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Forbidden Gundam

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Earth Alliance GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam.jpg


Craft: Earth Alliance GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam
Type: Prototype close combat mobile suit
Scale: Starfighter

  • Height: 17.47m
  • Weight: 85.33 metric tons

Skill: Mecha Piloting
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms
Consumables: 1 week (survival pack)
Cost: N/A (prototype)
Hyperdrive: N/A
Nav Computer: Yes (short ranged, carrier based)
Maneuverability: 3D

  • Close Combat Mode: 4D


  • Space: 9
  • Atmosphere: 400; 1,150kmh
  • Ground (Walking): 55; 160kmh

Hull: 6D (TP armor, see below)

  • Strength: 5D
  • Armor: 1D


  • "Geschmeidig Panzer": 6D (7D fire-linked, see below)


  • Passive: 30/1D
  • Scan: 60/2D
  • Search: 90/3D
  • Focus: 4/4D


  • 2 "Igelstellung" Multi-Barrel CIWS (fire-linked)
Location: mounted in head
Fire Arc: "turret" (aimed by head)
Crew: 1
Skill: Mecha Gunnery
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-2/8/16
Atmosphere Range: 20-200/800/1.6km
Damage: 3D (2D if not fire-linked)
Ammo: 500
Rate of Fire: 1 (fire-linked burst, 1D+2 Ammo Depletion)
Option: See "D6 Firearms" on the site for Autofire rules
  • 2 "Armfeuer" 115mm Machien Guns
Location: mounted on forearms
Fire Arc: "turret" (aimed by arms)
Crew: 1
Skill: Mecha Gunnery
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/24
Atmosphere Range: 30-300/1.2/2.4km
Damage: 5D (6D if fire-linked)
Ammo: 500 (bullets)
Rate of Fire: 1 or 2 (burst of bullets, fire-link optional, 1D+2 Ammo Depletion)

WEAPONS (Close Combat mode only)

  • 2 "Eckzahn" 88mm Railguns (fire-linked)
Location: mounted on backpack, facing forward when used
Fire Arc: front
Crew: 1
Skill: Mecha Gunnery
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-4/16/32
Atmosphere Range: 20-400/1.6/3.2km
Damage: 7D+2 (6D+2 if not fire-linked)
Ammo: 30 (solid slugs; also connected to battery, see below)
Rate of Fire: 1 (fire-linked shot per attack)
  • "Hresvelgr" Plasma Induction Cannon
Location: mounted on backpack, covers head in close combat mode
Fire Arc: front
Crew: 1
Skill: Mecha Gunnery
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-6/12/24
Atmosphere Range: 30-600/1.2/2.4km
Damage: 9D
Ammo: connected to battery
Rate of Fire: 1 (plasma blast per attack)

WEAPONS (Optional Hand Armaments)

  • "Nidhoggr" Heavy Scythe
Location: hand held in use
Fire Arc: Close Combat
Crew: 1
Skill: Mecha Combat
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: Close Combat
Atmosphere Range: Close Combat
Damage: Str+3D (8D)
Ammo: 1 scythe
Rate of Fire: 1 (strike per attack)


Despite the theft of four prototype Gundams by ZAFT, the Earth Alliance continues its research and constructs new units featuring advanced technologies. One such unit is the GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam, which is designed as a close combat attack unit. One of the new technologies implemented in the Forbidden Gundam is Trans-Phase armor, which is an improved version of Phase Shift armor. Whereas Phase Shift armor utilizes a 'power up' mode denoted by color and a 'power down' mode denoted by gray, Trans-Phase armor is designed to only activate at the point of impact and thus preserve energy. This energy can then be used for power-consuming energy weapons. Also, to keep up with the abilities of Coordinators, the Alliance designates pilot Shani Andras as a 'biological CPU' rather than a pilot and requires him to take drugs to be able to effectively use his high performance mobile suit. Unfortunately, these drugs have severe side effects after wearing off.

As a close combat suit, the Forbidden Gundam is equipped with various beam and melee weaponry. Most notably, its large backpack can be fitted over its head for a high mobility close combat mode. In this close combat mode, it is capable of firing arcing beams from its "Hresvelgr" plasma cannon or standard shots from its twin "Eckzahn" railguns. The close combat mode also features the "Geschmeidig Panzer" armor system, which can deflect and redirect beams. The system uses a colloid gas filled with beam-deflecting particles, which are held in place by the magnetic charge generated by the shields. Other armaments include standard "Igelstellung" head vulcans and an "Armfeuer" machine gun. For melee combat, the Forbidden Gundam is equipped with a "Nidhoggr" heavy scythe for use outside of close combat mode. The Forbidden Gundam's design is later seen again with the underwater variant GAT-X255 Forbidden Blue and its mass production counterpart, the GAT-706S Deep Forbidden.


In terms of weaponry, the Forbidden is equipped with CIWS guns, machineguns, and a handheld scythe. However, its main weapons are mounted on its backpack, which folds over its head for "close combat mode". These weapons are a pair of railguns and a powerful plasma cannon.


  • Shell-Firing Weapons: Most weapons installed on the Forbidden are shell firing weapons, which consist of a rather standard set of two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns, which are mounted in the head and used to intercept incoming missiles, as well as two "Armfeuer'" 115mm machine guns, one mounted on each forearm. The most powerful shell-firing weapons of the suit are however the two "Eckzahn" 88mm railguns, which are mounted on the backpack but can only be used in close-combat mode.
  • Plasma Cannon: The only energy weapon as well as the most powerful weapon of the Forbidden is its single "Hresvelgr" plasma induction cannon, which is mounted on the backpack of the suit but, like the railguns can only be used in close-combat mode. This cannon has the unique ability to "bend" its beams into different angles, allowing it to strike target from unexpected locations.
  • Scythe: The only close combat weapon of the Forbidden is a single "Nidhoggr" heavy scythe, which is hand-held when used in the battle. This scythe is powerful enough to slice a small battle ship in half.


  • Geschmeidig Panzer: A unique feature of the Forbidden are its two shields, which are equipped with a so-called "Geschmeidig Panzer" energy deflection armor. This armor is capable of deflecting energy as well as physical attacks, granting the suit a powerful defense. The system uses a variant of the Mirage Colloid particles, which are beam deflecting and held in place by the powerful magnetic fields generated by the shields.
  • Trans-Phase Armor: Like the other two new Gundam-type mobile suits, the Forbidden is among the first units to use the new new variation of Phase Shift armor known as "Trans-Phase". Unlike normal Phase Shift, which draws power constantly, Trans-Phase armor activates only when the mobile suit is hit, and only at the point of impact, reducing the armor's power consumption and increasing combat endurance.


In mid CE 71, the Earth Alliance collaborated with Muruta Azrael's Azrael Conglomerate to build three second-generation mobile suits to counter the G-units stolen by ZAFT. These suits used a more advanced technology based upon the old G suits but were equipped with the new Natural-use OS. In addition, these three suits' pilots were designated as "Biological CPUs" (noting that the Alliance considerd them equipment rather than human beings), with their abilities enhanced by drugs to match those of Coordinators. One of these suits was the Forbidden, a close combat mobile suit, whose "Biological CPU" was Shani Andras.

The Forbidden is first used in the conquest of neutral Orb, then sent to space and assigned to the Archangel-class assault ship Dominion under the supervision of Muruta Azrael, who is also the leader of the anti-Coordinator terrorist group Blue Cosmos. Near the end of the war, it is destroyed by Yzak Joule in the GAT-X102 Duel.

During and after the first Bloody Valentine War, the EA creates a total of three different underwater-use variants of the Forbidden. This is due to the fact, that the Geschmeidig Panzer system can also be used as a propulsion system underwater.


  • Close Combat Mode: The Forbidden Gundam has a Close Combat mode, where its backpack either stays on its back as it flies around, or flips over the Forbidden's head. When in Normal mode, its more impressive weaponry stays folded behind the mobile suit as it flies at full speed to get to a combat area. Once it reaches the fight, it enters Close Combat mode. This way, it loses 2 ranks of Speed, but gains a higher Maneuverability as its thrusters are now repositioned for better use to avoid attacks. While in this mode, it doesn't need as speed much since it is already in the fight, and is able to bring to bear its full arsenal against a target.
  • "Geschmeidig Panzer" Energy Deflection Armor: These two devices work like mobile suit combat shields, but are attached to their own armatures to the Forbidden's backpack, freeing the MS' arms to attack and counterattack as needed. Mecha Combat/Parry is still used with them. The solid parts count as 3D combat shields, with the energy shields having another 3D of their own, for a total defense of 6D. if used together, they gain a +1D to defend against a single attack (7D!), but individually could be used to block multiple attacks from different angles (fire arcs). While the shields are active and being used they will drain the battery of 3 points each per round.
  • Trans-Phase Armor: TP armor works like Phase Shift armor, making the Ms invulnerable to ballistic and explosive damage. But instead of draining the battery every round (of the number of Hull Dice it has, plus the Damage Dice of an incoming attack), it instead activates only upon impact, draining the battery of only the number of Damage Dice the attack had). TP armor however has a hard time coping with several attacks from different angles (fire arcs), and will overload in such an attack, not covering the other fire arcs.
  • Ultracompact Energy Battery: The mobile weapons in gundam SEED have a limited power supply due to the wide-spread use of Neutron-Jammers by ZAFT. A mobile suit or mobile armor has power points equal to the number of its Hull Dice times 100, plus 25 per extra pip (600 for the Forbidden Gundam). These batteries begin depleting by 1 power point per round after launching from a base ship or when activated in the field. All energy weapons connected to them deplete the power by the number of Damage Dice they have, and all defensive or support systems (like Phase Shift armor or Mirage Colloid) drain it of the number of Hull Dice the MS has unless stated otherwise.


  • Model number: GAT-X252
  • Code name: Forbidden Gundam
  • Unit type: prototype close combat mobile suit
  • Manufacturer: Earth Alliance (Atlantic Federation)
  • Operator: Earth Alliance (Atlantic Federation)
  • First deployment: 15 June C.E. 71
  • Accommodation: pilot only (in standard cockpit in torso)
  • Dimensions: head height 17.47 meters
  • Weight: max gross weight 85.33 metric tons
  • Armor materials: unknown
  • Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery (power output rating unknown).
  • Equipment and design features: sensors (range unknown); Trans-Phase (TP) armor; "Geschmeidig Panzer" energy deflection armor.
  • Fixed armaments: 2 "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS (fire-linked, mounted in head); 2 "Armfeuer'" 115mm machine gun (mounted on forearms); 2 "Eckzahn" 88mm railgun (mounted on backpack, operable only in close combat mode); "Hresvelgr" plasma induction cannon (mounted on backpack, operable only in close combat mode).
  • Optional hand armaments: "Nidhoggr" heavy scythe.
  • Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED; Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY; Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY ASTRAY; Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam SEED; Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Never-Ending Tomorrow.

Source: http://www.rpggamer.org