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Lambda sector

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The Lambda sector was a sector in the Mid Rim, neighboring the Dufilvian sector. Planets in Lambda included Rintonne and Xandil VII, as well as a number of heavy industrial worlds and ship construction centers. The Lambda sector was represented in the Galactic Senate by Rasit Brun, while under the Galactic Empire, the Sector was governed by Moff Par Lankin.


  • Algara system
  1. Kerilt
  2. Algara II
  3. Tonder
  4. Krizzin
  5. Algara V
  6. Algara VI
  • Ando system
  1. Andando
  2. Ando
  3. Ando Prime
  4. Unidentified Ando system planetoid
  • Andosha system
  1. Andosha II
  • Desstious system
  1. Desstious
  • Mon Gazza system
  1. Mon Gazza
  • Moravia system
  • Rintonne system
  1. Rintonne
  • Xandil system
  1. Xandil VII
  1. Zolan