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Danchaf (Tree Goblin)
Type: Organized predator
Planet of Origin: Garban
STRENGTH 2D+1 (3D+1 for larger goblins)
Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 4D
Special Abilities:
Claws: Do STR+1D damage.
Climbing: Because of their claws and natural affinity for
climbing, tree goblins get a +1D to climbing rolls.
Stealth: Perception rolls to spot danchal are made at one difficulty level higher when the creatures are in trees or bushes.
Senses: Danchaf have exceptional tracking senses; they get +1D+2 for search, search: tracking and Perception rolls.
Move: 8
Size: 1.5-2 meters tall
Source: Creatures of the Galaxy (pages 22-23)