Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Block Force Ability
Block Force Ability
Control Difficulty:
Duration Desired 1 Round Easy - 10
2 Rounds Moderate - 15
Up to 5 Rounds Difficult - 20
Up to 15 Rounds Very Diff - 25
Up to 3 Hours Very Diff - 30
Up to 1 Day Heroic - 40
Up to 1 Week Heroic - 45
Up to 1 Month Heroic - 50
Up to 1 Year Heroic - 60
Up to 5 Years Heroic - 70
Up to 15 Years Heroic - 80
Permanent Heroic - 100
Sense Difficulty: Targets Control + Proximity
Alter Difficulty:
Type of Force to Block:
Single, Specific Use Difficult - 17
Single Skill Power Very Diff - 27
2 Skill Power Heroic - 39
3 Skill Power Heroic - 52
Entire Skill Heroic - 76
This power may be kept “up.”
Time to use: One Round for every level of duration.
Required Powers: Hibernation Trance, Life detection, Sense Force, Projective Telepathy, Transfer Force(?) Affect Mind, Control Mind, Control Pain, Control Another's Pain
Effect: In game terms this is a most devastating power. This power can be activated as a reaction to a specific force power used by another Jedi, or it can have a more premeditated use.
When used, the user suffers a -1D to all Force Skills for 2 times the duration called for. For instance if Dark Jedi used this power to stop Light Jedi from using Absorb/Dissipate *at one specific instance*, then Dark Jedi, regardless of his success or failure, suffers a -1D to all his force Skills for 2 Rounds(because the shortest duration is one round). If Dark Jedi decided to try to block Light Jedi's ability to use Absorb/Dissipate permanently, then Dark Jedi would suffer that -1D for twice as long. Any dice lost this way can, of course, be recovered through the spending of character points.
And Character who has had all three Skills(Control, Sense and Alter) blocked will appear to any mode of detection as non-force sensitive. The user of this power can use it on himself.