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Duel Gundam (with Assault Shroud)

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Earth Alliance GAT-X102 Duel Gundam with Assault Shroud.jpg

DUEL GUNDAM With Assault Shroud

Craft: Earth Alliance GAT-X102 Duel Gundam
Type: Prototype Close Combat Mobile Suit
Scale: Starfighter

  • Height: 17.50m
  • Mass: 69.1 metric tons (max gross weight)
  • Mass: 103.47 metric tons (Assault Shroud mode)

Skill: Mecha Piloting (OR Walker Operations and/or Starfighter/Aircraft Piloting)
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms (or less)
Consumables: 1 week (survival pack)
Cost: N/A
Hyperdrive: N/A
Nav Computer: Yes (short-ranged, carrier-based)

  • Space: 3D
  • Atmosphere/Ground: 1D


  • Space: 7
  • Atmosphere: 350; 1,000kmh ("jumps" only)
  • Ground (Walking): 55; 160kmh

Hull: 6D (PS armor, see below)

  • Strength: 4D
  • Armor: 1D
  • Assault Shroud: +1D


  • Combat Shield: 3D (Mecha Combat/Parry)


  • Passive: 25/0D
  • Scan: 50/1D
  • Search: 75/2D
  • Focus: 3/4D


  • 2 "Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Location: mounted in head
Fire Arc: "turret" (aimed by head)
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starship/Aircraft Gunnery)
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-2/8/16
Atmosphere Range: 20-200/800/1.8km
Damage: 3D
Ammo: 500 round magazine (internal)
Rate of Fire: burst of bullets per attack (Ammo Depletion 1Dx10 per burst)
  • 2 Beam Sabers
Location: mounted behind shoulders, hand-held in use.
Fire Arc: close combat
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Skill: Mecha Combat
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: Close Combat
Atmosphere Range: Close Combat
Damage: 5D (armor dice count as pips)
Ammo: connected to battery (see below)
Rate of Fire: 1 strike per attack (can be dual wielded)
  • 57mm High Energy Beam Rifle w/175mm Grenade Launcher
Location: stored behind waist, hand-held in use
Fire Arc: "turret" (aimed by arms)
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Skill: Mecha Gunnery
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range:
  • Beam Rifle: 1-3/12/24
  • Grenade: 1/3/6, 6 per round, max range 60
Atmosphere Range:
  • Beam Rifle: 20-300/1.2/2.4km
  • Grenade: 50-100/300/600, 600 per round, max range 6km
  • Beam Rifle: 6D
  • Grenade: 8D/7D/6D/5D
  • Beam Rifle: connected to battery (see below)
  • Grenade: 1 (can be reloaded)
Rate of Fire:
  • Beam Rifle: 1 energy beam per attack.
  • Grenade: 1 shot (then must be reloaded)
  • Hyper Bazooka
Location: hand-held during sortie
Fire Arc: "turret" (aimed with arms)
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Skill: Mecha Gunnery
Scale: Capital
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1/3/7, 7 per round, max range 35
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700, 700 per round, max range 3.5km
Damage: 3D
Ammo: 5 shell rounds per clip
Rate of Fire: 1 shell per attack

WEAPONS (Assault Shroud)

  • "Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Location: mounted on right shoulder
Fire Arc: front
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starship/Aircraft Gunnery)
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-4/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 40-400/1.5/3km
Damage: 6D+2
Ammo: 30 solid rounds, internal drum magazine.
Rate of Fire: 1 solid round per attack.
  • 220mm 5-Barrel Missile Pod
Location: mounted on left shoulder
Fire Arc: front
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starship/Aircraft Gunnery)
Scale: Statfighter
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1/3/7, 7per round, max range 70
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700, 700m per round, max range 7km
Damage: 7D
Ammo: 3 missiles per barrel (15 missiles total)
Rate of Fire: 1 missile per attack; OR volleyfire up to 5 missiles (see below)


With the outbreak of war, the Earth Alliance's Atlantic Federation begins a secret project to develop mobile suits to counter ZAFT's mass-produced ZGMF-1017 GINN as well as operate free of interference from the N-Jammers. One of the first five prototype mobile suits is the GAT-X102 Duel Gundam, which serves as a testbed for the GAT-X103 Buster Gundam, GAT-X105 Strike Gundam and GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam. As a basic mobile suit, the Duel Gundam is designed for close combat. Its armament consists of two beam sabers, two "Igelstellung" vulcan guns and a combination high-energy beam rifle/grenade launcher. Like the other prototype Gundams, the Duel Gundam is equipped with the new Phase Shift (PS) armor technology. When in Phase Shift mode, the Duel Gundam is nearly impervious to attacks from shell-firing artillery or melee weapons. However, use of Phase Shift for extended periods of time is a massive drain on the energy battery.

On January 25, C.E. 71, the Duel Gundam is stolen by ZAFT pilot Yzak Joule during ZAFT's assault on the neutral colony Heliopolis. Following the escape of the Earth Alliance battleship Archangel, Yzak and his Duel Gundam continue to harass the Archangel's crew during the later period of the war. During one battle with Kira Yamato's Strike Gundam, the Duel Gundam is heavily damaged and Yzak's face is scarred. Afterwards, ZAFT upgrades the Duel Gundam to the Assault Shroud configuration. With this upgrade, extra armor plates are fitted over the main body, along with several new weapons. These weapons include a 5-barrel missile pod launcher on the left shoulder, as well as a 115mm "Shiva" railgun on the right shoulder. Although ZAFT develops the Assault Shroud upgrade themselves, the Earth Alliance copies it and incorporates it into two limited production versions of the Duel Gundam: the GAT-01D Long Dagger and GAT-01D1 Duel Dagger. With his upgraded mobile suit, Yzak vows to get revenge on Kira for the scar he received. However, at the war's end on September 26, C.E. 71, Yzak assists the Clyne Faction in defending the PLANTs and destroys both the GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam and GAT-X370 Raider Gundam. Later, a second Duel Gundam unit piloted by Mudie Holcroft is upgraded to the GAT-X1022 Blu Duel.


The armament of the Duel is rather simple and consists of two head-mounted "Igelstellung'"75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns, which would later become standard weaponry on most suits to shoot down incoming missiles and close enemy units. For close combat, the suit features two beam sabers, which are usually mounted behind the shoulders of the suit. For ranged combat the Duel also uses a 57mm high-energy beam rifle with an attached 175mm grenade launcher. For defense the suit mounts a single physical shield.

Duel also has a bazooka as an optional weapon, loaded with high-explosive round. The bazooka was taken and used by MBF-P01 Gundam Astray Gold Frame to escape from Heliopolis.

After being stolen by ZAFT and damaged in battle, the suit is upgraded with the so-called Assault Shroud armor, which fits several armor plates over the body that can be ejected if necessary. The armor also adds an additional "Shiva" 115mm railgun on the right shoulder and a 220 mm 5-barrel missile pod on the left shoulder for additional firepower.

As with the other suits developed under the G Project, the Duel was equipped with the new Phase Shift armor, making it nearly impervious to shell firing weapons.


The Duel was the first mobile suit developed under the Earth Alliance's "G Project" during the opening months of the Bloody Valentine War. The suit served as a testbed for the GAT-X103 Buster, GAT-X105 Strike and GAT-X207 Blitz and was the first mobile suit ever to be equipped with Phase Shift armor. On January 25, CE 71, the Duel was stolen from Morgenroete, Inc.'s Heliopolis facility by ZAFT mobile suit pilot Yzak Joule.

Yzak then used his suit together with his comrades piloting the other stolen suits to pursue the Archangel on its way to Earth. During the pursue Yzak fought the Strike piloted by Kira Yamato several times and also took part in severly damaging the Eurasian Federation space fortress Artemis. Eventually, the Duel was outmaneuvered by the Strike and damaged severely an arm in one instance and suffering a penetrating hit to the cockpit in another, that caused injury to Yzak's face. After these battles, the Duel was equipped with a 34.37 ton armor system called the Assault Shroud, which it continued to use until the end of the war.

When the Archangel decended down to Earth, Yzak and his suit continued to fight against the ship, first as part of Andrew Waltfeld's team and later together with his comrades from a Vosgulov-class submarine. Despite several battles, the team was never able to destroy the Archangel and instead lost their friend Nicol Amalfi, pilot of the Blitz, in battle against the Strike.

When the Alliance introduced their first mass-produced mobile suit GAT-01 Strike Dagger, the Duel proved highly effective in combat against them and frequently racked up admirable kill counts of the suits. The Duel also took part in the disastrous Operation Spit Break, the attack on the EA's JOSH-A base, as well as the successful attack on the Panama Spaceport. When his ZAFT comrades began to slaughter Alliance soldiers as revenge for the losses in Operation Spit Break, Yzak was disgusted by their actions.

The Duel eventually returned to space and took part among other in the battle around the Mendel colony and the later battles around the PLANT homeland. He also fought in the Second Battle of Jachin Due, the last battle of the war, during which he defended the PLANTs against the Earth Alliance nuclear attack. It was also during this battle that he destroyed the GAT-X252 Forbidden, by sacrificing the Assault Shroud as a decoy. After the loss of the Duel's Assault Shroud armor, Yzak helped his friend Dearka Elsman in battle against the GAT-X370 Raider , which it also destroyed by using the Buster's rifle. After the war ended, the Duel is apparently decommissioned, along with its 'brother' unit, the Buster.

The Earth Alliance eventually created several variants of the Duel. The first unit was the GAT-01D Long Dagger, which served as a testbed for the Natural OS and its limited mass production follower, the GAT-01D1 Duel Dagger. Each of these suits could optionally use a so-called Fortresta mode, which is similar to the Duel's Assault Shroud armor. Also at least one other Duel was built, which was upgraded by Actaeon Industries in the GAT-X1022 Blu Duel, piloted by Phantom Pain member Mudie Holcroft.


  • Assault Shroud: As mentioned, the Duel Gundam recieved damage from Kira Yamato's Strike Gundam in a battle in space, showing that the Duel had drawbacks when confronted by another Gundam. It could take on any other mobile suit ZAFT had built to date, but the Strike bested it almost every time.
    To compensate for it's shortcomings, ZAFT technicians developed the "Assault Shroud" add-on system while still in the field. It adds extra armor (+1D) and a railgun and missile launcher, giving it more protection while packing more punch in a battle. The Assault Shroud also has extra thrusters so the Duel loses none of it's speed or maneuverability (at least in space), but it does become much heavier and harder to use in an atmosphere and on the ground.
    In combat, if the pilot is ever in danger of suffering a killing blow, the Assault Shroud can be ejected as a distraction (it is destroyed instead of the Duel Gundam), with a Difficult Mecha Piloting roll. Afterwards, the Duel Gundam has it's base stats without the Assault Shroud (no extra armor or weapons).
    Also, the extra armor of the Assault Shroud is NOT protected by Phase Shift armor. When taking hits from ballistic/explosive weapons, roll Hull Dice as normal against the attack's Damage Dice. The Duel may not take damage, but the Shroud will suffer any damage taken. If a destroyed result is made, then the Assault Shroud has been blown off of the Duel Gundam and cannot be salvaged. However, this also keeps damage from depleting the PS armor and battery power as it would normally until the Shriud is gone.
  • Operating System: When the Gundams were hijacked by ZAFT, the OS was minimal and incomplete, just enough to get it to move (1D Maneuverability, 0D Fire Control to all weapons). The pilots of the Creuset Team took their four machines directly back to their baseship while a battle erupted between ZAFT GINNs and the Earth Alliance space forces. At the baseship, all data in the G-Units was downloaded, while they quickly programmed an OS into their computers that worked and would make them combat-ready.
    The result of this are the stats as they are now, with the same rules as the "Natural Pilots" from all of ZAFTs other mobile suits (all Maneuverability and Fire Control Dice are 1D and all Difficulties are one level higher to Natural pilots until a proper operating system is installed, then they may pilot the machine as normal). However, when the Gundams first landed on Earth, they had to update their OS again for "contact pressure" for whenever they jumped on land and moved around (1D Maneuverability in Atmosphere/on Ground), and "heat convection" for when they used beam weaponry in high-temperature environments (ranged beam weaponry is at half or third of full range). Kira Yamato did this for the Strike Gundam on the fly, always in the middle of combat, while the Creuset Team eventually had these updates made as they pursued the Archangel across Earth.
    If a Gundam (or any other Gundam SEED mobile suit, for that matter) is ever acquired with this lack in it's Operating System, then a Very Difficult Computer Program/Repair skill check must be made to adjust the Gundam's systems to these situations (Heroic Difficulty if in the middle of battle!!!).
  • Anti-Beam Combat Shield: this is a real, physical shield mounted to the Duel Gundam's arm (left or right, usually left). It can be used by the Mecha Combat/Parry skills. It is placed between an incoming attack and the mobile suit. If the Shield is destroyed (roll of 16+ on the Damage Chart), then it is discarded (or has been blown to bits), and no longer useable by the mobile suit. Shields are meant to take the brunt of oncoming attacks to give the mobile suit a better chance to survive, and while they may not last long, they can take at least a single devestating hit that would otherwise destroy the mobile suit.
    This is an Anti-Beam Combat Shield, and Beam Saber's Armor Dice reduction to pips does not work.
    Very useful if the Ultracompact Energy Battery runs out of power!!!
  • Beam Sabers: Beam Sabers are much like Lightsabers from Star Wars. Though their creation may be very different, the function is still the same, that of an energy-bladed close combat weapon.
    Where Lightsabers rely on the powers of a Jedi to make them more damaging, Beam Sabers work differently here. Mobile suits have Armor Dice as a part of their Hull Dice, and Beam Sabers make Armor Dice count only as "pips" when dealing damage. They can do this for as many Armor Dice as the sabers have in Damage Dice.
    When dealing damage against a target that simply has Hull Dice and no other distinction, the players/GMs have options. The simplest is to deal damage as normal with straight up damage dice (but you may want to add 1D/2D to the beam saber's Damage Dice to balance this out). Another option is to use the Beam Saber's "Armor Reduction" effect as is on anything with a normal Hull Dice code (I would allow Wild Dice to count as normal, as well as extra dice rolled by getting 6's on it and Character Points spent to just survive being cleaved by a freaking Beam Saber).
    The reasoning behind the "Armor Reduction" effect us because of how devastating Beam sabers are in close combat (especially when used against physical mecha melée weapons!), and the fact of having to get close enough to use them in the first place (Star Wars starfighters deal almost completely/exclusively with ranged weapons of all kinds, whereas Gundam in every different setting deals with both ranged and melée combat on many scales larger than Character, even up to Capital!).
  • Phase Shift (PS) Armor: This is the defensive system that makes the Gundams so fearful in combat and impervious to ballistics and explosive weapons. When activated, take the number in front of the Hull Dice and subtract this every round from the Gundam's battery points, along with the number from any Damage Dice that hit the Gundam (see "Ultracompact Energy Battery" below).
    Another way to do this (if players/GMs wish to do so) is to not subtract the entire Hull Dice number from the Battery (5), subtract "1" instead, but still subtract the full Damage Dice number of any attacks that hit the Gunsam.
    PS Armor makes the unit impervious to weapon types such as ballistics (machine guns of every type, bullet type weaponry), explosives (such as missiles and grenades, BUT, not Proton Torpedoes if you happen to be using them for some reason), and all physical attacks (such as mecha melée weapons like the GINN Sword).
    PS Armor does NOT protect against energy/beam weapons at all (though if it had a strong enough power supply such as a Death Star scale nuclear reactor, energy/beam weapons would then become harmless).
    PS armor also protects against atmospheric reentry and keeps the Gundam from burning up and being destroyed.
  • Ultracompact Energy Battery: In the Gundam SEED setting, nuclear power has been rendered near useless by use of Neutron Jammers (N-Jammers). ZAFT attempted to prevent the use of nuclear weapons after the "Bloody Valentine" incident, where Junius Seven of the PLANTs was destroyed by a nuclear attack by Naturals. Using N-Jammers extensively with their ships, as well as deploying them all over the Earth deep underground, use of nuclear reactors is all but impossible until the development of the Neutron Jammer Cancelers (N-Jammer Cancelers). Therefor, most technological devices use alternate means of power sources. Most mobile suits and mobile armors use ultracompact energy batteries. While their operation time may be limited, most of these vehicles still have plenty of time to complete their sortie missions before having to return to base for resupply and recharge.
    To represent this, take a mobile suit/mobile armor's Hull Dice and multiply the number by a hundred (100), adding 25 per pip (500 for the Dual Gundam here). This is the Battery's power supply, or "power points, if you will. Decrease by one point per round of combat while the mobile vehicle is active after launch. Any energy weapons directly connected to the battery drain it by a number equal to the Damage Dice they inflict, per use (such as beam rifles, beam cannons or beam sabers, etc.). Any special equipment that shield or help the mobile vehicle (such as energy shields, Phase Shift armor or Mirage Colloid) deplete the battery by a number equal to it's Hull Dice. Any other variants will list any differences in their entries.
  • Missile Volleys: Many animated series with mecha tend to show missile launching weapons fire massive volleys of projectiles at different enemies, and Gundam SEED is no different. Also, most large-scale missile weapons of the modern era do this as well. Star Wars RPG has no rules for this, using every missile as a one-shot per missile item (unless fire-linked) that deals major damage if it hits.
    If a weapon says it can do "missile volleys" or "volleyfire", then it can fire several missiles (or other applicable weapon) at a target for a better chance of destroying it. To represent this, decide how many missiles you want to fire, then roll to attack. Every extra missile added to the first adds a +1 pip to attack. If they hit, roll damage for every individual missile. The idea is that multiple attacks would have a better chance of penetrating thick armor (which missiles are supposed to do).
    A different option to this is to simply fire-link the collective missiles' Damage Dice and add +1D per missile to the base damage. BUT! That CAN get rather powerful, perhaps more than most GMs would want. Using missile volleys is also more for smaller missile with less damage, but that could be packed in a small enough launching system to be fired all at once and deliver multiple damages upon a target.
    If the target tries dodging, they are not doing so against one missile, but Manu of them (hence the +1 pip per missile added to hit). If escape seems unlikely, they can instead target the missiles and attempt to destroy the volley. If they destroy enough of them to reduce the attack roll below their dodge roll, they successfully evade the rest of the missile volley.
    But with Phase Shift armor, most Gundams in Gundam SEED can simply soak the damage.
  • Self-Destruct System: Each G Unit was initially equipped with a self-destruct device to keep the technologies they incorporated from falling into enemy hands. However, the Earth Alliance's fears came true as four of the machines were captured then used by ZAFT pilots against them in turn, their unique systems duplicated by the Coordinators and used to build newer, stronger models that outdo their previous models, such as the GINN, which had already been so hard to overcome in the first place.
    When the self-destruct is used, it does damage as the Gundam's Hull dice as capital scale. Against Phase Shift armor at point-blank range, the PS cannot soak the intense energy unleashed and takes damage normally.


  • Model number: GAT-X102
  • Code name: Duel Gundam
  • Unit type: prototype close combat mobile suit.
  • Manufacturer: Morgenroete, Inc.
  • Operator(s): Earth Alliance (Atlantic Federation); ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty).
  • First deployment: 25 January C.E. 71
  • Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso.
  • Dimensions: head height 17.50 meters
  • Weight: max gross weight 69.1 metric tons (normal mode), 103.47 metric tons (Assault Shroud mode).
  • Armor materials: unknown.
  • Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery (power output rating unknown).
  • Equipment and design features: sensors (range unknown); Phase Shift (PS) armor.
  • Fixed armaments: 2 "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS (fire-linked, mounted on head); 2 beam sabers (mounted behind shoulders); shield, mounted on left forearm.
  • Fixed armaments (Assault Shroud): "Shiva" 115mm railgun, mounted on right shoulder (Assault Shroud mode only); 220 mm 5-barrel missile pod, mounted on left shoulder (Assault Shroud mode only)
  • Optional hand armaments: 57mm high-energy beam rifle w/175mm grenade launcher; hyper bazooka.
  • Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED; Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (manga); Mobile Suit Gundam SEED ASTRAY; Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam SEED; Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Never-Ending Tomorrow; Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (game); Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E. 73 STARGAZER: Phantom Pain Report; Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam Vs. Gundam Next.

Source: http://www.rpggamer.org