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Dodge 4D+2
Hide 4D+1, search 4D+2, sneak 4D+1
Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 8D+1
Special Abilities:
Claws: A successful claw attack by a dimlurker inflicts its Strength +1D.
Crushing Attack: If a dimlurker hits a target with two claw
attacks, it can attempt a grapple check to pull its victim into
a crushing “hug.” A successful hug by a dimlurker inflicts
the creature’s Strength +2D. While hugging and grappling,
the dimlurker can make no other attacks, though it is
capable of moving at its full Move allowance.
Darkvision: Dimlurkers have no eyes, but they can “see” out to 20 meters by other means.
Stench: Dimlurkers have a characteristic rotting stench that hangs around them.
Terrifying Presence: When encountering a dimlurker for
the first time, characters must make an opposed Control or Willpower skill check against the dimlurker’s Perception
score. Failure indicates that the character is terrified,and must either make an attack, or flee the creature immediately.
Move: 12 (ground), 12 (climb)
Size: Unlisted (Large)
Source: Coruscant and the Core Worlds (page 155)

The dimlurker was an underground predator native to Talus. Its body consisted of a thick, bone-white trunk covered on the outside by tiny suckers. It moved like a worm, expanding and contracting, and its suckers allowed it to crawl up sheer surfaces and hang from ceilings. Extending from the form of its eyeless body were two limbs, ending in two clubs of chitin. It used its limbs to grab and constrict its prey, then swallow it whole. Dimlurkers had no teeth. A putrid stench emanated from dimlurkers, giving away their presence from far away. Though primarily predators, they were omnivores and could also subsist on moss and insects.