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Type: Amphibious carnivore
Non Sentient, Planet of Origin: Almar
Dexterity: 1D
Dodge: 1D+2, brawling parry 4D+2
Perception 2D:
Search 3D
Strength: 3D
Brawling 4D, swimming 4D+1
Special Abilities:
Teeth: Do Str+1D damage.
If a marmaw brawling attack beats the victim´s brawling parry roll by 4 or more points,
the marmaw has latched onto its target; increase the difficulty of all actions by the victim by two difficulty levels.
If the marmaw´s brawling attack beats the victim´s brawling parry roll by 10 or more points, teh victim must make an oppoosed
Strength roll and beat the marmaw by 5 or more points to pull free.
Amphibious: Marmaws have both lungs and gills, although they must spend at least three hours per day in water to avoid dehydration.
Move: 5 ( land ), 15 ( swimming )
Size: Up to 4 meters long.
Scale: Creature
The marmaw is a huge-mouthed shore dewller, with teeth that form in 20 to 30 bud rows throughout its mout and throat and develop as they migrate toward
the edge of its mouth. Outer marmaw teeth are frequently lsot, and are quickly replaced by teeth growing in behind them.
The blade shaped final teeth are large enough to grasp its prey, which include land and sea creatures.
Their struggles only drive tehm deeper into the marmaw´s gullet.
Source: The Truce At Bakura Sourcebook ( Page 102-103 )