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Control Difficulty: Moderate.

Note: Characters who are consumed by the dark side of the Force may not use this power.

Required Powers: Hibernation Trance

Effect: The user empties her mind and allows the Force to flow through her. The character seems to be in deep meditation and is oblivious to her surroundings. A character in emptiness may not move or take any action except to try to disengage from the emptiness. While in emptiness, a character is difficult to sense or affect with the Force. When another character attempts to use a Force power on the user in emptiness, add the user's emptiness roll to the difficulty for the other character's sense roll (if the power doesn't use the sense skill, add the difficulty to the control roll). This difficulty is added regardless of whether or not the empty character would willingly receive the power's effect. Once the character comes out of emptiness, the character gets a +6 bonus modifier to all Force skill rolls for a period of time equal to the amount of time spent in emptiness. This bonus is reduced by -1 for each Dark Side Point that the character has. When in emptiness, characters dehydrate and hunger normally — some initiates have died because they lacked enough control to bring themselves out of emptiness. A character must make a Difficult control skill roll to bring herself out of emptiness. When the character enters into emptiness, the player must state for how long the character will be in meditation. The character may attempt to come out of meditation under the following circumstances:

• When the stated time has passed.

• Once each hour beyond the original time limit.

• The character's body takes any damage more serious than stun damage.

Source: The Star Wars Roleplaying Game - second edition - revised and expanded (page 144)