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All Terrain Attack Pod
Craft: All Terrain Attack Pod
Type: Rothana Heavy Engineering All Terrain Attack Pod (AT-AP)
Scale: Walker
Length: 10.97 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation; ATAP
Crew: 2 + 1 Gunner
Cargo Capacity: 130 kilograms
Cover: Full
Maneuverability: 0D+1
Move: 25, 80 kmh
Body Strength: 3D+2
- Heavy Projectile Launcher (Can only fire when Walker is stabilised by third leg)
- Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 3D
Range: 200-800/1.8/3.5km
Damage: 7D
- Heavy Blaster Cannon
- Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 50-300/500/1km
Damage: 6D
- Medium Laser Cannon
- Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 75-400/750/1.5km
Damage: 4D
Cost: Not available for sale (likely valued at 150,000 credits)
Consumables: 2 days
Description: As the Clone Wars escalated, the Republic military built up their ground forces with newer, more versatile models of walking battlefield armor. This two-legged model, dubbed the pod attack walker, featured artillery cannons and a third retractable leg used for stability during long-range weapons firing. Clone trooper drivers piloted this walker model in such heated campaigns as those found on Kashyyyk and Felucia. A larger iteration of the successful All Terrain Personal Transport (AT-PT), the All Terrain Attack Pod scaled up much of those systems into a two-man model. Though still too small to be deployed on its own, the AT-AP nonetheless transforms battlefield infantry into mobile medium-range artillery.
The adjustable suspension system gives the AT-AP walker stability and maneuverability over uneven terrain. The third leg lowers in the event of uneven terrain, or when the centrally fixed heavy projectile cannon fires.
Affiliation: Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, Rebell Alliance, Pirates, Zann Consortium, Hutt Cartel