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Lightsaber Pike

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Lightsaber Pike.jpg

Lightsaber Pike
Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Lightsaber
Cost: Unavailable for sale
Availability: 4, X
Difficulty: Difficult
Damage: 4D

Game Notes: If an attacking character misses the difficulty number by more than 10 points (the base difficulty; not their opponent's parry total), the character has injured himself with the lightsaber blade. Apply normal damage to the character wielding the lightsaber.

Description: The lightsaber pike, also known as lightsaber lance, was a unique weapon that resembled a primitive poleaxe in many aspects. The long handle of the weapon was made of phrik alloy, which allowed it to resist lightsabers. At the end of the handle was a lightsaber blade that was shorter and thicker than a normal one. The blade could be activated by a switch further down the weapon's haft. Including the blade, the weapon was almost as long as the wielder's body, and could keep enemies at a distance, giving the wielder the advantage of a longer reach.