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Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corp Koro-2

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Koro-2 Airspeeder
Craft: Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corp Koro-2
Type: Airspeeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 6.61 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Koro-2
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Varies
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 80 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Up to 25 kilometers
Cost: 24,800 (new), 16,400 (used)
Maneuverability: 3D
Move: 280; 800 kmh
Body Strength: 2D+1
Source: d20 Core Rulebook (page 236)

Description: The Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corporation built the Koro 2 to survive in hostile environments, and as such it has a contained and pressurized cabin with a two week air supply. While the Koro-2 employs standard repulsorlifts for altitude, it features an uncommon external electromagnetic propulsion system. The forward mandibles intensely irradiate the air around them, inducing ionization and making it conductive. Paired electrodes then electrify the airstream, and it is magnetically propelled toward the rear of the craft, resulting in the air literally dragging the vessel through the skies at speeds approaching 800 kilometers per hour. The speeder isn't designated to fly in crowded urban zones such as those on Coruscant, and the radiation spill and noxious wake of the craft are some of the deleterious side effects which have caused the speeder to be outlawed on many worlds, which have caused the speeder to be removed from production. However the pure speed of the vehicle has meant that it retains its high price on the second hand market, although due to the restrictions it often has to be smuggled onto the buyers homeworld.