Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))

Dar Grot

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Character Name: Dar Grot Player Name: NPC
Template: Tech Age: 22 Weight: 90lb Sex: Male Force Sensitive Yes
Species: Squib Credits: 150000 Height: 4'2" Character points: 28
Dexterity 3D Knowledge 3D+2 Mechanical 2D
Dodge 5D Beaucracy 5D+2 Sensors 3D+2
Blaster 4D+2 Streetwise 5D+1 Starship shields 2D+2
Throwing 3D+1 Value 5D Starship gunnery 3D+1
Value: ship parts 6D+1
Perception 3D+1 Strength 2D Technical 4D
Bargain 4D+1 Brawling 2D+1 Starship repair 7D
Salvage 4D+2 Droid repair 7D
Blaster repair 4D+2
Droid programming 6D
computer prog/repair 4D+2
Force Powers Health Equipment
Control Damage Pts. ► Tool set, labor droid
Sense Wounded (4-8)
Alter Incapacitated (9-12)
Force Points 2 Mortal Wound (13-15)
Dark Side Points
Move 10
Weapon Name Damage Diff Short Medium Long Ammo
Arm gun 5D 3-25 50 1
Wrench 3D 15
concusion grenades 5D 2