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Pincer attack 4D+2
Search 2D+2
Special Abilities:
Implant: The creature can implant a surge-coral seed with
a successful pincer attack against a stunned or helpless target. The subject must succeed at
Difficult Strength check to resist the implanted surge-coral. Whether the roll succeeds or fails,
the character is unable to run. This difficulty increases by +1 for every surge-coral seed that
has been implanted past the first, and a separate roll must be made each day. If a roll fails, the subject loses 1 pip from
both his Strength and Dexterity ratings. When the subject has lost 2D each from both his Strength and Dexterity
ratings, his total Move score is also reduced by half (rounding down). These modifiers are permanent until the surge-coral
is surgically removed. Anyone with the Technical: Medicine (A) skill can attempt to surgically remove surge-coral from a
subject. The difficulty of this skill roll is equal to the number of pips lost from the victim’s Strength and Dexterity scores
times five, with a maximum difficulty of 30.
Low-Light Vision: An implanter can see twice as far as a normal human in poor lighting conditions.
Stunning Frond: Any living being touched by the implanter’s frond must succeed at a Difficult Strength check or be stunned for 1D rounds.
Move: 3
Size: 0.2 meters long
Source: The New Jedi Order Sourcebook (pages 48-49)