Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Equipment: Two bottles of fizzyglug, one packet of candy, a small stone, length of string, a small animal (dead or alive- your choice), 25 Credits, a smile that people can't refuse.
Background: You're a youngster, anywhere from either to 16 years old. You've got a big brother or sister in the Rebellion, or maybe you're an orphan who's been semi-adopted by another character. You never let anyone leave you behind. Whenever danger is greatest, you charge the enemy and butt them with your head, or bite them in the leg, or beat them with your arms. Your a regular little hellion whom no one can discipline. The bad guys never take you seriously, which is why you get away with so much. Somehow you ended up in space, tromping around with the Rebellion or some smuggler with a heart of gold. It is certainly a fun life, and you couldn't ask for anything more - fighting stormtroopers, saving people from the Empire, putting crawly insects inside some bounty hunter's armor.... you know, some of these folks have absolutely no sense of humor!
Personality: You can be constantly cheerful, always siding with the underdog. You're completely loyal to one other character (you choose which) and tag along with him.
Objectives:To find cool things to do and to stop the Empire... and whatever else crosses your mind as fun, interesting, and more than a little likely to get you into trouble.
Connection With Characters: Choose another player character as your older sibling /adopted parent/ idol/ whatever. You don't have to get the other player's permission. In fact, if he or she is annoyed, that's entirely appropriate.
Source: Star Wars RPG 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded