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Ewok Template

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  • Character Name:
  • Type: Ewok
  • Gender/Species: Ewok
  • Age:
  • Height: 1.0 meters
  • Weight:
  • A Quote: "Kaiya! Gyeesh?"
  • Physical Description:
  • You stand roughly one meter tall and are covered by thick fur; the pattern and color of Ewok fur varies widely. Individual Ewoks often wear hoods, decorative feathers and animal bones.
Character Picture here
  • Dexterity 3D+2
  • Bows
  • Brawling Parry
  • Dodge
  • Melee Combat
  • Melee Parry
  • Thrown Weapons
  • Perception 4D
  • Bargain
  • Con
  • Hide
  • Search
  • Sneak
  • Knowledge 2D
  • Languages
  • Survival
  • Willpower
  • Strength 3D
  • Climbing/Jumping
  • Stamina
  • Swimming
  • Mechanical 2D+2
  • Beast Riding
  • Glider
  • Technical 2D+2
  • Demolition
  • First Aid
  • Primitive Construction
  • Special Abilities
  • Skill Bonus: +2D for every 1D placed in hide, search, sneak.
  • Skill Limits: May not place skill dice in vehicle, starship or repair skills.
  • Smell: +1D to search when tracking by scent.

  • Move 7
  • Force Sensitive?
  • Force Points
  • Dark Side Points
  • Character Points


  • Spear (STR+1D), Leather backpack, a collection of shiny objects.

Background: You used to live on Endor, the Forest Moon. Then, one day, a big shiny spaceship landed. You investigated. It was filled with fascinating, shiny things and good things to eat. All of a sudden, everything shook. You didn't realize it then, but the ship had taken off, and you couldn't go home.

At first you were frightened. When you learned you couldn't go home, you were sad. But then you made friends with the humans on the ship. They were from something called the Rebellion, and they fight bad people called the Empire. Humans seem to find Ewoks cute. This is very useful; you've never had any problems finding food or shelter.

You've picked up a little bit of the human language. You don't really understand the strange machines thy use, but you've become a littler more comfortable with them. Life out here in the galaxy is endlessly fascinating and fun. You've decided to stay with your Rebel friends and help them out.

Personality: You like humans. You like good things to eat. You like playing with shiny things. You're cheerful, inquisitive and have a habit of getting yourself- and sometimes your companions- into more trouble than you or they can handle.

Objectives: To find an endless supply of fun things to play with. To help your human friends even though they seem to be a bit odd.

Connection With Characters: Choose any other player character you like; you've adopted him or her as your mentor. You follow that person around and try to get them to play with you. if your mentor consistently ignores you, you can switch to another character later on.

Source: Star Wars Roleplaying Game 2nd edition Revised and Expanded

See also

Ewok Shaman (template)

Ewok Warrior (template)


Average Ewok

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Character Picture here

== Ewoks == (Unofficial template)

  • Height: 1.0 meters
  • Physical Description: Ewoks stand roughly one meter tall and are covered by thick fur; the pattern and color of Ewok fur varies widely. Individual Ewoks often wear hoods, decorative feathers and animal bones.

Average Ewok

Dexterity 2D+2, Knowledge 1D, Mechanical 1D+2, Perception 3D, Strength 2D, Technical 1D+2. Move: 7.

  • Dexterity 1D+2/ 4D+2
  • Thrown Weapons
  • Perception 2D/ 4D+2
  • Knowledge 1D/ 3D
  • Strength 1D/ 3D
  • Mechanical 1D+2/ 3D+2
  • Glider
  • Technical 1D/ 2D+2
  • Primitive construction
  • Special Abilities
  • Skill Bonus: +2D for every 1D placed in hide, search, sneak.
  • Skill Limits: May not place skill dice in vehicle, starship or repair skills.
  • Smell: +1D to search when tracking by scent.

  • Story Factors: Protectiveness: Most human adults will feel unusually protective of Ewoks. Because of this, humans can also be very condescending to Ewoks. Ewoks, however, are mature and inquisitive - and unusually tolerant of the human attitude.

Move: 7 / 9

Source: Unofficial template

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