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KT-400 Military Droid Carrier

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A KT-400 military droid carrier unloads Sentinel Droids on Onderon.

The KT-400 military droid carrier was a light freighter, and a common sight throughout the galaxy both before and after the Jedi Civil War.

Craft: Republic Fleet Systems KT-400 Military Droid Carrier
Era: Old Republic
Affiliation: Old Republic, Sith Empire
Roles: Droid carrier, freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 24 meters
Skill: Space transports: KT-400
Crew: 8, gunners: 1, skeleton: 4/+10
Passengers: 400 bipedal droids
Cargo Capacity: 40 metric tons
Consumables: 2 weeks
Cost: 280,000 (new), 150,000 (used)
Hyperdrive: x2 Space: 4
Atmosphere: 280; 800 kmh
Hull: 4D+1
Shields: 2D

Passive: 15/1D
Scan: 30/1D+2


  • Double Medium Laser Cannons
    Fire Arc: Turret
    Crew: 1
    Skill: Starship gunnery
    Fire Control: 1D
    Space Range: 1-2/7/12
    Atmosphere Range: 50-100/200/300
    Damage: 6D


The KT-400 freighter was fairly compact, and was arranged in a three-pronged shape. One prong held the bridge, and the other two, extending below, may have served a purpose in cargo handling. Its only obvious armament was two pairs of laser cannons, mounted at the ends of the lower projections. It was used to escort Sentinel Droids to battle or occupation.


Originally designed by Kellenech Technologies, a droid manufacturer, this ship was supposed to carry its military and construction droids. But when it bankrupted, the Galactic Republic took the design and began production of the ships through Republic Fleet Systems. However, after the Great Sith War the funding stopped and a variety of manufacturers was contracted to finish the vessels for military and commercial use.

The freighter was used by the Galactic Republic, as well as the Sith enemies, not to mention the civilian use. One of its most memorable uses was at the battle of Dxun during the Mandalorian Wars, when many of these freighters were used to drop Sentinel battle droids onto the moon to combat the Mandalorian invaders. They were also used to shuttle kolto from Manaan and to deliver supplies to the Sith embassy on Taris.

The freighter was very popular with mercenaries and bounty hunters for its large cargo hold and armament.

Source: Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (page 183); Rancor Pit Saga Conversion: Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (page 15), Wookieepedia