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Arrogant Noble
Equipment: Several changes of clothing in the latest styles, hold-out blaster (3D), one melee weapon of choice, personal landspeeder, 2,000 credits
Background: That scum Palpatine. How he became Emperor is beyond you. Why, the man's an upstart! The idea that Palpatine should be your sovereign is completely intolerable. Everyone in your family shares your loathing for the power-hungry swine. You joined the Rebellion as soon as you had the chance. There are some drawbacks to the Rebellion, of course. All this "democracy" chit-chat is quite tiresome. It's really rather annoying to have all these aliens and members of the lower orders as your equals in the Rebellion's military hierarchy. Still, you must steel yourself to the task — it is the duty of your lineage and all that. It is unfortunate, though, that you'll miss out on this year's social season in the Core Worlds.
Personality: Gracious with those who acknowledge themselves as your inferiors; slightly to insufferably arrogant with anyone else. You follow a strict moral code—always to honor debts; always to fight fair; never to let anyone impugn your honor. You have no patience with commercial motives and cannot, yourself, be bothered to keep track of money or expenditures.
Objectives: To restore yourself to your rightful place of honor and respect. There is all that blather about the fight for democracy, but it will pass in good time.
Connection With Characters: Another senatorial — a relation, a long-time political ally (or enemy) — now united in hostility to the Empire. A loyal retainer might be your servant. You might know a retired captain by reputation.
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