Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Cynical Free-Trader
"More stormtroopers. Is there any place in the galaxy where one can escape this constant oppression?"
None |
Equipment: Breath mask, heavy blaster pistol (5D), threadbare flight suit, 500 credits
Background: You've been running this free-trader business way too long. Smuggling has been your way of life for so long you've forgotten why you started. Fame, wealth, adventure... ita all desn't matter now. You've always been a decent smuggler. When you made some credits, you improved your ship and invested in more lucrative cargoes. It never paid off. No matter how hard you tried, you've always hovered on the edge of debt.
Your travels took you from one end tof this galaxy to the other - several times over - and it all wore you down. Too much Imperial oppression. Slavers subjugating entire primitive species. Trade guilds cheating their clients and their members, Corporations polluting entire worlds. The poor and downtrodden overflowing the streets like forgotten trash. Yet you know there's little one person can do about it but pitch handouts to the needy.
Personality: You are tired of seeing injustice and poverty, but you know there's little you can do about it but toss credit chits at beggars and orphans. Right now your own survival is more important... and you feel guilty about that.
Objectives: To make enough credits to get out of smuggling. That might not be so easy, since you tend to help out others in need every time you have a few spare credits.
Connection With Characters: You've joined up with this crew hoping to make enough credits to get out this business. They'll need your experience.
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