Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Loyal Retainer
Several changes of clothing for just about any occasion, hold-out blaster (3D), comlink, 1000 credits.
Background: For centuries, your family has served the House of (Demesne). The (Lords) of (Demesne) have ruled your planet for as long or longer, and they have been good to their people. The planet has achieved prosperity, peace and plenty under their wise and beneficent rule. Yet evil has fallen upon the galaxy; an evil man has usurped the Imperial throne, and both peace and the nobility are endangered. Your liege has chosen to join the Rebellion. Your whole planet may suffer for that choice, yet you know it is the correct one -- and you know your planet will loyally stand with their (Lord) when the shooting begins.
Personality: Hard-headed, sensible about money matter, loyal unto death, and sometimes a bit overprotective. Your loyalty is to your lord, not to the Rebellion.
Objectives: To serve my lord.
Connection With Characters: (Special) Ask the gamemaster for the name of the family to which you are loyal and their title ("Demesne" and "Lord" are just examples). If another player character is a noble, you may be his or her personal servant. Otherwise you are on detached duty, under orders from your lord to serve the Rebellion.
Source: Star Wars: The Role-Playing Game (1st Edition)
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