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Draz'iw Doneeta-Kuni
Name: Darz’iw Doneeta-Kuni
Species: Twi’lek
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Background:Draz, now 27, was born the eldest of three sisters, her twin sisters Ath and Cole are 18. Her mother, Viv is member of the Doneeta clan. Father Ral Kuni has gained some accolades at his position within Ryloth Ventures. Draz displayed force sensitivity at a young age and was taken as a student by Master Vlovot Koca a female Jawa. Her Masters renown for guiding a student’s training with the flow of the Force around them taught Draz the skills and abilities that she naturally displayed and at her own pace.
Abilities of Control and Sense were of prime concern. Hibernation Trance and its companion skill Short Term Memory Enhancement, latter fostered learning of her masters’ language and aided Draz in her studies of alien species and languages. In preparation for her journey to Seregar where she would forge her way into the jungle interior, Draz was taught the essential talents of Life Detection, Life Sense, and Sense Force. She was to use these powers to locate a holocron her Master had hidden for her in the jungle.
Through this holocron she would learn Magnify Senses, and the Alter Skill of Telekinesis and provided the beginnings of lightsaber construction and combat. She was to remain on the planet until she had found the holocron, learned from it, and had constructed her first lightsaber.
During this time, Vlovot Koca was sent on a mission with several other Jedi. It was on this mission that her Master fell to the Great Jedi purge. Across the stars she felt the loss of her master and received one final simple message from her “Seek not greater wealth, but simpler pleasure; not higher fortune, but deeper felicity.”
Remembering the teaching of her master and those ingrained from her family she took to hiding in plain sight. Her lightsaber has been broken down and forms the decorative pieces of her headdress, jewelry, and utility belt.
She hides her Force abilities and Jedi status under the guise of a fortune teller, divining people’s fortunes through simple questions and body language, hidden in the skill of using Sabacc cards for cartomancy. Her studies in the Jedi way and her focus on alien cultures and civilizations and languages guides her in better predicting people’s futures through listening and persuasion.
Over the years she has developed a little fame and a great worth of street cred by helping those in need via physical intervention or financially, and being known for only accepting credit that is due for true services rendered. These services come in the form of her daily trade of telling fortunes or her fame garnered side work as a translator.
Personality: Draz’iw is optimistic and caring. Through her struggle in losing her master, surviving on her own following Order 66, avoiding the Imperial Jedi hunters, and having to find her own path, Draz has become very reserved. She does open up with her true self around the right people.
Appearance: Draz’iw is a tall, slender Twi’lek with orange skin. While she doesn’t have any tribal tattoos, she almost always wears a green and bronze metal headpiece along with make-up to further enhance her appearance as a fortune teller. Like so many of her other brethren, Draz is considered slender, graceful, and alluring.
Quote: “I sense that you’ve recently lost a family member.”
Template Type: Fortune Teller
Dodge 4D, Lightsaber Combat 4D
Alien Species 5D, Languages 5D, (s)Languages: Jawa 6D, Streetwise 5D, Survival 5D
Con 4D+2, (s)Con: Fast Talk 5D+2, Persuasion 5D+2, (s)Persuasion: Cartomancy 6D+2
Climb/Jump 3D+1
Computer Programming/Repair 3D+1, First Aid 4D, Lightsaber Construction 4D
Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control 3D, Sense 3D Alter 2D+1
Force Powers:
Control: Hibernation Trance, Short-term Memory Enhancement
Sense: Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Postcognition, Receptive Telepathy, Translation
Alter: Telekinesis
Control and Sense: Farseeing, Lightsaber Combat
Tentacles: Twi'leks can use their tentacles to communicate in secret with each other, even if in a room full of individuals. The complex movement of the tentacles is, in a sense, a "secret" language that all Twi'leks are fluent in.
Move: 10
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 21
Equipment: DL-22 Blaster Pistol (4D), Deck of Sabacc cards, Clothes (various “fortune teller” garb, Lightsaber (5D, Blue Blade)(Broken down and scattered among her jewelry), Datapad, comlink, 450 credits