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Type: Forest herd animal



PER: 1D+2

  • Search 3D+2


  • Bite 6D+2

Move: 15 (ground), 10 (burrowing)
Size: 80 meters long

Special Abilities:

  • Bite: Inflicts STR+1D damage.
  • Slam Attack: Inflicts STR+2D damage.
  • Walker Scale: Due to their large size, kargul are considered to be Walker scale.

Planet of Origin: Trindello


  • Kargul were nocturnal worms indigenous to Trindello. They grew up to 80 meters long. They were covered in a glossy membranous skin black in color. While they could bite with deadly power, their diet consisted entirely of wood pulp. During the day, they rested underground or inside a hollow oak. They were not aggressive creatures and shied away from sentient beings as a rule. However, if disturbed by the vibrations of timber cutting or large vehicles, they occasionally would lash out at loggers.

Source: SWG#9, page 40