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Alliance Agitator
Equipment: Street clothes, hold-out blaster (3D), chronometer, 100 credits
Background: You once had a home, friends, family and acareer on a colony world. Politics held no interest for you, until the Empire appeared in orbit over your world, and bludgeoned it into submission. When the smoke cleared, your home was destroyed, your friends were in irons, and your family was dead. Now politics interest you a great deal.
The Imperial military forces moved on after pacifying the local populace and setting up a puppet government, leaving you and your fellow citizens to pick up the pieces. Well, they may think they have knocked the spirit of your people, but you are determined to prove them wrong.
You've dedicated your considerable organizational skills to planning and executing mass demonstrations, peaceful sabotage and so on. You refuse to commit violent acts, however, and have resisted attempts to develop your organization into a Rebel cell.
Personality: Your type of loss can't be measured on a ledger sheet. You're no warrior, but you'll do your part any way you can.
Connection With Characters:
Source: WEG Heroes and Rogues
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