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Unit Aurek-Seven on Kariek

Type: Terrestrial

Temperature: Temperate

Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)

Hydrosphere: ?

Gravity: Standard

Terrain: ?

Length of Day:  ? Standard Hours

Length of Year:  ? Local Days

Physical Diameter:  ? km

Sapient Species: Eickaries & Lakran (Invaders)

Starport: ?

Points of Interest: Eickarie Fortress

Population: ?

Planet Function: ?

Official Language: Eickarie & Galactic Basic Standard

Government: ?

Major Cities: ?

Tech Level: Space

Major Exports: ?

Major Imports: ?

Affiliation: Eickarie tribes, The Warlord, United Tribes of Kariek & Empire of the Hand

System: Kariek system

Sun: 1 - Kariek

Moons: 0

Sector: None Listed

Region of Space: Unknown Region

Kariek was a planet near the Unknown Region.

Its sole indigenous sentient lifeform was the Eickarie people who were divided into various tribes. The Eickaries were a humanoid-reptilian race with green and orange skin, with patterns of black scales around their eyes and across the back of their heads.

Its cities were dominated by towering fortresses and watchtowers which were interconnected via a network of underground tunnels.

The Eickarie were formerly a fragmented people. Their tribes was involved for centuries in long ans disastrous civil wars. But in 28 BBY, the planet was invaded and conquered by a mercenary army of Lakran led by a mysterious figure known as the Warlord.

The Warlord was defeated in 22 ABY during a join effort by the United Tribes of Kariek and the Empire of the Hand during the Battle of Kariek. Later, Kariek joined the Empire of the Hand to establish trade and defense ties to ward off potential aggressors.


  • Wookieepedia