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GV3 guardiandroid.jpg

Clifford is the result of too much money and not enough to do. We took 12 of these droids and for 6 days put one droid against another. The winner of the match was put aside and the loser stripped for parts. On day 7 we had a battle royal with the 6 winners of the days previous. The last one standing was named Clifford, repaired, upgraded, programmed, and imprinted.

Type: Modified (heavily) Cybot Galactica GV Series Guardian Droid


Blaster 7D, brawling parry 5D, dodge 5D, melee combat 5D, melee parry 5D, running 4D


Alien species 2D intimidation 6D


Communications 2D, sensors 5D


Search 5D


Brawling 5D


Equipped With:

-Four legs

-VibroClaws Str+2D

-Hinged, grasping jaw with retractable Vibroblade incisors (STR+2d damage)

-Two visual and auditory sensor recorders – Human range

-Retractable blaster (4D damage, ranges 0-7/15/30)

-2 Firelinked Light repeating blasters, telescoping, (7d/8d 50/120/300)

-2 Visual and Auditory sensors, human range

-Body armor, 2D resistance to physical and energy damage

Special Abilities:

Painted Red to make it go faster, or think it can go faster. If repainted will only go 14 instead of the 15. If memory wiped the red factor is void.

Loyalty Imprint: Absolute obedience to master and designated family members. Will react in potential threat situations to defend would-be attackers unless directly countermanded by designated family member.

Move: 15

Size: 1.5 meters tall


Source: Galladinium’s Fantastic Technology (pages 20-21), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 59)