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Fear Moss
Fear Moss
Type: Large Force-using predator
Hide 6D+1, sneak 7D+2, search 4D+1
Climbing/jumping 9D
Special Abilities:
Acidic Touch: The fear moss excretes a mild acid on the
surface of its body. Any creature touching or touched by the fear moss suffers 2D physical damage.
Poison: Any creature that receives an acidic touch must make a Very Difficult stamina roll or enter a state of panic.
One minute later, the victim must make another Very Difficult stamina roll or take a temporary -1 penalty to Dexterity.
Blindsight: Using its awareness of the Force, fear moss maneuvers and fights as well as a sighted creature. Concealment, invisibility and darkness are irrelevant. This ability has a range of 10 meters.
Forcefear: Any Force-sensitive character that comes within 10 meters of a patch of fear moss must make a Difficult
willpower roll each round or feel a sense of fear welling inside him. For each failed roll, the fear lingers within the
character for one day. Until the fear wears off, the character must choose to call upon the dark side whenever he uses a Force Point.
Sense Force: Fear moss can sense any character with Force Points within 35 meters, and always attempts to target such creatures with its attacks.
Sneaky: Fear moss gain a +2D bonus to hide and sneak when in swampy or forested terrain.
Force Skills: Control 2D, sense 2D+1, alter 2D
Force Powers:
Waves of darkness, sense force potential, life detection,
sense force
Move: 4, 4 (climbing)
Size: Large
Source: Ultimate Adversaries (pages 83-84)