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Babylon 5 Drakh Entire Heavy Raider
Name: Heavy Raider
Craft: Drakh Entire Heavy Raider
Type: Fighter
Scale: Capital
Length: 76.2 meters (estimated)
Skill: Space Transports
Crew: 13; Skeleton: 2/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation: 6D+2; Capital Ship Gunnery: 5D; Communications: 6D+2; Sensors: 5D+2; Space Transports: 6D+2; Capital Ship Shields: 6D+2
Passengers: 10
Cargo Capacity: 20 metric tons
Consumables: 2 weeks
Maneuverability: 3D
Space: 9
Hull: 2D+1
Shields: 2D
- Passive: 20 / 0D+2
- Scan: 40 / 1D+1
- Search: 60 / 1D+2
- Focus: 2 / 2D+1
- Light Neutron Cannon
- Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D+1
Space Range: 1-9/23/45
Damage: 6D
- Artificial Gravity: Yes
- Crew: 13
- Officers / Pilots: 1
- Sensor Operators: 4
- Crewmen: 8
- Average Crew Experience Level: Drakh Veteran
- Stealth: 12 (Base Difficulty to Detect Ship)
- Drakh Gravitic Energy Grid: 3D
- Gravitic Engine
Description: Ria’stor (literally, ‘predatory fish native to Draas, similar to an Earth piranha’)
The Drakh never had the resources or manpower to justify developing fighters. While huge swarms of fast, heavily-armed vessels can be devastating, the Drakh knew their enemies would always be more numerous. Therefore, they concentrated on designing a vessel that could fulfill the functions of a fighter, but would be capable of defeating waves of smaller vessels as well as damaging larger ones. In truth, the Heavy Raider is almost a direct copy of a small Shadow warship, remade using Drakh technology.
The ria’stor is built around its primary weapon, a neutron cannon of incredible power. The only ship of comparable size that exceeds the Heavy Raider’s firepower is the White Star – the Heavy Raiders have an absurdly large and powerful gun for such a small ship. The crew section of the Raider is very cramped, even for a Drakh vessel. The entire crew is crowded into the ‘stem’ of the main gun, just about the main reactor. Most Drakh vessels have two fin-like arrays that are used by the gravitic engines to simulate thrust but the Raider has no less than four maneuvering fins, to give it the agility it needs. Even with its shields and armor, the Heavy Raider is not capable of standing up to the firepower from a capital ship, so it needs the ability to evade incoming fire. The Raider is nearly as agile as a Shadow vessel.
With all that firepower, armor and speed packed into such a small hull, compromises had to be made. The Raiders do not have jump engines, forcing them to rely on carriers for hyperspace travel. They have only minimal sensor and life support systems, and are not atmosphere-capable under normal circumstances. In emergencies, a Raider can reinforce its gravitic shields enough to risk entry into an atmosphere but the gravity of a planet will likely break or warp the maneuvering fins, permanently grounding the Raider if it tries to land.
- The Babylon 5 Project: Drakh fighter
- Babylon 5: The Drakh (page 61)
- thedemonapostle