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Corha Vance

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D6holocron Character Corha Vance.jpg

Name: Corha Vance
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 19

Background: Corha grew up in her father’s repair shop on Abregado-Rae. Following in her father’s footsteps, Corha began to tinker with gadgets around the shop, trying to help her father. She found that she had a knack for fixing broken things as time went on.

After the fall of the Republic and as the Empire tightened its’ grip on the galaxy, Corha’s father found it harder and harder to secure work in his shop. To try and provide for his family, he entered into a deal with a crime lord to provide illegal modifications to swoops and speeders, along with installation of smuggling equipment on freighters. This caught the attention of the Empire which eventually got him arrested.

Corha was left on the streets and alone. She decided to sell her skill the best that she could, eventually gaining work as a mechanic onboard The SpaceCow. Her job was short-lived, however, as the main crew of the Cow was arrested by the Imperials shortly after she came aboard.

Personality: While Corha is a “go anywhere – fix anything” type, she is also a mouth-piece that isn’t afraid to throw attitude at people who grate on her nerves. Corha has no love for the Empire and despises the Imperial Officer who arrested her father. She is also sarcastic and quick with one-liners. She usually tries to use humor to diffuse tense situations. Her favorite thing to do is give everyone around her nicknames, derogatory or otherwise.

While she’s cocky, Corha is also compassionate towards those that she feels are less fortunate than her. She tends to be an idealist, although she can’t align her ideology with those who speak out against the Empire, verging on rebellion. Her disdain for the Empire is purely personal.

Being a young idealist, she does rebel against society’s norms. Corha enjoys loud, fast music and imbibes in a youthful culture about defiance against authority even though she’s never really gotten in any trouble with the authorities. Also, despite the strong relationship she had with her father, Corha has become "anti-male" in almost her perception of the galaxy.

Appearance: Corha is a young, slender female that is considered attractive when she’s not dirty and smeared in grease. She’s short and petite, which enables her to squeeze into tight spaces. She tends to wear her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail.

Objective: To eventually earn and save enough money to open her own repair shop.

Quote: “Oh, did your favorite toy break? I’m sorry. If you would have let me have it first, it would still be working.”

Type: Outlaw Tech
Blaster 5D, Brawling Parry, Dodge 6D, Melee Combat
Business 3D+1, Cultures, Languages 4D, Intimidation 3D+2, Planetary Systems, Streetwise 5D, Value
Astrogation, Communication 4D+1, Repulsorlift Operations, Sensors 4D+1, Space Transports
Bargain 4D+2, Con 4D+2, Forgery, Persuasion, Search 5D, Sneak 4D+2
Brawling, Stamina
Computer Programming/Repair 4D+2, (s)Computer Programming/Repair: Slicing 5D+1, Droid Programming, Droid Repair 5D, Repulsorlift Repair, Security 3D+2, Space Transport Repair 4D+2, Starship Weapons Repair 4D+1
Move: 10
Force Sensitive: No
Hero Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 13
Equipment: Work coveralls, datapad, diagnostic scanner, repair kit, laser cutter, circuitry replacement parts, blaster pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle (5D), concealed vibroknife (STR+1D), (1) Stun Grenade, (1) Frag Grenade, (2) Medpacs, Portable Music Player w/ Headphones, Various Music Sound Slugs (Red Shift Limit, Empire's Decline, Deeply Religious, etc.), 5350 Credits (w/ 25 on a credstick)