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AvP: Yautja
Name: Yautja
Dice: 12D
Dexterity: 2D+1 / 4D+2
Knowledge: 1D / 3D
Mechanical: 2D+1 / 4D+1
Perception: 1D / 3D
Strength: 3D+1 / 5D+1
Technical: 2D / 4D
Move: 12 / 16
Size: 2.0 - 2.8 m
Weight: 100 - 250 kg
Starting Age: 200 - 300 years
Lifespan: 1,000+ years
Special Abilities:
- Resistances:
- Physical Resistance: STR+1D
- Energy Resistance: STR+2D
- Acid Resistance: STR+2D
- Radiation Resistance: STR+2D
- Skill Bonuses:
- Search: +1D
- Jump: +1D
- Atmospheric Intolerance: Yautja breathe 1% more oxygen, and 4% more nitrogen than humans. They can adapt to earth's natural gasses, but it could only last for 1 week at the most. For every 10 minutes for which a Yautja goes without using a breather, their physical attributes reduce (Dexterity and Strength) by 1 pip. Spending 10 rounds on a breather will return 1 pip lost from each of the physical attributes.
- Language: The Yautja have a verbal language of clicks and chirps and are capable of mimicking other verbal languages to a degree. They do pick up languages quickly, however without formally studying the language.
- Infrared Vision: Yautja can only see in one spectrum of light, infrared.
- No Wealth: Yautja have no concept of wealth. Their superior technology is earned, not bought.
- Non-Yautja Are Prey: The Yautja see all non-yautja as prey. They cannot overcome this and don’t socially deal well with other races, as such they have a –2D penalty to all social interaction rolls with other races.
"What the hell are you?"
―Dutch to the Jungle Hunter
The Yautja, known colloquially as the Predators, are an extraterrestrial species characterized by their hunting of other dangerous species for sport and honor, including humans. The Yautja are a sentient, humanoid race that breathe an atmosphere similar to that of Earth's, but possess a level of technological advancement far in excess of anything available to humans. The Predators stalk and kill their prey using a combination of highly advanced technology, such as active camouflage and energy weapons, combined with traditional ancient weapons, such as blades, spears and nets. The Predators often ritualistically mutilate their victims and usually claim a trophy from their kills. Capable of interstellar travel in star ships, the Predators have hunted on Earth for centuries and have also had prior contact with the Engineers. They have been known to deliberately breed Xenomorphs in order to hunt them, often as part of initiation rituals for young Predators.
- Xenopedia: Yautja
- Alien Species Wiki: Yautja
- Predator: Cazador de Trofoes (pages 8-10)
- thedemonapostle