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Cylon Heavy Raider (Re-imagined Series)

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Cylon Heavy Raider (Re-imagined Series).jpg


Craft: Cylon Heavy Raider
Type: Armed troop transport/gunship craft
Scale: Starfighter

  • Length: 11.34m

Skill: Space transports: Heavy Raider
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D, communications 3D, sensors 3D+1, space transports 3D+1, starship gunnery 4D
Passengers: 10 (usually Centurions)
Cargo Capacity: 20 metric tons
Consumables: N/A
Cost: N/A
FTL Capable: Yes (x1)
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D

  • Space: 7
  • Atmosphere: 350; 1,000kmh

Hull: 6D
Defenses: N/A

  • Passive: 10/1D
  • Scan: 25/2D
  • Search: 40/3D
  • Focus: 2/3D+2


  • 6-Barreled Heavy Kinetic Energy Weapon
Location: Mounted on the forward hull
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 0/1
Skill: Starship gunnery
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-4/16/32
Atmosphere Range: 50-400/1.6/3.2km
Damage: 7D+2
Ammo: 1,000 rounds (reloadable magazine)
Rate of Fire: 1 (Autofire)
  • Missile Bay
Location: Under the hull
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 0/1
Skill: Starship gunnery
-Conventional: Starfighter
-Nuclear: Capital
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700km
-Conventional: 9D
-Nuclear: 10D/9D/8D
-Conventional: 12 (6 per bay)
-Nuclear: 4 (2 per bay)
Rate of Fire: 1 (single or fire-linked)


A Heavy Raider is a Cylon dual purpose attack and transport spacecraft, nicknamed "turkey" by the Fleet's military units (Maelstrom).

The main armament of the Heavy Raider seems to consist of a barbette of six cannons mounted under the cockpit area of the vehicle. These cannons are capable of an extremely high rate of fire (Scattered). The Heavy Raiders are also capable of launching missiles.

The first Heavy Raider is seen as part of a Cylon search party looking for Karl "Helo" Agathon and Sharon Agathon née Valerii on Cylon-occupied Caprica (Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down). Further sightings in Season 1 are in "Colonial Day" with one craft landing near Agathon and Valerii, and in space over Caprica in "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II".
Unlike the standard Raider, the Heavy Raider is either exclusively or optionally piloted by humanoid Cylons (The Hub) or Centurions, however it can apparently pilot itself (The Road Less Traveled).


  • SPECIAL RULES: The Cylon Raider's weapons make sue of some special rules from articles elsewhere on the site.? ? The KEWs use Autofire rules from D6 FIREARMS, while the missiles use the Range/Speed and, in the case of the Nuclear missiles, the Blast Radius rules from D6 MISSILES.? ? Both of these are in the Supplements section on the site, but these are not necessary to use the write-up.

A Heavy Raider with a boarding party of five Centurions crash-lands into Galactica's unused starboard flight pod (Scattered).

During the Battle of the Communications Relay, two Heavy Raiders make soft landings inside one of the flight pods of the battlestar Pegasus and unload Centurion boarding parties (Razor).

After shooting down a Colonial scouting party over Kobol, a force of five Centurions lands near the crash site of Raptor 1 in a Heavy Raider. They proceed to dismantle its missile launcher and DRADIS assembly in an attempt to build a surface-to-air missile battery, intending to shoot down any search and rescue parties that Galactica sends to find the survivors (Fragged).

The Heavy Raider is conclusively proven to be a troop transport in "The Farm" when Sharon Agathon née Valerii commandeers one and uses it to evacuate the Caprica Resistance after they rescue Kara Thrace from a Cylon hybrid "farm." That captured Heavy Raider is eventually used to jump to Kobol where Thrace, Agathon and Valerii finally hook up with Laura Roslin's fleet.

The Cylon attack fleet in "Flight of the Phoenix" includes a large amount of Heavy Raiders, which could indicate a planned boarding operation or merely the need for additional heavy firepower.

Months later, Felix Gaeta reveals that with Valerii's cooperation they are able to interface the navigational system of a captured Heavy Raider with a Raptor's FTL drive, making it capable of farther and more accurate jumps than before (beyond Colonial FTL's Red Line limit) with significantly faster calculations (as previously determined from a captured Cylon Raider). A strike team is able to return to Caprica in less than ten jumps and successfully rescues the Caprica Resistance (Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I).

After New Caprica, Thrace believes she sees a Heavy Raider in the atmosphere of a nearby gas giant, although no one else can see it. Its appearance may somehow relate to her alleged destiny (Maelstrom).

Heavy Raiders play a significant part in the battle to destroy the Cylon Resurrection Hub. Piloted by rebel Cylons, they tow powered-down Colonial Vipers to get them close without their engines and electronics being detected. After the cables are cut and the Vipers' systems activated, they engage the Cavil-faction baseships and Raiders until the resurrected D'Anna Biers is retrieved and the Vipers destroy the Hub in a nuclear missile strike (The Hub).
A Heavy Raider is seen running a joint CAP with Colonial Vipers in Deadlock.


  1. According to Eric Chu, Richard Livingston designed the Heavy Raider.
  2. As of "Razor", a new retconned exterior design for the Heavy Raider is in use. It is virtually identical to the previous incarnation save for a new head canopy—which matches that of the retconned standard Raider—and the addition of missile launcher (capable of propelling two missiles) superior to the forward battery.
  3. The production team never constructed the interior of the Heavy Raider.


All text and stats by Hellstormer, provided by FreddyB of rpggamer.org
Images stolen from an unknown website at some remote time in the past.