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Armadid were vicious predatory creatures native to Nubia. This immense, reptilian predator resembled an elongated, armored bull, the armadid was a vicious beast whose tail ended in a huge claw. Its toothy maw was protected by a pair of long, curving tusks, and each of its four legs ended in a huge, three-talon foot.


Type: Mountain predator
Planet of Origin: Nubia
Hide 2D+1 (4D+1 in rocky terrain), search 3D
Climbing/jumping 7D+1
Control 2D
Force Powers: Burst of Speed.
Special Abilities:
Camouflage: When in rocky terrain, the armadid’s gray armored body blends in with its surrounding. This provides the armadid with a +2D bonus to hide skill checks made in rocky environments.
Exceptional Reflexes: Armadids gain a +1D bonus to all
Perception rolls made to determine initiative.
Force-Sensitive: Armadids are Force-sensitive.
Horns: An armadid can gore a foe with its horns, inflicting STR+2 in damage.
Low-light Vision: Armadids can see twice as far as humans in dim light.
Natural Armor: The armadid adds +2D to Strength rolls made to resist physical damage, and +1D to Strength rolls made to resist energy damage.
Tail: The crab-like pincer on the end of an armadid’s tail can pinch an opponent for the creature’s Strength rating in damage.
Move: 10
Size: 3 meters long
Source: Coruscant and the Core Worlds (page 123)