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Type: Terrestrial

Temperature: Frigid

Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)

Hydrosphere: Frozen

Gravity: Standard

Terrain: Frozen Desert, Mountains, Frozen Oceans

Length of Day: 26 Standard Hours

Length of Year: 456 Local Days

Physical Diameter:  ? km

Sapient Species: Obroan, Yuuzhan Vong, Human, Chazrach & Many Others

Starport: ?

Points of Interest: Obroan Institute for Archaeology, Museum of Applied Photonics, Celebratus Archive & Aurora Medical Facility

Population: 73 million

Planet Function: ?

Official language: Galactic Basic Standard

Government: Representative Council (Independent)

Major cities: ?

Tech Level: Space

Major Exports: Mid-tech

Major Imports: High-tech & Luxury Goods

Affiliation: Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic, Yuuzhan Vong Empire & Galactic Alliance

System: Obroa system

Sun: 1

Moons: ?

Sector: Borderland Regions

Region of Space: Inner Rim

Obroa-skai was a planet in the Obroa system within a strategic position in the Borderland Regions of the Inner Rim Territories.

Ecologically, the world was a terrestrial mix of tundras, mountains, grasslands and deserts. A standard day was 26 standard hours and a standard year 456 local days.

The reputation that had developed over the centuries was that the complete knowledge of the galaxy had been gathered within the computers of Obroa-skai's information repositories. Obroa-skai was also home to a large collection of Jedi-related antiquities which were destroyed by the Imperial Security Bureau.

By 4 ABY, Obroa-skai had become an Imperial fortress world. The Empire abandoned the planet in 5 ABY.

The Obroans kept their planet neutral during the Galactic Civil War, despite heavy petitioning by the New Republic in 9 ABY. Obroa-skai's expansive library of galactic information and numerous academic institutions drew Grand Admiral Thrawn to raid its central computer system. The data acquired gave Thrawn the hidden location of Wayland, while the raid also served as part of a distraction technique used on the New Republic forces prior to the Battle of Sluis Van.

Obroa-skai was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the Galaxy, and a yammosk was installed in the planet's mantle. Much was lost from the archives, but hardcopies of key items were saved before the assault. The Yuuzhan Vong kept many of the copies intact, at least until they could get them fully translated. As such, much of the planet's buildings were kept intact despite heavy Vongforming on other areas of the world. Obroa-skai was later liberated from the Vong, and the yammosk was destroyed.

In 43 ABY, Obroa-skai was recovering from the Yuuzhan Vong War and the resultant terraforming on its surface. Institutions such as the Aurora Medical Facility were in operation as of this time.