack hunting predator
Brawling(Bite) 4D(5D+1), Running 4D+1
Search(Tracking) 4D(5D)
Special Abilities:
  • Chitin-like Hide: +2D physical, +2D energy protection
  • Bite: STR+1D
Move: 20
Size: Medium (1.1 - 1.3 meters tall)
Scale: Character
Game Notes: An Arwolf is an extremely dangerous animal that inhabits the isolated areas of Gant, hunting their prey in packs. It looks like a large, hairless wolf with a very hard yet flexible, chitin-like skin. It is silver or black in color. Occasionally, they are domesticated and trained as guard "dogs" or hunting animals.


Type: Terrestial, well gardened paradise (12000 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moist, 2/3 of surface underwater
Gravity: 1.0
Force Flow: average
Terrain: varied
Length of day: 24 standard hpd
Length of year: 360 local dpy, 360 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: -
Population: 5 billion
Planet Function: Interworld government and law enforcement
Governments: Republic
Official Language: Geiderin
Capital: Belragor (12 million)
Other Cities: Erixx, Ginalo, Alaross, Zanamere, Mari
Starport: Belragor - stellar class (Alphon Base), non-IDF are serviced, but only as standard class or limited service.
Points of Interest: Cartel headquarters, Halls of the Interworld Senate, the Thremisead Library (headquarter of the Lorists), Alphon Base (IDF headquarter) and the president of the planet.
Tech Level: Space Age
Resources: CrysTech™, science & knowledge, strategic location
System: Geideri-System
Star: Geideri (orange)
System Log:
  1. Geideri - 2 moons: Minoz, Quarn
  2. temperate rock with no atmosphere
  3. Kish - 1 moon: Tregon
  4. frigid rock
Description: Geideri is the only world named for its star. Originally, it was only called "the world". This is where humanity originally started to colonize the Darkspace.
It is a medium sized world. Two thirds of the surface are covered with water, and the climate varies with proximity to the poles or the equator. Its capital, Belragor, is perhaps the largest city in the Twenty Worlds. It is the home to many organizational headquarters (see Points of Interest, above).
The gravity and time measurements of this world set the standards for the rest of the Worlds. Many people think of Geideri as a paradise world, and much has been done to keep it that way, and restore areas that require it. Rolling hills, lush forests, serene lakes and clean cities abound. In times of great interworld transport, travel to this world was restricted and kept to a minimum. No such restrictions exist now.
History: The history of Geideri is the history of the Twenty Worlds. Here the Citadel was founded, and here interworld travel was discovered. When the first worlds were colonized, they eventually became provinces in an ever-growing empire, headed by a (previously republican) government which ruled the most powerful country on that world. It not only governed all of Geideri, but all of the known worlds asw well.
In 2754, a governor named Malthan seized complete control of the empire when the Liophod race was first discovered and war broke out with them. In 3107, Resad I became emperor and began an extremely long and powerful dynasty of emperors. After 3107, the empire is referrede to as the Resad Empire.
When the empire finally collapsed in 3683, it became a republic once again (through a short revolution), this time spanning the entire planet. Since then, Geideri has remained important due to its central location as well as for vsentimental reasons. It established many settlements on other worlds - even after the fall of the empire - but all soon gained their independence. Many powerful interworld organizations chose its capital to place their headquarters. Geideri is still thought by many to be the "capital" of all the Worlds and the most important planet. Even in times of little interworld travel, the name Geideri means something to all citizens. It may be that way for a very long time to come.
People of Note: Grand General Torus Lemfae (IDF head), Master Lorists UrNyg & UrRimin (UrRu keeper & seeker of knowledge)


Type: small Gas Giant (54250 km diameter).
Temperature: Hot
Atmosphere: Type I on the sky-city layer, all other types on different layers.
Hydrosphere: Moderate (water is found in the form of various cloud types, drifting through the atmosphere
Gravity: 1.1
Force Flow: -1D
Terrain: -
Length of day: 94.7 standard hpd
Length of year: 106 local dpy, 418.3 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: Helias (floating creatures with balloon-like bodies filled with hydrogen), Airfish
Population: 80 million
Planet Function: Experimental settlement and gas mining colony
Governments: each of the 32 sky-cities is an independent city-state run in a kind of corporate structure.
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals: none
Other Cities: Izzah, Axiim, Vorgin, Xion, Koa, Accos, Ekkolan, Rache, Onxa, Yoth, Lassinic, Quadon, Aramir, Eanth, Maelphaton, Ceamar, Scorr, Felrad, Drulleni, Jorr, Whian, Phillish, Hippedi, Narcis, Erimiss, Thogan, Omrida, Philoc, Githra, Ufrin, Baol, Zichadir
Starport: every city has a starport of at least limited service, thew majority is standard class or standard classPLUS
Points of Interest: OldTech engines that keep the sky-cities at about 1 km above the 1-bar-level.
Tech Level: Space Age
Resources: Cunbah gas and rare gasses an well as energy (electrostatic phenomena in the clouds)
System: Haredda-System
Star: Yrri
System Log:
  1. hot rock - no atmosphere
  2. Haredda - several rings, 12 moons numbered I to XXII
  3. gas giant
  4. cool rock - eccentric orbit
  5. cool rock - no atmosphere
  6. frigid rock
Description: [...]


Type: Asteroid (1.6 km diameter).
Temperature: Artificial temperate
Atmosphere: Artificial Type I
Hydrosphere: none - artificial
Gravity: 1.0
Force Flow: varies
Terrain: urban
Length of day: n/a
Length of year: n/a, 304 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: none
Population: 100.000
Planet Function: Safe haven for anyone
Government: The Twelve (mysterious group that protects the asteroid with a powerful combination of HardTech, SofTech™, CrysTech™ and Magic)
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals: n/a
Other Cities: n/a
Starport: stellar class
Points of Interest:
Tech Level: Space Age
Resources: Asteroid mining
System: Haven-System
Star: Sastoc
System Log:
  1. no planets, just one large asteroid field orbiting the sun, including Haven
Description: Unique among the Twenty Worlds, Haven is not a "world" at all. Haven is a city covered with a dome providing atmosphere and gravity on a very large asteroid. Because Haven is located on the night side of a non-rotating asteroid, the stars are always visible. It is constantly night, but artificial light is provided within the dome of the city.
When The Twelve, a mysterious group of unknown origin or species, took control, the city's technology like gravity-control, atmosphere, lights, airlocks, etc. were all reconfigured in some strange ways that noone really seems to understand.
The city is known throughout the Worlds as a true haven. It is a place of complete sanctuary from any force outside of the city - even the Citadel and the Cartel. This is enforced by The Twelve. Because of this, Haven is paradoxically a city filled with criminals, fugitives, and exiles, yet it is not a lawless place by any means. Strict Law and order is maintained by The Twelve. It is completely unknown why The Twelve wish things to be this way, but it is clear that they get whatever they wish.
Once inside, anyone can stay as long as they would like. It is the philosophy of Haven that it does not matter what a visitor did on the outside, but they must obey the laws and act orderly on the inside. The city's population fluctuates, and is now in a time of slow growth once again. The number of people in Haven usually depends on the amount of interworld travel that is available to those in need of the city's protection.
History: Founded in 6040 as experimental mining colony A4 by the Cartel, this city quickly became home of the mysterious group known as The Twelve. Their origins are completely unknown, although most people are quite positive that they are not human. Their true motives are equally mysterious. The Twelve took over mining colony A4 bloodlessly and renamed it Haven.
Since that time, both the Cartel and the Citadel have tried to wrest control of Haven from The Twelve. The Citadel, in 6845, declared holy war and attacked the city on grounds that the Curch of Immotos was not allowed inside. The Cartel, in 7351, tried to assassinate The Twelve because they would shelter a well known criminal. In both cases, the attackers were never seen again and no onehas since dared to bother The Twelve again in any way.


Type: Terrestial (13500 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Modertae to Moist, 2/3 of surface underwater
Gravity: 1.1
Force Flow: standard
Terrain: varied
Length of day: 23.6 standard hpd
Length of year: 365 local dpy, 359 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: Sascrath 1) (rare huge four-armed bears), Winged Wolves 2) (rare)
Population: 2 billion
Planet Function: Archeological mystery site
Governments: Monarchy (Kingdom of Lethinor), Republic (United Nation-States of Urthan and Serigan League)
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals:Phintantomere (Kingdom of Lethinor, 1 million), Urthan (United Nation-States of Urthan, 700 thousand), and Asth (Serigan League, 500 thousand)
Other Cities: hundreds of minor cities
Starport: Phintantomere (standard class), Urthan, Asth (limited service PLUS)
Points of Interest: Extensive tunnel systems
Tech Level: between Feudal and Industrial Age
Resources: Cattle industry, biotechnical and archeological research facilities
System: Kaelot-System
Star: Cirepitos
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. the Devourer (gas giant)
  3. Kaelot - 2 moons: Ythimis, Onopita
  4. temperate rock - Type III atmosphere
Description: Kaelot is a temperate world with a fairly high population. The gas giant which is second in the system, known as the Devourer, often eclipses the sun as viewed from the surface of Kaelot. Some astronomers hypothesize that Kaelot was once a large moon of the huge gaseous planet that broke away and now orbits the sun. Their orbits are still very similar as to their distance from the sub and their plane of orbit. Another astronomer's theory states that Kaelot altewrnates every ten thousand years or so, at one time orbiting the sun and then orbiting the planet. The climatic effects of this are frightening to consider.
Each of Kaelot's three major continents are governed by a different body. The United Nation-States of Urthan is a republic of smaller states who no longer have the individual powers that they once possessed.
The Kingdom of Lethinor has its capital in Phintanomere, and King Lusius XXXVI rules the vast country from there. Lethinor's relationship with the other governments of Kaelot is highly unstable. It has maintained its position despite the two greater multinational powers by use of its strong ties with the Cartel. The Cartel supports and supplies Lethinor in all that it does.
The Serigan League is another republican government that controls many once-independent states. Its capital is Asth.
The fauna of the world is predominantly mammalian with generally 3 pairs of arms/legs. There are no known reptilian creatures, and very few avians. A creature in Lethinor resembles a 4.5 meter tall, four-armed bear called a Sascrath. A species of winged wolves prowls the skies of isolated areas in packs. Both of these dangerous animals are fairly rare.
Unbeknownst to the general populace of Kaelot, there is an extensive system of tunnels and caverns under the world's surface. It is said among those who even know of them that the network house many fearsome monsters. What almost no one knows is that the caverns are the remnants of an ancient non-human civilisation that either still sleeps in a kind of hibernation or has left the world long ago.
History: Kaelot was settled in 2100, one of the first worlds visited by humans outside of the star system of Geideri. By 2234, those living there had already divided into a number of factions which led to the existence of numerous states and finally over one hundred different nations by the time the Resad Empire had fallen. Great powers came and went on Kaelot, and at one time an empire known as the Mirreni ruled all of Kaelot and controlled Bothom as well. No other significant government rose after its fall until 7980, when both the UNSU and the Serigan League began to form. By 9400, both had attained full sovereignty with the individual nations of which they were comprised losing most of their political independence and power.
1) Sascrath
Type: Aggressive carnivore with a taste for human flesh and bone
Brawling 5D+1 (:Claw/Punch 6D :Bite 7D+1), Melee Combat 5D+1, Running 4D+1
Special Abilities:
  • Claws STR+1D (x2 without multi-action penalty)
  • Bite STR+1D+2 (only the round after a successful "Tackle" [using standard Brawling])
  • Fur color awards a +3D+2 bonus to Hide
Move: 24 (cannot make all-out move)
Size: 4.5 meters
Frequency: Rare (Difficult to find; Lithinor)
Notes: Standing upright on two short legs, four and a half meters tall, this man-like beast is covered in thick shaggy fur. The heavy body has four arms, bearing claws on its digits and fangs in its mouth; well-equipped to satisfy its appetite for man-flesh. The Sascrath’s furry pelt matches the color of its surroundings: the chilly whiteness of snow, the blacks and greys of rocks, or the browns and greens of the trees. Though they use crude tools (sharpened stones, clubs, etc.), they are extremely uncivilized. Though capable of wielding crude weapons, these creatures usually prefer to use their teeth and claws in combat.
2) Winged Wolves
Type: Intelligent winged territorial pack hunters
Brawling 4D (Bite 4D+1, Claw 5D+1), Running 4D+1
Special Abilities:
  • Bite STR+1D+2
  • Claws STR+1D
Move: 26
Size: Medium
Frequency: Rare (Difficult to find)
Notes: The Winged Wolf is a highly intelligent species, having not only large bat-like wings capable of true flight, but also a long and muscular prehensile tail. They have a wingspan of 4 - 5 meters. The wolves are usually only aggressive when protecting their territory or when hungry. They are intelligent enough to learn to understand human speech. They are fond of living in trees and their paws are more flexible than other wolves, being suited to that terrain. They are more versatile in attack than normal wolves, being able — especially when attacking from the air—to use their claws as well as their jaws, gripping their opponent with the tail (noremal multi-action penalties apply).


Type: Terrestial (14300 km diameter).
Temperature: Cool
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moist, 3/4 of surface underwater
Gravity: 0.9
Force Flow: -2 pips
Terrain: varied
Length of day: 30.5 standard hpd
Length of year: 441 local dpy, 560 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: -
Population: 2 billion
Planet Function: Recreation and entertainment
Governments: Bureaucratic republic
Official Language: Geiderin
Capital: Valarin (10 million)
Other Cities: Raston, Polestros, Desarca, Reveron, Gangrids, Fillenni, Charond
Starport: Valarin - standard class
Points of Interest: Gamegrids, Creskin palace, Cartel factories
Tech Level: Information Age
Resources: Tourism, factories, and force user schools
System: Geideri-System
Star: Geideri (orange)
System Log:
  1. Geideri - 2 moons: Minoz, Quarn
  2. temperate rock with no atmosphere
  3. Kish - 1 moon: Tregon
  4. frigid rock
Description: Kish is a medium-sized planet of cool climes, with an average temperature of about 14° Celsius (57° Fahrenheit). It is well known for its Gamegrids, its politics, and its decadence.
The Gamegrids of Kish were built soon after it was fully settled. The grids are actually a complex of arenas, stadiums, and private gaming areas that encompass five hundred square kilometers. Every sort of game, competition or sport is played within the Gamegrids. When they were originally constructed, the area was monitored by computers and robots, but now they are administered via less sophisticated, though no less efficient methods. The Gamegrid Administration is a highly effective group of people who serve as guards, judges and custodians of the grids.
Kish's politics have always been controversial. Even now, many people are saying the current government, a group called the Anticeskins, are becoming decadent and corrupt. Political violence and upheaval is once again beginning to increase.
Ever since the imperial days, Kish has been the home or the gateway spot of many rich and powerful people. First they came from Geideri only, but as the mass of humanity moved outward into the Starsea, the rich came from all of the Worlds. Although the world of Erepodi at one time offered Kish competition for its place as the resort world, Kish is now unchallenged in that role. Many extravagant hotels, resorts and attractions abound. The best things the world has to offer are saved for these rich travellers. Even the Gamegrids are a sign of such decadence. The numerous poor of Kish are restricted to designated zones of the world, away from the resorts. Though not as bad as Creskin days, things on Kish are far from perfect.
The city of Valarin is the location of the Anticreskin headquarter, and the old Creskin palace, renamed to Anticreskin Capitol houses the huge bureaucratic machinery of the group. The gouvernmental system is a republic, albeit an increasingly corrupt and unstable one.
Other than tourism, Kish has a number of Cartel factories (far from the grids or any of the resorts) employing many of the poor who are not subsistence farmers. This world is also well known for its powerful spell casters. There are many prominent as well as secret schools for "sorcery" (as the use of force is sometimes called).
History: Kish was the first world to be colonized by humans from Geideri (1889). It quickly became densely populated with many of the citizens of the first world. When the Resad Empire was at its height, Kish was a prize for any noble to rule, and in 3250 it was given to the noble house of Creskin. The Creskins ruled Kish from that point until the revolution (see below). They turned it into a terribly decadent and vile society, catering to the pleasures and whims of the rich and powerful at the expense of the commoners of the world.
These4 conditions outlived even the Empire. The populace grew more and more discontent until 5436 when the opposition, called the Anticreskins, rose up in arms and the Great Rebellion began. This bloody conflict lasted for three years, but the Anticreskins finally wrested power from the nobles. A republican form of government was instituted.
The Anticreskins ruled Kish for almost two thousand years. They kept the resorts and the Gamegrid operating, though conditions for the poor people were improved. Kish suffered greatly during the Wars of Devastation.
In 8305, a computer that monitored the Gamegrids went berserk and many of the robots that serviced and guarded the grids began to kill people under its orders. Hundreds of people died and the incident sparked the beginning of the Pirathon Purge, crippling Kish. It was one of the hardest hit worlds in the purge. The Gamegrids were destroyed. No longer did rich tourists come. It was not until 9021 that the Gamegrids were rebuilt and the tourists began to come slowly back to Kish - through "Magic", then by the new CrysTech™ ships that were being produced. Now the Anticreskins are reportedly becoming as decadent and corrupt as the Creskins they replaced, and there are whispers of yet another revolution in the air.


Typical Leisarnian Work Propaganda
Type: Terrestial (25100 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate (mostly extremely dangerous)
Atmosphere: Type I (violent, producing static electricity in abundance)
Hydrosphere: Moderate, 1/2 of surface underwater
Gravity: 1.5
Force Flow: +2 pips
Terrain: mountainous, mostly barren rock with minimal, strange vegitation
Length of day: 29 standard hpd
Length of year: 158 local dpy, 190,9 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species:
Population: 80 million
Planet Function: Mining colony, center of replicant prejudice
Government: Totalitarian Directorate
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals: Simonid (20 million)
Other Cities: Eronn, Jasa, Robern
Starport: Simonid - standard class
Points of Interest:
Tech Level: between Industrial Age and Space Age
Resources: Metal ores, minerals, CrysTech™ nutrients, energy (static electricity)
System: Leisarn-System
Star: Rioh
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. hot rock - no atmosphere
  3. hot rock - no atmosphere
  4. Leisarn - no moons
  5. gas giant
  6. gas giant
  7. gas giant
  8. gas giant
  9. cool rock - no atmosphere
  10. frigid rock - type III atmosphere
  11. gas giant
  12. gas giant
  13. gas giant
  14. frigid rock - no atmosphere
  15. frigid rock - type II atmosphere
  16. frigid rock
  17. frigid rock
  18. gas giant
  19. gas giant
  20. frigid rock
Description: [...]

Lo Bidar

Type: Terrestial (11950 km diameter).
Temperature: Warm
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moderate, 45% of surface underwater
Gravity: 0.9
Force Flow: standard
Terrain: varied
Length of day: 23.7 standard hpd
Length of year: 403 local dpy, 398.2 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: Thikos (small lizards that secrets a terrible smelling, sticky fluid), many different mostly cold-blooded species
Population: 1 billion
Planet Function: Planet of intrigue, political schemes and warfare
Governments: thousands of tiny kingdoms, duchies, principalities, republics, etc.
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals: Various
Major Cities: Justaf, Stevar, Reid, Thika, Querth, Welinford, Neucos, Brice, Colem, Joneidin, Ingroth, Kevbar
Starport: several of limited service
Points of Interest: The Red Monument
Tech Level: between Indurstrial Age and Information Age
System: Lo Bidar-System
Star: Yequisonn
System Log:
  1. hot rock - type III atmosphere
  2. Lo Bidar - 2 moons: Xac, Fis
  3. gas giant
Description: [...]


Type: Terrestial (15200 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate, but varied
Atmosphere: Type II
Hydrosphere: Moist, 2/3 of surface underwater
Gravity: 0.9
Force Flow: +1D+1
Terrain: varied, but most land is covered by forest
Length of day: 29.1 standard hpd
Length of year: 276 local dpy, 333,5 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: varied, many dangerous, some is actually force sensitive and able to use it
Population: 50 million
Planet Function: Where light and dark collide
Governments: The Dargonathian Nation, the "Iron Kingdoms" (a number of kingdoms on the southern continent), "Compact of Mosac Peran" with strong ties to Citadel ruled by the philosopher king William III.; "Jabar Shamel's Army of Peace" lead by the warlock-general Hyl Suida.
Language: Geiderin, but Dargonati is also quite common
Capitals: Mosac Peran, Jabar Shammel
Other Cities: Staloch, Blackrock, Binoc, Gideon, Orash
Starport: none
Points of Interest: Dargonathian Nation-College, The Floating Isles of Arkum Nabai, The Crystal Caverns of Umar, Grace Ma'kael (Temple of the Citadel in Port Skully), various others mystical locations
Tech Level: Mostly Feudal Age with a little SofTech™ and CrysTech™; a "magic"-powered Industrial age in the Iron Kingdoms
Resources: "Magic"
System: Mystalis-System
Star: Sorcerec
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. searing rock
  3. Mystalis - 12 moons: Ta, Rem, Quasino, Beret, Vinnam, Wihmol, Sosoriah, Yull, Piir, Thelicanai, Phittaras, Sov
  4. temperate rock - Type III atmosphere
  5. gas giant
  6. gas giant
  7. gas giant
  8. frigid rock
Description: While Thra is an "alien oddity" according to the reports, Mystalis overflows with magic. Additionally there is a mystical power source directly tied to this world that people on Mystalis call Aiute. It exists primarily in a kind of pocket dimension located in the same spacial position as Mystalis. The Dargonathian College teaches how to connect to this seemingly semi-sentient power source to assist in the use of "magic". Tapping this power seems to be somehow connected to movement and performance so Dargonaths and other "spell-users" are much more flashy on this world than anywhere else, some having mastered the art of calling up "magic" by song or dance.
Mystalis is underpopulated for it's medium size and has a varied climate. The majority of the land is covered with forests with only the the northern continent around Mosac Peran being wide open plains. Many people avoid this world because of the dangers - from the native fauna and flora(!) as well as from the implements of the war between the Compact of Mosac Peran and Jabar Shamel's Army of Peace. Even the southern continent suffers from infrequent conflics with blasphemical (as per Citadel Doctrinesteam-powered war-machines that have developed since the end of the Pirathon Purge. A famous quote says "Magic runs like water on Mystalis".
While the Compact of Mosac Peran is a pretty straight forward alliance of one larger and several smaller monarchies, Jabar Shamel and the Army of Peace are run as a dictatorship, the Dargonathian nation is somewhat special. It simply exists wherever two or more Dargonaths (followers of the Dargonathian College) meet. They are fully capable of simply claiming the ground they are standing on as national territory and also do not fall under the jurisdiction of the other rulers on Mystalis, even in their territorries. The Iron Kingdoms are simply a number of monarchy that are only united in their rejection of the teachings of the teachings of the Citadel, mostly revering the Iron God & Mother Machine instead.
History: The world of Mystalis was settled in 5012 YI, although some of its current residents claim to have descended from a race of humans that were native to the world. There is no real proof for this claim, however. The original explorers recommended that further explorers and colonists stay away from this world. The large number of fierce predators and the unpredictable climate were thought to be too dangerous. But a group of political dissidents from Geideri established their own society and when word spread of the magical discoveries that they were making, force users of all types began to make their way to this world.


Type: Terrestial (21150 km diameter).
Temperature: Hot with ice capping the northern pole
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Arid
Gravity: 0.9
Force Flow: -2 pips
Terrain: desert, mountains
Length of day: 26.3 standard hpd
Length of year: 222 local dpy, 243.3 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: Thynot (goat-like herd animals), Rippers (batwinged snakes), Sand Wolves
Population: 3 billion
Planet Function: Headquarter of the Citadel, secret headquarter of the Preservationists
Government: Totalitarian
Official Language: Geiderin, Palamadi
Capital: Theraqui (10 million)
Other Cities: Framtad, Desari, Lacosh, Whedon, Vinimir, Visoma
Starport: Theraqui - limited service, Vinimir - standard classPLUS
Points of Interest: Citadel Temple Primus, Museum of Ancient History (featuring 500 thousand year old skeletons of avian humanoids), secret Preservationist headquarter in Vinimir
Tech Level: Feudal Age
Resources: Political power, herd animal products, Palamad Spice
System: Palamad-System
Star: Omnicros
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. Palamad - 1 moon: Yissig
  3. gas giant
  4. gas giant
  5. cool rock - no atmosphere
Description: [...]
People of Note: Grand Archbishop Jassical Wendimere; Eurhev Corbach, Preservationist leader


Type: Terrestial (17800 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type II
Hydrosphere: Moist, 3/4 of surface underwater
Gravity: 1.0
Force Flow: standard
Terrain: varied
Length of day: 30.4 standard hpd
Length of year: 530 local dpy, 671.3 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: Imported Chocobo
Population: 1 billion
Planet Function: Cartel competitor
Government: Thesra Council of Corporations, Guilds & Merchants
Official Language: Geiderin
Capital: Thesra (2.5 million)
Other Cities: Zmen, Cradon, Fortoom, Glasitus, Ridon
Starport: stellar class
Points of Interest:
Tech Level: between Information Age and Space Age
Resources: Crafts of all types
System: Retridine-System
Star: Onithor
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. hot rock with type III atmosphere and oceans
  3. temperate rock - no atmosphere
  4. Retridine - no moons, but three rings
Description: Retridine is slightly larger than the average world. About three fourths of its surface is covered in water. The atmosphere contains a lot of nano-spores produced by different primitive plants that grow all year longt. These cause humans not adapted to Retridine to suffer from slight to strong allergic reactions of the skin, eyes and respiratory system, so most visitors wear a #Beather Graft or use an #Air Filterer indoors. Retridine Humans born on this world do not suffer from this problem and seem to be immune to the poison. They can breathe freely on Retridine or any other world with a Type I atmosphere.
Retridine is known for their emphasis on its economy. Many large corporations that do not have any ties to the Cartel exist here. The Cartel resents their existence and would like to control them. Retridine has the most independent economy in the Twenty Worlds. Guilds are a very important force. Almost every profession has its guild - farmers, woodcutters, shoe salesmen, etc. They are both economic and social organizations.
The government is a council of corpüorate presidents, guild masters, and wealthy merchants. This council meets in the bustling capital of Thesra, in which most of the major corporations and mega-guilds are based.
The fauna of the world is not very developed. There are a number of small mammals, reptiles and birds that prey on each other, but no larger predators or herbivores are native to Retridine. The planet seems to still recover from a world-wide pre-colonization natural disaster. The council has taken to import domesticated Chocobo from Crotliv and some other animal for draft work and travel.
History: Retridine was first settled in 4199 YI. Its history is relatively uneventful until 6270 when the Cartel, after the Wars of Devastation, wanted to relocate its headquarters to Retridine. The corporate conglomerate had decided that it was an appropriate world for their base because of the stress that the society placed on the economy and the availability of many workers to be employed in large corporate factories.
The citizens of Retridine did not want the Cartel coming to take over their economy. When the Cartel began their move, the council sent military forces to violently oppose them. A number of battles ensued, and have since been called the Corporate War. The Cartel finally decided that it was not profitable for them to make the move after all. It was called off, and the war ended. The relationship between Retridine and the Cartel has been uneasy ever since that point. It is said that some of the recent void-pirate attacks on vessels from and to Retridine are actually financed by the Cartel.
The Citadel has always attempted to turn this uneasiness to their favor. The world's inhabitants are on better terms with the Citadel than with the Cartel, but this relationship is still not teribly close. This is perhaps related to the fact that the Pirathon Purge was especially devastating for Retridine; the Pirathon destroyed many factories and manufacturing plants. The world has gone to great lengths to repuild itself. Since the Purge, it has attempted to recapture and increase interworld trade, which was and is very important to the economy of Retridine.


see →Thra


Type: Terrestial (15900 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moist, 3/4 of surface underwater
Gravity: 1.1
Force Flow: standard
Terrain: varied
Length of day: 25.2 standard hpd
Length of year: 357 local dpy, 374.9 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: reptiles, birds, mammals, amphibians; Yenosh (a flightless bird that is so common, it is considered a pest)
Population: 1 billion
Planet Function: Secret headquarter of the Lords of the Five Chains
Governments: Republic (Teric Republic), Democracy (Vian), Constitutional Monarchy (Pontom)
Language: Geiderin
Capitals: Nilliun (Teric Republic, 700 thousand), Reicus (Vian, 500 thousand), Wereod (Pontom, 50 thousand)
Other Cities: Teric Republic: Womich, Thomis, Dreis, Rodeal
Starports: limited service
Points of Interest: Ecardian University
Tech Level: Information Age (Teric Republic), Industrial Age (Vian), between Feudal and Industrial Age (Pontom)
Resources: Knowledge
System: Tiomon-System
Star: Zithos Cir
System Log:
  1. hot rock - no atmosphere
  2. Erepodi - 3 moons: Nurem, Deic, Thinnos
  3. Tiomon - no moon
  4. frigid rock
Description: [...]


Type: Terrestial (19450 km diameter).
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moist, 3/4 of surface underwater
Gravity: 1.1
Force Flow: standard
Terrain: varied (plains, forests, jungles, etc.)
Length of day: 45.7 standard hpd
Length of year: 252 local dpy, 479,9 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human, Quan (native)
Other Species: primarily mammalian, with many of the species growing extremely large: Caratous (huge six legged omnivores, up to 9 meters high)
Population: 900 Million (human) + Quan
Planet Function:
Governments: democratically elected parliament (human settlements), tribal groups (most Quan)
Official Language: Geiderin, Quani
Capitals: Ystamiban (human)
Other Cities: Duvrish Cra, Evrin, Chomisa, Thuvin Cra, Monlo (all human settlements)
Starport: Ystamiban - limited servicePLUS
Points of Interest: River City of Ystamiban
Tech Level: Stone Age (most Quan) to a mix of Information Age and Space Age (human settlements)
Resources: Decansh Spice
System: Wesridon-System
Star: Thesalphales
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. hot rock with type III atmosphere
  3. temperate rock - extremely high gravity
  4. Wesridon
  5. gas giant
  6. frigid rock
  7. gas giant


Type: Terrestial (20100 km diameter).
Temperature: Frigid
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Dry, 1/3 of surface underwater, but surface is mostly covered with ice
Gravity: 1.0
Force Flow: standard
Terrain: Frozen wastes and volcanos
Length of day: 29.6 standard hpd
Length of year: 426 local dpy, 525.4 standard dpy
Sapient Species: Darkspace Human
Other Species: Frazarc 1), Xamus 2)
Population: 200 thousand
Planet Function: Mining colony
Governments: Independent city-states run in a corporate fashion
Official Language: Geiderin
Capitals: Fracia, Efnamra, Degar, Chorop, Municass, Lebboroc, Inthsa
Other Cities: -
Starport: remants with extremely limited service
Points of Interest:
Tech Level: Feudal Age
Resources: various Minerals
System: Zairic-System
Star: Cofridid
System Log:
  1. searing rock
  2. hot rock - no atmosphere
  3. gas giant
  4. gas giant
  5. Zairic - 1 moon: Urapod and one ring
  6. frigid rock
Description: [...]

Languages of Darkspace


Writing system of Old Geiderin, from times when Geideri was first colonized. No longer in use and rather obscure these days, it is only found in truely ancient texts and inscriptions, which only very few historians and archeologists can read with any kind of accuracy.


A rare language taught by the Dargonathian College on Sylva that is especially useful to communicate perceptions, emotions, and philosophical concepts, but is lacking technical or commercial vocabulary or phrases. It includes minor telepathic communication and cannot be understood or spoken by a person that is not force senstitive.


The common human language in the Twenty Worlds that evolved from Galactic Basic since the first settlers arrived on Geideri more than 12500 years before the battle of Yavin. Each world where Geiderin is spoken has its own unique dialekt that identifies a person's origin.

Game Notes: For residents of Darkspace this is the standard language. They can immitate Geiderin dialects with a Difficult use of the Languages skill.
For outsiders Geiderin is an obscure language, related to Galactic Basic (Moderate difficulty).


The official writing system used to transcribe Geiderin, Palamadi, Telatin, Underspeak, and New-Quani. While the Trade Tongue can be written in Katern, it has it's own, very formalized writing system. Olys Corellisi is also written in Katarn when found. It is different from Aurebesh in many ways, but there are also a few similarities.

Game Note: the freeware font "Dark Katarn" was created by Ericstormtrooper

Olys Corellisi

Olys Corellisi ("Old Corellian" in Geiderin) was one of the languages of the first settlers on Geideri. It is the root language of Telatin and Palamadi. This language is now extremely obscure and no longer in use, only found in very few ancient written texts.

Game Notes: For Darkspace residents and outsiders Olys Corellisi is a dead language (Very Difficult)


Originating on the world Palamad, this language can be traced back to Telatin. It is much simpler, a lot less formalized - simply a language for everyday-use. It was the official language of the Palamad Empire, but currently Geiderin is more widely used on Palamad.


The Quan have their own racial language that is very hard for non-Quan to speak. It counts as an obscure language, not related to Basic (Difficult) for citizens of the Twenty Worlds and as extremely obscure (Very Difficult) for people from the rest of the galaxy. It depends heavily on tone to convey subtle meanings, and does not have the proper terminology to talk about scientific or most magical concepts. It sounds very much like purrs and growls to non-speakers. In the past five millennia cince the settlement of Wesridon Quan that follow a more human life-style have developed their language into "New-Quani" by incorporating words for certain technologies and magical/philosophical concepts. They have also adopted the Katarn system for transcriptions.

Game Notes: For residents of Darkspace Quani and New-Quani are obscure languages, not realted to Basic (Difficult).
For outsiders both languages are extremely obscure (Very Difficult).


The official language of the Citadel. It stems from Olys Corellisi and is somewhat related to Palamadi although Telatin is a lot more formalized. All priests speak this language, since all ceremonies are conducted using it and all religious texts are written in it. It is spoken by few people outside of the Church, but basic concepts are understood by nearly everyone.

Game Notes: For residents of Darkspace or outsiders Telatin is a dead language, with distant relationship to Palamadi and close relationship to Olys Corellisi (Very Difficult), but is common and not related to Basic for Characters with a Citadel background (Moderate) (using a specialization).

Trade Tongue

is an artificial language created by the Cartel made up from aspects of Geiderin, Quani, Palamadi, and principles of commerce and trade. It is mainly used for trade negotiations and on contracts for which it uses it's own formalized writing system.

Game Note: A font for this writig system can be found on Ericstormtrooper's website which features a TradeFederation font by Peter Schuster Jun, based on technical files from StarWars.com, around the time Episode I was released.


A language used by the Scarlet Underground as well as shady or underworld figures throughout the Twenty Worlds. Under some governments it is a crime to speak or even know this language.

Game Notes: For Darkspace residents it's an extremely obscure language (Very Difficult) except for those with an appropriate background (the specific language skill specialization).
For outsiders it's a language related to Huttese (however that made it's way into the Darkspace sector ...)


Beast Riding

Not a new skill, but there are some additional specializations available in the Twenty Worlds:

  • Domefish - used for Domesharks, Domerays, Domewhale, etc.

Cyberdrug Application

Attribute: Technical
Time taken: one minute or longer (see below)
Specialization: specific cyberdrug effect, e.g. Alertness, Frenzy, Healing, Pleasure, Resistance Destruction, or Anesthetic/Sleep
This skill is used to set up a cyberdrug implement and correctly apply the impulses for one cyberdrug effect. Increasing the time taken to one hour reduces the difficulty by one level. Increasing it to one day reduces the difficulty by two levels (minimum level is Very Easy). If the subject is not willing, the result of a subject's Willpower-test is added to the difficulty.
Alerness - Moderate (one minute application)
+2 to Perception and no need for sleep for 8 hours. Continuous use can cause hallucinations and can be dangerous.
Frenzy - Difficult (one minute application)
The frenzy takes time to build up (chosen by the person applying the cyberdrug) which results in 10 minutes frenzied state: +2 to movement, cancels 1D penalty for multi-actions, +1D to Strength for all purposes, -1D for all Technical, Perception and Knowledge actions, and no regard for personal safety. Afterwards the subject needs three hours to "come back down" during which time all actions are at -2D.
Healing - Easy for wounded, Moderate for incapacitated, Difficult for mortally wounded (one day application)
The subject may make two natural healing rolls for the current day (12 hours apart) with a +2 bonus to Strength.
Pleasure - Very Easy
The brain's pleasure centers are stimulated as the "patient" is incapacitated by waves of pleasure for 1-10 minutes after application. If the "patient" does not make an Easy Willpower test, he becomes addicted, needing at least one "fix" per day.
Resistance Destruction - Difficult (one minute application)
When applied successfully, the Willpower skill of a target is effectively reduced by 1 pip. When the skill reaches zero the target will be completely unable to resist Persuasion or Intimidation
Anesthetic/Hibernation - Moderate (one minute application)
This cyberdrug application will cause someone to go into an extremely deep sleep for as long as the application is continued. All bodily functions of the subject are slowed, so this state is ideal for surgery and can also be used to keep a mortally wounded character alive for as many hours as the result of a Strength-roll.

Cyberdrug Design (A)

Prerequisite: Cyberdrug Application 5D
Attribute: Advanced Skill (nominally a Technical skill)
Time taken: days to weeks
With this skill new Cyberdrug Applications can be designed, tested and documented properly to be used later with the Cyberdrug Application skill.

Elemental Lore

Attribute: Knowledge
Time taken: one round to several days or longer
Specialization: Basic elements, advanced forces, compounds, super compounds, complex concepts, or specific power
This is the basic background-knowledge skill that Magicians and Alchemists base their power of Elementalism on. It is based on a non-scientific world-view that defines the universe as an interaction of various energies and forces. Use of the skill can give Force related insight on the nature of things and events.
Basic Elements: Easy
Advanced Forces: Moderate
Compounds: Difficult
Super Compounds: Very Difficult
Complex Concepts: Heroic

Energy Projector

Attribute: Dexterity
Time taken: one round
Specialization: specific type of energy projector [...]
This is a "ranged combat" skill to use energy projector weapons of any type. In most cases "energy projector" is synonymous with "blaster", but not in all because it also covers the use of artifice and artifact energy projector weapons. [...]
Do not use energy projector to fire fixed mount or multicrew weapons (use #Energy Projector Artillery), weapons mounted on vehicles (use #Vehicle Energy Projectors), or starship weapons (use Capital Ship Gunnery or Starship Gunnery, both Mechanical skills).


Attribute: Perception
Time taken: usually one round
Performance is the skill of putting on a show - with dance, an instrument, the voice, oratory, gestures, etc. - and is the base skill for the path of [...]


Attribute: Knowledge
Time taken: one round to several days or longer
Specialization: Immotos, Pirathon, community, saints, mysteries, higher mysteries, truth, specific power, comparative studies
The background philosophy that Citadel priests base their power on. The basic philosophy states how the belief is gathered by Immotos and handed back to the believers through the hands and voices of the Citadel's priests and saints. The basic teachings are about the community: health, weather, lore, wisdom and prayer. Further teachings are about the sainly virtues: sprituality, them power of symbols, purity and protection. On a deeper level, the "Mysteries" concern life itself, visions, the communion and the channelling of Immotos power. The "Higher Mysteries" offer an insight to the nature of undeath, golem creation and control, angelic summons and the ways of the starsea. And at the very core lies Immotos Truth: words of creation, insight and transcendence. Use of the skill can give Force related insight on seemingly mundane occurrances, revealing the patterns that can be manipulated to work wonders and fulfill Immotos will.
Community teachings: Easy
Saintly virtues: Moderate
Mysteries: Difficult
Higher Mysteries: Very Difficult
Immotos Truth: Heroic

A slight variant, that is practically the same skill is taught within the ranks of the Pirathon. Everything is the same, only that Immotos Truth is replaced by the Truth of Pirathon, which consists of softech lore, insight, and the secret.


Darkspace Humans

The human race has adapted to the specific enviornment of the Twenty Worlds and evolved slightly differently, but are still human. Humans of the Darkspace sector have the following stats:

Average Darkspace Human: Dexterity 2D, Knowledge 2D, Mechanical 1D+2, Perception 2D+1, Strength 2D+1, Technical 1D+2
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 10/12
Size: ca. 1.5-2.0 meters tall


When the Quan were first encountered on their homewold of Wesridon (which the Quan call Ra-ish) in 4983, they were considered to be unintelligent and hostile. Neither is true. In their current stage of development, they hadn't developed anything more sophisticated than the stone axe and the spear, and they had almost no concept of "magic". This certainly seemed primitive to those who encountered them. It, of course, did not mean they were unintelligent. The Quan ("People" in their language) resemble humanoid lions, with both sexes possessing a golden mane covering the top of their head and shoulders.

Move: 12/15
Size: ca. 1.7-2.3 meters tall



see →UrRu


Not a natural race, but basically humans with innate bioengineered abilities. A Metamorph has normal human stats plus a number of Advantages and Compensations that should be balanced out. Advantages cost MP (Metamorph Points), while Compensations award a character MP, so they can be spent on Advantages.

Automatic Compensation - Metamorph Prejudice
Metamorph Pejudice
Point Value Effect
The character is a little "different" from standard humans and only has minor problems fitting in.
The character is obviously "different" from the norm and has occasional, sometimes serious, problems with prejudice
the character has features that cannot be hidden well and looks dangerous
Humans in Dark Space look down upon metamorphs. They get jealous quickly when they think that you have something that you did not earn yourself. For this reason every Metamorph character will have this compensation. In the minds of many humans Metamorphs are Replicants with free will, which they should not have.
1 point examples
Practically human except for an unusual characteristic, like "very short & stout" or "very large". People might suspect that the charcter is a metamorph but cannot be sure about it. If they find out that he is, intollerant people may overreact.
2 point examples
Obviously strange, but still human like. The character receives some stares and will not receive much help from intollerant people.
3 point examples
Humanoid, but barely human. For example with strange skin, claws and teeth. The character is easily the first choice of target for bigotry, frustration. People stare obviously and some tend to shy away, or react strangely in some other way.
Compensation - Metamorph Flaws
Metamorph Flaws
Point Value Effect
The character has a fairly serious handicap that does not come into play very often - or a minor one that inconveniences him constantly.
The Metamorph Flaw has serious consequences, but only comes into play rarely, or is in effect quite often and has moderately serious effects.
There are severe consequences to this flaw, and the character must take steps to avoid its activation.
The flaw is so lethal or dangerous that, should it occur, the character would be removed from the game.
1 point examples
Needs to consume twice as much food, requires special medical treatments, has a strange reaction to a fairly common substance (like salt), needs to prepare food in a specific way, etc.
  • Allergy - if the character is exposed to a fairly common substance (smoke from a fire, a particular food, sunlight, plastics, etc.), the character becomes "stunned" until the condition is removed (or 24 hours after ingestion).
  • High Metabolic Rate - the character needs twice as much food than normal and becomes "fatigued" after six hours of going without it.
  • Weekly Nutrient Injections - if he does not get the injection he becomes "fatigued" after a day, then "stunned" after another week.
2 point examples
Cannot breathe normal atmosphere without a filter, requires special (hard to get) nutrients, has a vulnerability to a certain kind of "attack", cannot perform a certain kind of action, is unable to comprehend certain interactions, etc.
  • Extreme Metabolic Rate - needs a regular meal every six hours. If this cannot be sustained the chatacter becomes "fatigued" after an hour, "stunned" after six hours, "wounded" after twelve hours, and "incapacitated" after twenty-four hours. After thirty-six hours the character effectively becomes "mortally wounded" and dies after fourty-eight hours hzave passed. These conditions cannot be recovered from with natural healing, medical aid or "magical" healing. The character starts natural recovery after receiving a full meal's share of fully nutritional food.
3 point examples
Must wear full life support almost all the time, there is a common substance or action that will critically injure or even kill the character (but not anyone else), its nearly impossible for the character to interact with others except under certain circumstances, etc.
  • "Off-Switch" - there is a verbal command or an action that will effectively paralyze the character completely so that he is unable to move at all.
4 point examples
Examples: should a certain person or group of persons give the order the character dies; there is an unusual substance (harmless to anyone else) that will instantly kill the character; etc.
  • Cartel Zero Directive - Upon verbal order of an authorized (verbally identified) Cartel executive the character is immediately "morally wounded" as all his organs seize to work. This is sometimes built into dagerous metamorphs to "shut them down" if they become uncontrollable.
Compensation - Short Product Life Cycle
The metamorph has a limited product life cycle encoded in the DNA structure and starts to deteriorate
  • 2 points - the metamorph loses one pip from an attribute every twenty-five adventures
  • 3 points - loses an attribute point every ten to twenty adventures (GM decision)
  • 4 points - loses an attribute point every six to eight adventures (GM decision)

Advantage - Improved Skills
For one point the player gets +2 pips for skills at character creation.
For two points the character gets a +1D modifier when using a specific skill (can be taken only once per skill).
Advantage - Increased Attributes
For Two points the characters movement characteristic is increased by 1
For three points the player can increase two attribute maximums by one pip or a single one by two pips
For five points the player gets +1D for attributes at character creation, which can be spent normally (up to the human racial maximums).
Advantage - Special Ability
Metamorph Advantage: Special Ability
Point Value Effect
An ability that is only of limited usefulness
An ability that gives the character a distinct advantage in certain limited situations
The character has a very useful advantage
The advantage is almost always a factor
A "special effect" sort of ability that gives a distinct advantage
*) These abilities are very hard to keep under control. GMs must take care not to unbalance the game too much if one of these is allowed
1 point examples:
Underwater-breathing, resistance to a specific enviornmental extreme, a very long lifespan, etc.
  • Enhanced Lungs - can breathe all kinds of Type II atmospheres without any problem in addition to air.
  • Gas Tolerance - Can breathe a specific Type III atmosphere in addition to air
  • Gills - The character can breathe water as if it were air
  • Heat Tolerance - can survive on "searing" worlds and has absolutley no trouble on "hot" worlds
  • Cold Tolerance - can survive on "fridgid" worlds and has absolutely no trouble on "cool" worlds
2 point examples:
Glider wings; perfect night vision; the ability to "put off" a bodily function like eating, sleeping (or even breathing) for a comparatively short amout of time.
  • Drug Tolerance - most drugs do not affect the character nearly as badly as most of humanity. +1D to resist the effects of any drug.
  • Glider Wings - the character can slow falls to non-leathal velocities and drift on air currents and updrafts as long as there is an atmosphere.
  • Perfect Dark Vision - the character suffers no penaties when attempting actions "in darkness"
3 point examples:
limited regeneration, wings, special toughness, etc.
  • Natural Weapons - like claws, bite, etc. (+2 pips of unarmed damage and uses the Brawling-skill).
  • Wings - the character gains a fly movement rate at 13/20. This ability requires an atmosphere and to use.
  • Toughness - has an additional wounded level, so he can be "wounded thrice" before becoming "incapacitated" from wounded-results and receives a +1 pip modifier for natural recovery rolls.
4 point examples:
regeneration, natural armor
  • Regeneration - The metamorph makes a narural recovery roll after every round at +1D.
  • Natural Armor - the metamorph has skin that is so tough that it acts as a +1D physical and +1D energy armor. This protection is not cumulative with other kinds of worn armor, but the better value counts.
5 point examples:
"abilility sets" that can be improved through experience, similar to Force powers but to a lesser extent.


Replicants are bioengineered, vat-grown beings with no (or very little) free will and are basically used as slaves throughout the Twenty Worlds, much like droids are used in the rest of the galaxy. Officially the Citadel does not recognize replicants as beings with actual souls. They are treated as SofTech items in the eyes of many people. Most are givenhuman form and come in several "stock" types. Workers are the most common, and least intelligent. They are no more than flesh and blood "robots", built for endurance and subservience. Servant replicants are more intelligent and are usually used as valets, handmaidens, chauffeurs, gardeners, etc. Warriors are made to protect and/or to kill with high strength, quickness, weapon skills and ferocity. Cognitors are built for their incredible intelligence. They have inhuman analytical, and information processing abilities. Some stocks are also created for special enviornments like underwater, certain type III atmospheres, etc.). All replicants wear metal collars with their name and their owner's identity inscribed and encoded on the band.

Replicants can be built with the same advantages and compensations as Metamorphs, but are not required to balance the points.

Typical Stock Replicants
Worker Servant Warrior Cognitor
Dexterity 1D+2
Knowledge 1D
Mechanical 1D+1
Perception 1D
Search 2D
Strength 2D+2
Stamina 4D, Lifting 3D+1
Technical 1D
Move: 8
Cost: 1670 ₮
Dexterity 2D
Menial Tasks 2D+2
Knowledge 1D+2
Bureaucracy 2D+1, Business 2D+1, Languages 2D+1
Mechanical 1D+2
Beast Riding:Carting 2D+2
Perception 2D
Bargain 2D+2, Search 3D
Strength 2D
Stamina 3D
Technical 1D+2
First Aid 2D+1
Move: 10
Cost: 2810 ₮
Dexterity 2D+1
Dodge 3D+1, Melee Combat 3D+1, Melee Parry 3D+1
Knowledge 1D
Mechanical 1D+2
Perception 1D+2
Search 2D+1
Strength 3D
Climbing/Jumping 3D+2, Stamina 4D+2
Technical 1D
Move: 11
Cost: 2200 ₮
Dexterity 1D+2
Knowledge 2D+2
Mechanical 2D
Perception 2D
Strength 1D+1
Technical 2D
Move: 10
Cost: 2370 ₮ base price + skill package*

The Force

Most people in Darkspace do not know anything about The Force as a concept but still know of its effects. The Force is often seen more from a supersticious level than from an enlightened one, so it is either embedded in a religious concept like the enrgy that a "deity" provides to his followers in return of being worshipped, as a philosophical concept of what the universe is really made of, or as a mental power. The concepts that come closest to the concept of the Force as seen by the Jedi of the rest of the galaxy is "Arcane Magic" as taught by the #Dargonathian College on Sylva and the worldview of the Quan who believe in an unnamed "force" that connects everything with everything else.


Augmented Navigation
Sense: Very Easy (can be kept up)
+1D+1 to use the Survival skill for navigational purposes.
Augmented Astrogation
Sense: Easy (can be kept up)
Prerequisite: Augmented Navigation
+1D+1 to use the Astrogation skill



Resist Vacuum
Control (can be kept up)
Very Easy - +1D to resist the effects of a vacuum.
Easy - +2D to resist the effects of a vacuum.
Moderate - Immunity to all effects of a vacuum. The caracter acts normally and breathing is sustained as long as the power is kept up.



Artificial Gravity
Alter (LoS, can be kept up)
Moderate - Allows one traget to move through an area of low or null gravity as if gravity of 1 were present. The Jedi must choose the direction of gravity for the target. No maneuver penalties from weightlessness will affect the target, and he will remain grounded to whatever surface is appropriate.
Difficult - Allows one target to function on a ceiling or wall (i.e., another plane of gravity) even if in a normal gravity environment. Once the power is activated, the plane of gravity cannot be changed. The power must be ended and reinitiated to change the plane of gravity.
Alter: [...] (modified by relationship, modified by distance)
The Channeling power is used to transfer Force from the "channeler" to another being or vice versa. The basic application for this is for someone else to use the self healing power of the user or to take wounds away from the target and transfer them to the channeler.


New Force Paths

In general, although the various DakSpace paths of the force do not recognize the "Dark Side" of the Force as the Jedi do, they do recognize the concepts of insanity and corruption. Also the concepts of the Jedi skills of Sense, Conrol and Alter play no role for the paths as taught by vthe various path schools of Darkspace. Instead each power is seen independently as something to be mastered. These differences cause some changes to the standard Star Wars Force rules:

  • Use of the Force for self-defence never accumulates Corruption (as the Dark Side is refered to here), even if people get hurt. But using the force for strongly selfish reasons does.
  • Instead of learning the three force skills and the powers, each power is an individual Advanced Skill, that requires the path's Base Skill (or skills) at 5D as a prerequisite.

In general Force Powers are divided into three groups:

  • Channeling of power that is collected in great pools of the Force
  • More or less direct manipulation of the Essence, meaning the flow and tides of the Force throughout the worlds and the starsea.
  • Mentalism is the manipulation of the Force that flows through a person's mind.
Darkspace Elementalism
(Essence) Schools all over the Twenty Worlds teach "Traditional Elemental Magic", i.e. how to use the Force to manipulate a number of elements from the traditional Darkspace elements of air, water, earth, heat and cold, the advanced forces of inertia, charge, vibration, light and dark, as well as the various compounds of elements and forces, the super compounds of plasma (fusion), umbra (equilibrium), transmutation, enthropy (dispersal), and gravitation (unification), plus the highly complex elemental concepts of aether, nether, nexus, spirit, and time.
Magicians and Alchemists are taught that there is a structure and order to all things that must be observered. Without structure there is no form and without form there is no exitence. The base skill for magicians is Elemental Lore
Immotos' Truth
(Channelling) Immotos' Truth is based on the Theology skill that teaches about how human belief is gathered by Immotos, an all-powerful, non-anthropomorphic creator-entity, through the priests of the Citadel and handed back to the believers through the hands and voices of priests and saints. It also holds that all actions in life will be rewarded or punished in life or in the afterlife and all that is unholy or evil (as defined by the Citadel) must be opposed at any cost. As the priests and warriors of the Citadel are Immotos voice and hands everything that they do is by definition holy - the end justifies the means, as long as the end is also worthy and justifyable.
Truth of Pirathon
(Channelling) Practically the same as Immotos' Truth, or so the Pirathons want to have everyone believe (and they all do). It is based on Theology like Immotos Truth: it holds the community high, observes the saintly virtues, delves into the same mysteries and higher mysteries. Except that at the core, Immotos Truth is replaced by the Truth of Pirathon which is ultimately corrupt, leading directly to the Dark Side of the Force. Even most members of the Pirathon do not expect this and may not realize it before it is too late.


HardTech Implants

Manufacturer for all HardTech Implants is the Citadel. Installing a HardTech implant is a Difficult Medicine:cyborging action.

Artificial muscle
Cost: type I: 800 ₮, type II: 1200 ₮, and type III: 1800 ₮
Availability: 4,R-X
These polymer and servo-units increase STR-based actions1) by:
type I: +2
type II: +1D+1
type III: +2D
The legality of these motors under the Pirathon Doctrine is questionable.
1) for example resisting damage is not an action.
Body armor
Cost: Duriplast: 1000 ₮, Synthisteel: 2000 ₮, SynthisteelPLUS: 4500 ₮
Availability: 3,R
Metallic or plastic armor that is embedded into the individual's skin.
Duriplast: +2 physical, +0 energy
Synthisteel: +2 physical, +1 energy
SynthisteelPLUS: 1D physical, 1D energy
Repairing this kind of armor is a Medicine:cyborging action.
Bone lacing
Cost: 2000 ₮
Availability: 3,R
+1 physical armor that is never reduced by damage taken and cumulative with other, worn armor. Additionally the penalty for being wounded twice is reduced to -1D.
Comlink implant
Cost: 1500 ₮
Availability: 2,F
Implant version of a Personal Comlink with a range of 150 kilometers over land or up to low orbit.
Finger blades
Cost: 500 ₮
Availability: 2,R
Razor-like metal blades that can retract into the finger tips. STR+2 damage with Moderate Brawling or Easy "Claw Attack" (new skill).
Cost: 350 ₮
Availability: 2,F
A small light (hooked into the body's organic electrical impulses) which can be fitted into a finger, forehead or other area of the body. The light has a range of 10 meters.
Cost: 150 ₮ per magnet
Availability: 2,F
A magnet which is bonded to an individual's skeleton anywhere under the skin. It is powerful enough to add 1 pip to Melee Combat, Melee Parry or ranged combat skills when using a metallic weapon, and +1D against attempts to disarm - if implanted in the hand. Or it can hold a metallic weapon to the body (in lieu of a sheath). Or to add 1D+2 to climbing a metallic surface (Climbing/Jumping skill) if within hands and feet).
Cost: 400 ₮
Availability: 2,F
The tools that make up a basic tool kit (including a power drill hooked up to the body's bioelectricity) can be imbedded into the fingers of an individual so they can be retracted at any time.
Cost: 650 ₮
Availability: 3, R
Skill: Melee Combat: slicewire
Difficulty: Difficult
A retractable Slicewire up to 3 meters long that is implanted into the palm or finger of an individual. This whip does STR+2D damage (no maximum).

HardTech Weapons

Burner Pistol
Cost: 5000 ₮ + Organic Battery
Availability: 3,R
Scale: Character
Type: one-handed blaster
Skill: Blaster: burner pistol
Fire Rate: 1 (but needs "priming" - see Game Notes)
Range: 3-5/10/30
Damage: 5D+1
Game Notes: These weapons are usually constructed of metal inner workings and barrel, with a heavy duty plastic outer casing. They project streams of superheated plasma that inflict incredible damage. In order to fire the weapon, it must first be "primed", which requires a Non-Roll Action. Once primed the pistol makes acontinual hissing noise and can be fired at the normal rate (see above). Leaving the weapon in a primed condition is dangerous however. If a character takes any Dex or Str based action that requires a roll with a difficulty number of 11 or more, a 1 on the Wild-Die automatically results in an exploding weapon: damage 7D+1 in a 1 meter radius (-2D per meter away). Switching the Burner off requires a free action.
Mainly used by Citadel personnel.
Heavy Burner
Cost: 10000 ₮ + Organic Battery x 2
Availability: 4,R
Scale: Character
Type: two-handed blaster
Skill: Blaster: heavy burner
Fire Rate: 5 (but needs "priming" - see Game Notes)
Range: 3-10/30/100
Damage: 6D
Game Notes: These weapons are usually constructed of metal inner workings and barrel, with a heavy duty plastic outer casing. They project streams of superheated plasma that inflict incredible damage. In order to fire the weapon, it must first be "primed", which requires a Non-Roll Action. Once primed the pistol makes acontinual hissing noise and can be fired at the normal rate (see above). Leaving the weapon in a primed condition is dangerous however. If a character takes any Dex or Str based action that requires a roll with a difficulty number of 11 or more, a 1 on the Wild-Die automatically results in an exploding weapon: damage 8D in a 1 meter radius (-2D per meter away). Switching the Burner off requires a free action.
Mainly used by Citadel personnel.
Protoplasm Projector
Cost: 1000 ₮
Availability: 2,R
Scale: Character
Type: one-handed missile weapon
Skill: Missile Weapons:projector
Ammo: 10 (belt pack)
Fire Rate: 1/2
Range: 3-5/10/30
Damage: by jelly type
Game Notes: An 18" long, 2" diameter, plastic tube that is open on one end and is capped with a firing mechanism on the other. This weapon is used to project out various protoplasmic jellies such as #spell-jellies, #stun-jellies, and #nutrient drainers.
Cost: 2000 ₮
Availability: 3,F
Scale: Character
Ammo: 30 (backpack pod containing the aerosol component(s) & pressurized air)
Fire Rate: 1
Range: Point Blank range up to 15m
Damage: by ammo type
Game Notes: This bulky, two-handed weapon requires a 10 kg backpack-storage pod for ammunition and sprays a fine mist of an aerosol load. Extremely little skill is needed to use this weapon - just point and fire.
Sprayer loads:
Acid (100 ₮; Avb: 1,F) - causes 4D energy damage.
Blindness (150 ₮; Avb: 1,F) - target becomes blind for 2D6 rounds.
Cellular Disruption (500 ₮; Avb: 3,X) - target takes 1D6 damage with no damage resistance roll allowed.
Choking (380 ₮, Avb: 2,R) - target cannot breathe for 2D6 rounds. Target is at -2D and makes a Stamina check each round vs the current number of rounds of choking. If it fails the character becomes incapacitated. Next failed check he becomes mortally wounded. The character dies on the third failed check. Can be ended with Easy Medicine or Difficult First Aid.
Flame (200 ₮; Avb: 1,F) - causes 5D energy damage.
Liquid Nitrogen (300 ₮ for only 15 shots; Avb: 2,F) - causes 6D energy damage
Poison (80 ₮ + 10 ₮/level; Avb: 3,X)
*) poison level = poison difficulty
Poison examples:

HardTech Armor

Duriplast Breastplate
Cost: 350 ₮
Availability: 1,F
Scale: Character
Coverage: Torso, shoulders
Protection: +2 pips physical, no energy protection
Game Notes: Duriplast is a strong, tough and lightweight plastic material manufactured by the Cartel.
Duriplast Exoskeleton
Cost: 1000 ₮
Availability: 1,F
Scale: Character
Coverage: Full body, including a helmet
Protection: +1D+1 physical, +2 pips energy protection, -1D Dex
Game Notes: Duriplast is a strong, tough and lightweight plastic material manufactured by the Cartel. The exoskeleton is a full body armor that includes joints between individual armor areas.
Cost: 1000 IG
Availability: 1,F
Scale: Character
Coverage: Torso, shoulders
Protection: +1D physical, +1 pip energy protection
Game Notes: Synthisteel is a special plastic-metal compound, much stronger and tougher than any other metal. For this armor type it is made into interlinking rings to form an extremely flexible armor that also absorbs some energy.
Cost: 3300 IG
Availability: 1,F
Scale: Character
Coverage: Full body, including a hood
Protection: +1D+1 physical, +1D energy protection
Game Notes: Synthisteel is a special plastic-metal compound, much stronger and tougher than any other metal. For this armor type it is made into interlinking rings to form an extremely flexible armor that also absorbs energy.
Synthisteel Fullplate
Cost: 3000 ₮
Availability: 1,F
Scale: Character
Coverage: Torso
Protection: +2D physical, +1D+1 energy protection, -1 pip Dex
Game Notes: Synthisteel is a special plastic-metal alloy, much stronger and tougher than any other metal. For this armor type it is made into interlocking, flexible, jointed sheets.


These are actually inappropriately named, as they are not drugs at all. Cyberdrugs are specified and tailored electrical impulses applied to the brain to produce various effects. Because of this they are also called "power pulses" or "impulse treatment". Cyberdrugs are applied by connecting a person to a so called "cyberdrug implement", which is a small box (10x10x3 cm) with a display and two sets of electrodes which are applied to the head in a specific pattern around the temples (depending on person and cyberdrug to be applied). Applying a cyberdrug requires the Cyberdrug Application skill. Up until the Pirathon Doctrine Cyberdrugs were commonly used for various reasons from recreation, down to supplement torture, but the Doctrine severely limited its use to strict medical applications by licences individuals only.

Cyberdrug Implement
Cost: 1500 ₮
Availability: 2, R

Communications HardTech




Artifices & Artifacts

Artifices and artifacts are items that were either created through magical powers or using magical principles that incorporate a certain amount of power. Artifices designate items of contempoirary, human make, so their properties are well known. Artifacts are either ancient creations or made by unknown sources, so that they may have any number of unknown properties.


CML's Alchemical Burner
Manufacturer: CML Arms Reseach Division
Cost: 2000 IG
Availability: 3,F
Scale: Character
Type: one-handed energy projector
Power/Skill: #Channeling/#Energy Projector
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-5/10/30
Damage: #Channeling
Game Notes: A device in the form of a heavy pistol that uses a combination of alchemical transmutation sigils to create a concentrated stream of plasma. The power of Channeling is required to use this device, but it must not be actively used. Once a character has that power, the weapon can be used and his #Channeling dice are used for the weapon's damage. The Energy Projector skill must be used to hit the target.







Living Grafts

These organisms have been created to attach themselves to a host and enter a symbiotic relationship. They can usually be easily removed by the host or upon the host's death.

Model: Retridynamics Organic Breather
Cost: 950 ₮
Game Notes: This graft fits over the host's mouth and nose, covering the entire lower half of his face. It serves as a filter and prevents the host from breathing any harmful toxins. It can easyly filter any type II atmosphere and can filter type III atmospheres for 8 hours continuously before it needs to regenerate in a nutrient bath for an hour. It neds to be removed before the host can eat or drink, but speaking, although a little muffled, is possible while wearing a Breather.


Host Armor

SofTech™ Implants




Programmed Creatures

These bioengineered beings vary greatly in design, purpose and complexity. Most are just slightly more intelligent than plants. Almost all require weekly nutrition injections.

Air Filterer
Model: CBD's AirFresh™ Globe
Cost: 980 ₮
Availability: 1,F
Game Notes: This creature appears to be a 20 cm diameter eggshape with "gill-slits" on the sides (there are models in different colors available) on a base of several short tentacles that attach themselves to any surface. It absorbs any gas or airborn material except (even poisonous substances) and produces oxygen, nitrogen and other harmless gasses. It takes one of these creatures fifteen minutes to filter 5 m3 of type II atmosphere, but only 1 m3 of type III atmosphere.
Spear Gun
Basically a bioengineered sea urchin, it grows its own ammunition (1 per hour) and have a firing mechanism that propels the spikes using internal gas build-up.


Sentient Creatures


Sentient Vehicles

In order to establish telepathic contact with a sentient vehicle the Darkspace "magic" of "..." can be used, the normal force power Perfect Telepathy or a force sensitive person can try to rely on the telepathic ability of the mount/vehicle: ...

Model: CWW DomeShark™
Cost: 19,350 ₮
Type: Aquatic sentient SofTech™ conveyence
Scale: Walker
Length: 8.3 meters
Skill: Beast Riding:Domefish or telepathic control
Oneriness: 3D
Crew: 1
Passengers: 2
Cargo Capacity: 200 kg
Cover: 1/2
Maximum Depth: 500 m
Move: 25 (no all-out move possible; 35 km/h)
Special Abilities:
  • Armor +2D physical and energy protection
    Dome Armor: +1D additional physical & energy protection for crew & passengers. When this armor is destroyed, the crew and passenger area is flooded.
  • Bite
Attack Arc: Front
Accuracy: 2D+1
Scale: Walker
Damage STR+1D+2
  • Tail Bash
Attack Arc: Back
Accuracy 1D+2
Scale: Walker
Damage: STR
The Domeshark was specifically bred for the world of Atlasis, but has been adapted to many different oceans on many different worlds. A Domeshark is, in appearance, a huge shark with a transparent chitinous dome behind its head. It can swallow and store riders, but the interior of its dome is dry and filled with air (which is constantly resupplied via the shark's super-efficient gills).
Model: CWW DomeRay™
Cost: 14,250 ₮
Type: Aquatic sentient SofTech™ conveyence
Scale: Walker
Length: 6.8 meters
Skill: Beast Riding:Domefish or telepathic control
Oneriness: 1D
Crew: 1
Passengers: 5
Cargo Capacity: 800 kg
Cover: 1/2
Maximum Depth: 500 m
Move: 16 (no all-out move possible; 22 km/h)
Special Abilities:
  • Armor +1D physical and energy protection (including passengers)
Domerays are the "family"-model of sentient aquatic conveyences, offering more dome-space for passengers and a larger internal stowage area. For easy access, the dome can also be entered from the top and then sealed from the inside. Domerays are also much more docile than Domesharks plus they are slightly empathic and adapt their nature and appearance somewhat to a regular rider.
Void Whale
Model: CVE VoidWhale™
Cost: ? ₮
Type: Sentient SofTech™ starsea conveyence (space transport)
Scale: Walker
Length: 38.3 meters
Skill: Beast Riding:Domefish or telepathic control
Oneriness: 3D
Crew: 3
Passengers: 30
Cargo Capacity: 5000 kg
Move: 100 (only cruising or cautious within an atmosphere up to low orbit; 75 km/h)
Special Abilities:
  • Armor: +2D physical and energy protection
  • Full Life Support: the VoidWhale, crew and passengers are protected from vacuum, heat and cold and are constantly supplied with fresh air through glands that work like Air Filterers



Crystal Grafts

Crystalized Items

Other Crysal Technology

Crystal Golem
NullSpace Resonator
A long distance communication device based on crystal technology that allows near instant communication. Communication can be adversely affected by a world's Force Flow (positive Force Flow adds to the difficulty of the Communications skill). Actual range depends on size and specifications:
Organic Battery
Cost: 500 ₮
Availability: 1,F
This very small 5 cm x 2 cm oblong creature is actually a mix of SofTech™ and CrysTech™, looking like vines or tentacles wrapped around a glowing crystal. This creature produces electrical impulses until it dies. It has a lifespan of about 20 years, but its potential has not been fully examined yet. Organic batteries are used mostly to power communication devices and burners.
Organic Batteries are mostly grown on Leisarn


Source: Kurst (talk), inspired by Dark Space (Rolemaster/Space Master setting by Monte Cook), Mutant Chronicles (RPG by Target Games), Shatterzone (RPG by West End Games), The Dark Crystal (Film by Jim Henson and Frank Oz), Battle Angel Alita (Manga by Yukito Kishiro), Lejentia (Campaign setting by H.J. Bennett & Susan K. Putney) and Final Fantasy game series by Square/Square Enix