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Covenant Starship Mounted Weapons

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Starship Mounted Weapons

Pulse Laser

Name Type Scale Fire Control Space Range Atmosphere Range Damage
Light Pulse Laser Directed Energy Weapon Starfighter 3D 1-3/8/15 10-300/800/1,500m 2D
Medium Pulse Laser Directed Energy Weapon Starfighter 3D 1-3/8/15 10-300/800/1,500m 3D
Heavy Pulse Laser Directed Energy Weapon Starfighter 3D 1-3/8/15 10-300/800/1,500m 4D
Pulse laser turret.png

The Pulse laser turret is a light Covenant ship-to-ship weapons system. These pulse weapons are known to have been mounted on most Covenant ships and starfighters.

  • Game Notes: Each ship equipped with a Pulse Laser can fire a Standard, Pulse, Beam, or Wide mode. Switching between the abilities requires an Easy Starship Gunnery roll and takes 1D/2 rounds to accomplish.
  • Standard: no changes
  • Pulse: Damage +1D; Fire Control -1D
  • Beam: Damage -1D; Fire Control +1D
  • Wide: Damage +4D; Fire Control +4D; Space Range 0.3/0.8/1.5; Atmo Range: 10-30/80/150m

Plasma Cannon (Starfighter Scale)

Name Type Scale Fire Control Space Range Atmosphere Range Damage
Light Plasma Cannon Directed Energy Weapon Starfighter 3D 1-5/13/25 10-500/1,300/2,500m 3D
Medium Plasma Cannon Directed Energy Weapon Starfighter 3D 1-5/13/25 10-500/1,300/2,500m 4D
Heavy Plasma Cannon Directed Energy Weapon Starfighter 3D 1-5/13/25 10-500/1,300/2,500m 5D
Very Heavy Plasma Cannon Directed Energy Weapon Starfighter 3D 1-5/13/25 10-500/1,300/2,500m 6D
Light Plasma Cannon Directed Energy Weapon Capital 3D 1-5/13/25 2-10/26/50km 3D
Medium Plasma Cannon Directed Energy Weapon Capital 3D 1-5/13/25 2-10/26/50km 4D
Heavy Plasma Cannon Directed Energy Weapon Capital 3D 1-5/13/25 2-10/26/50km 5D
Very Heavy Plasma Cannon Directed Energy Weapon Capital 3D 1-5/13/25 2-10/26/50km 6D
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The Plasma Cannon is a Covenant directed energy weapon. Essentially a more powerful version of the Class-2 Energy Guns mounted on T32 RAVs, the plasma cannon fires bolts of superheated plasma and can be found mounted on many Covenant vehicles, including Spirits, Phantoms, and the Seraphs.

The Plasma turret is a Covenant starship weapon placed on most of their ships. Along with the pulse laser turret and energy projector, it is one of their primary ship-to-ship weapons.

Plasma Torpedo

Name Type Scale Fire Control Space Range Atmosphere Range Damage
Light Plasma Torpedo Plasma Bolt Starfighter 2D 1-4/10/20 10-400/1,000/2,000m 4D
Medium Plasma Torpedo Plasma Bolt Starfighter 2D 1-4/10/20 10-400/1,000/2,000m 5D
Heavy Plasma Torpedo Plasma Bolt Starfighter 2D 1-4/10/20 10-400/1,000/2,000m 6D
Light Plasma Torpedo Plasma Bolt Capital 2D 1-12/30/60 2-24/60/120km 4D
Medium Plasma Torpedo Plasma Bolt Capital 2D 1-12/30/60 2-24/60/120km 5D
Heavy Plasma Torpedo Plasma Bolt Capital 2D 1-12/30/60 2-24/60/120km 6D
The Assault Carrier Shadow of Intent firing a Plasma Torpedo.

The Plasma Torpedo is a Covenant starship-launched, super-heated bolt of plasma. They are launched by turrets mounted on almost all of their starships.

Energy Projector

Name Type Scale Fire Control Space Range Atmosphere Range Damage
Super Light Particle Cannon Capital 2D 1-15/38/75 2-30/76/150km 6D+2
Very Light Particle Cannon Capital 2D 1-15/38/75 2-30/76/150km 7D+1
Light Particle Cannon Capital 2D 1-15/38/75 2-30/76/150km 8D
Medium Particle Cannon Capital 2D 1-15/38/75 2-30/76/150km 8D+2
Heavy Particle Cannon Capital 2D 1-15/38/75 2-30/76/150km 9D+1
Very Heavy Particle Cannon Capital 2D 1-15/38/75 2-30/76/150km 10D
Super Heavy Particle Cannon Capital 2D 1-15/38/75 2-30/76/150km 10D+2
A CCS-class battlecruiser firing an energy projector.

The Energy Projector is a Covenant weapon used exclusively by large ships. It fires a thin beam of energized matter which has a very long range and is extremely accurate and destructive, capable of destroying ships effortlessly and glassing planets, systematically rendering them sterile and incapable of sustaining life.

  • Game Notes: Each ship equipped with an Energy Projector can fire a Standard, Pulse,  Beam, or Wide mode. Switching between the abilities requires an Easy Capital Ship Gunnery roll and takes 1D/2 rounds to accomplish.
  • Standard: no changes
  • Pulse: Damage +1D; Fire Control -1D
  • Beam: Damage -1D; Fire Control +1D
  • Wide: Damage +4D; Fire Control +4D; Space Range 1-2/5/10; Atmo Range: 2-4/10/20km
