Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Heavy Radiation Powersuit
- Heavy Radiation Powersuit
Model: Nova-Tech HR-211 Powersuit
Type: High radiation powersuit
Scale: Character
Skill: Powersuit operation
Cost: 3,000
Availability: 2
Game Notes:
Armor: Provides +2D physical and energy, -1D to Dexterity and related skills. Move: 3 (in gravity). Booster Jets: Detachable booster jets have fuel for 10 bursts, with a speed of Space 1 and 1D maneuverability. Sensors: The suit is equipped with a sensor pod with a maximum range of 100 meters; add +1D to the operator’s sensors skill. Equipment: Helmet-mounted comlink, 12 hours of oxygen, 6-hour power supply, utility pouches, 50 meter lifeline, shoulder-mounted beam light, fusion cutter (5D), and magnetic traction boots.
Source: Gundark’s Fantastic Technology (page 55), Operation: Elrood (pages 106-107)