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Aurek-class tactical strikefighter
Aurek Starfighter
Craft: Republic Fleet Systems Aurek Tactical Strikefighter
Type: Tactical Strike starfighter
Scale: starfighter
Length: 9.2 meters long
Skill: Starfighter Piloting
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 20 kg
Cost: 360,000 new (estimated, not for sale)
Consumables: 1 week
Hyperdrive: x2
Nav Computer: yes
Maneuverability: 3D+2
Space: 14
Atmosphere: 485; 1,400 km/h
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 1D
- Passive:30/0D
- Scan:60/1D
- 2 Heavy Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
- Fire Arc: front
Crew: 1
Scale: stafighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1 - 3 / 12 / 25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1,200/2,500m
Damage: 6D
- Proton Torpedo Launcher (6 torpedoes)
- Fire Arc: front
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1 / 3 / 7
Atmosphere Range: 100/300/700m
Damage: 9D
Notes: The Aurek starfighter has a tapered body with wings that can be configured to different positions. Designed during the restoration between the Great Sith War and the Mandalorian Wars, the Aurek offers legendary performance levels, but at a proportionally high production cost.
Source: KORSE p180-181. Converted from d20 Saga Edition rules.