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GE3 Protocol Droid

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The GE3-series protocol droid was a bipedal protocol droid manufactured by Czerka Corporation. Vaguely resembling later models from Cybot Galactica, GE3s were one of the most common and best-selling droids in the galaxy during both the Jedi Civil War and Dark Wars (following the Jedi Civil War: 3955-3951 BBY).

Type: Czerka Corporation GE3-series Protocol Droid
Era: Old Republic

Alien Species 5D, Burocracy 6D, Cultures 6D, Languages 8D
Persuasion 4D+2

Equipped With:

  • Humanoid body (two arms, two legs, head)
  • Autio recorder
  • Vocabulator
  • Basic processor
  • Translator unit

Move: 8
Size: 1.7 meters tall
Cost: 2,500 (new)
Equipment: Comlink


They could be programmed for multiple functions, including waiter, bartender, tour guide, receptionist, secretary, errand-runner, diplomatic aide, medical droid, or even swoop pilot. Their programming was specifically designed for social tasks, with an emphasis on Human-cyborg relations and a massive database of languages, cultures, and customs of thousands of species. They were equipped with vocabulators with versatile translator units.

Demand for the droids was high, and they were a common sight on nearly every planet in the Galactic Republic. Czerka also sold GE3-series droids in bulk at a significant discount to planetary governments.

There were numerous models, physically identical, but differing in internal details and skills. Each GE3 had a full designation which included the suffix "GE3" at the end, for example, S-0D3-GE3.

Source: Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (pages 82-83); Saga Conversions: Knights of the Old Republic (pages 25-26); Wookieepedia: GE3-series protocol droid