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Character Damage Chart
Damage Roll > Strength Roll By: Effect

  • 0-3 Stunned
  • 4-8 Wounded
  • 9-12 Incapacitated
  • 13-15 Mortally Wounded
  • 16+ Killed

Stunned: Stunned characters suffer a penalty of -ID to skill and attribute rolls for the rest of the round and for the next round. A stun no longer penalizes a character after the second round, but it is still "affecting" him for half an hour unless the character rests for one minute.

If a character is being "affected" from a number of stuns equal to the number before the "D" for the character's Strength, the character is knocked unconscious for 2D minutes. A character making an Easy first aid total can revive an unconscious character.

Wounded: Wounded characters fall prone and can take no actions for the rest of the round. The character suffers a penalty of -1D to skill and attribute rolls until he heals (through medpacs or natural rest). A character who is wounded a second time is wounded twice.

Wounded Twice: A character who's wounded twice falls prone and can take no actions for the rest of the round. The character suffers a penalty of -2D to all skill and attribute rolls until he is healed. A wounded twice character who is wounded again is incapacitated.

Incapacitated: An incapacitated character falls prone and is knocked unconscious for 10D minutes. The character can't do anything until healed. An incapacitated character who is wounded or incapacitated again becomes mortally wounded.

A character making a Moderate first aid total can revive an incapacitated character. The incapacitated character is now awake, but is groggy, cannot use skills, and can only move at half his "cautious" rate.

Mortally Wounded: A mortally wounded character falls prone and is unconscious. The character can't do anything until healed. The character may die — at the end of each round, roll 2D. If the roll is less than the number of rounds that the character has been mortally wounded, the character dies. A mortally wounded character who is incapacitated or mortally wounded again is killed.

A character making a Moderate first aid total can "stabilize" a mortally wounded character. The character is still mortally wounded but will survive if a medpac or bacta tank is used on him within one hour (Moderate first aid total); otherwise, he dies. (This is different from healing a character with a medpac; see "Healing.")

Killed: A killed character is ... killed. Start rolling up a new character.