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Andromeda: Pyrian Torchship
Name: Torchship
Craft: Pyrian Torchship
Type: Capital Ship
Scale: capital
Length: 2,000 x 900 x 800 meters
Skill: capital ship pilot
Crew: 637; skeleton: 64/+10
Passengers: 3,168
Cargo Capacity: 153,150 metric tons
Consumables: 2 years
Slipstream Drive: x0.04
Nav Computer: yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 295; 850 km/h
Hull: 8D
- Passive: 60 / 1D+1
- Scan: 120 / 3D
- Search: 180 / 4D+1
- Focus: 6 / 6D
- 15 Type XX Plasma Beam Cannons
- Fire Arc: turrets
Crew: 1
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D+1
Space Range: 1-12/30/60
Atmosphere Range: 2-24/60/120km
Damage: 10D+2
- 15 Neutron Missile Launchers
- Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 5D+1
Space Range: 1-40/100/200
Atmosphere Range: 2-80/200/400km
Damage: 10D
- 40 Artificial Gravity Mass Packet Launchers
- Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 5D+1
Space Range: 1-40/100/200
Atmosphere Range: 2-80/200/400km
Effects: See Notes
- Artificial Gravity Mass Packet: Each "packet" that hits a moving target causes the target to suffer a penalty of -1 to Space/Move and a -1D to Maneuverability. These penalties are cumulative. AG Mass Packets are unaffected by the target's Shields/Battle Blades.
Description: Torchships are the primary warships of the Pyrians and are considered one of the most sophisticated combat vessel classes in the known universe. The Pyrians, a methane breathing species, engaged the first Systems Commonwealth in a series of border skirmishes. It was during these conflicts that the Torchships gained their fearsome reputations as advanced starships capable of going head-to-head with Glorious Heritage Class cruisers such as the Andromeda Ascendant.
Ships of this class exceed many other warship designs in sheer size and are comparable in size to Glorious Heritage cruisers. However unlike ships such as the Andromeda Torchships are remarkably slow and can ordinarily be out maneuvered by most vessels. To compensate for this deficiency in combat Pyrian Torchships often use small gravity generators referred to as "Artificial Gravity Mass Packets" to disable their enemy's ability to escape and/or maneuver. Simultaneously, the Torchships will deploy fighter squadrons of ships which resemble smaller versions of the Torchships themselves. After the enemy has been successfully cornered and pinned down, the Torchship moves in and slices the enemy to pieces with its plasma beams.
Due to the fact that Pyrians require a methane rich atmosphere to breathe Torchships are filled with the necessary gasses required to sustain Pyrian life. These gasses are shades of green in appearance.
- The Andromeda Wiki: Torchship
- thedemonapostle