Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Conrad Core
Equipment: comlink, Titan power armor, personal accounts; 10,000,000 credits, C+C Corp accounts (you dont wanna know), DL44 heavy blaster pistol (5D), Blaster rifle (6D), Deck sweeper (6d stun), The Xeel, The Jugernaught, The Eye Core, 144x Inzen A681 Dagger
Connection With Characters:
Holdings are as follows:
Vic Base | location in Hoth asteroid field well hidden | ||||
17 | crate of corusca stones full | ||||
1 | AT-AT walker | ||||
4 | At-ST walker | ||||
5 | TIE/in fighters | ||||
1 | "Xeel" Starship | ||||
12 | Stormtrooper armor plates | ||||
19 | Blast vest | ||||
19 | blast helmet | ||||
10 | bounty hunter armor | ||||
1 | hut floater | ||||
1 | Nishito mining beam | ||||
1 | I-C2 contruction droid | ||||
full machine shop with forge | |||||
20 | NR5 maintenance droids | ||||
capitol ship repair 4D | |||||
droid programming/repair 6D | |||||
Starfighter repair 8D | |||||
Space transport repair 8D | |||||
starship weapons repair 7D | |||||
Computer programming/repair 7D | |||||
security 5D+2 | |||||
7 | "Wonka" power droids | ||||
4 | proticol droid (loyalty imprint) | ||||
command 6D | |||||
engineering 6D | |||||
2 | Chef droids | ||||
1 | 2-1B medical droid | ||||
125 | droid customization kit | ||||
125 | MKII droid diagnostic kits | ||||
5 | Toprawan miners | ||||
Nar-Shadda Base | |||||
8 | Fuel tank (4 tons each) | ||||
1 | full machine shop with forge | ||||
2 | Y-wing starfighter | ||||
6 | X-wing starfighter | ||||
5 | Z-95 Headhunter | ||||
2 | Swoop | ||||
1 | I-C2 construction droid | ||||
360 | NR5 maintenance droids | ||||
capitol ship repair 4D | |||||
droid programming/repair 6D | |||||
Starfighter repair 8D | |||||
Space transport repair 10D+1 | |||||
starship weapons repair 7D | |||||
Computer programming/repair 7D | |||||
security 5D+2 | |||||
6 | Litigation droid (loyalty imprinted) | ||||
6 | personal secretary droids (loyalty imprinted) | ||||
Search 5D | |||||
Search: data net 8D+2 | |||||
125 | droid customization kit | ||||
125 | MKII droid diagnostic kits | ||||
1 | YV-100 light frieghter | ||||
1 | VCX-350 Light frieghter | ||||
employees | |||||
12000 | squib techs | ||||
1200 | sulistan navigators | ||||
10 | wookie security | ||||
12 | selonian pilots | ||||
5 | duro bounty hunters | ||||
6 | twilek merchants | ||||
Juggernaught cargo and equipment | |||||
tons | |||||
4 | extra fuel tank | ||||
20 | quadrillium (76800 credits) | ||||
20 | hfredium (112640 credits) | ||||
6 | F-9 heavy ion cannon-4D/4D (3000 credits per) x6 | ||||
speeder bike | |||||
40 loyalty imprint chips | |||||
imp command combat simulator | |||||
5 extra transponder codes | |||||
0.025 | 1/2 crate corusca stones | ||||
1 | 2-1B medical droid | ||||
1 | lifting droid | ||||
1 | Weapons locker (hidden an shielded) | ||||
14 | modified blaster rifles-6D | ||||
1 | torpedo launcher - 4rack shoulder mounted | ||||
40 | torpedo | ||||
10 | stun grenades | ||||
4 | titan armor suits | ||||
11 | Blaster rifles (5D) | ||||
10 | Light repeaters (6D) | ||||
100 | Blaster powerpacks |