Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Interstellar Transient
Equipment: Well-worn clothes, datapad, emergency signal pack, comlink, small pack (with snacks, odd bits of junk and crumbs), collapsible survival tent, vibroblade (STR+1D), 50 credits.
Background: You0re a galactic vagabond. You love to travel and see the wonders the stars have to offer. You're always on your way somewhere else. Sure it was great to visit this planet for a while, but why stay here when there's another fabulous place that's not too far away? It's only a couple hundred light years... Anyway, you're always ready to move on when your next ride is lined up. You can never pass up a ride - you never know when you may get stuck somewhere. Sometimes you get a free ride, but most of the time you have to work for your passage. You've gotten into some interesting scrapes, ut all in all it's been worthwhile and you've never visited the same planet twice.
Personality: You enjoy the relaxed life you live. You hang around a planet until it becomes boring, then you're off to your next exciting destination. Some beings think you're a bum, but you're not. You work when you have no other choice. You love your never-ending trip across the galaxy.
Objectives: To see as much of the galaxy as possible.
Source: Heroes and Rogues
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