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The clawbirds of Wayland, called stana by the
Myneyrshi natives, are small but dangerous vicious
avian creatures. They seldom grow over 10 centimeters
long, with wingspans of up to 15 centimeters. Each wing
is tipped with sharp, needle-like spines that inject a
slow-acting poison into a target. Despite their diminutive
nature, they are more than a match for larger
predators, especially when they hunt in flocks. Flocks
range in size from five or six birds to over 100 clawbirds,
and they seem to be able to hunt almost as a coordinated
Clawbirds attack in swarms. They use a series of
"wave attacks" to bring down their prey, while the other

clawbirds protect the attackers from any hidden predators.
Clawbirds simply poison their prey and then
circle, sometimes for over an hour, waiting for the
target to die from the poison. As soon as the prey
falters, however, a feeding frenzy begins, as the
clawbirds begin fighting their way to the body,
often killing others of their own kind in the process.
Clawbirds are used in various rituals and customs of
the natives of Wayland. The humans, Myneyrshi and
Psadans stuff and bleach a clawbird as a symbol of
truce; a dead predator illustrates the temporary silencing
of hostility between competing species.
• Clawbird
Type: Avian Predator
Dodge 4D+2, flight 4D
Special Abilities:
Poison Spines: Clawbird poisonous spines do STR+1 damage and
inject a slow-acting poison into a target. Consider the poison to
have a paralysis intensity of 3D (the victim must roll Strength or
stamina to resist the poison). The intensity of the poison increases
by +1D for each hour, up to a maximum of 6D; the poison can be
counteracted by medicines found in any medpac. When rolling for
the poison, if the poison beats the character's roll by 0-3 points,
the character is stunned (as per page 62 of Star Wars, Second
Edition). If the poison beats the character by 4-9 points, the
character is paralyzed and is incapable of voluntary movement. If
the roll beats the character's resistance roll by 10 or more points,
the character becomes mortally wounded, and if the roll beats the
character by 15 or more points, the character dies.
Move: 15 (flying)
Size: 10 centimeters long, 15-centimeter wingspan