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Equipment: Heavy Blaster Pistol (5D), 1,000 Credits
Background: Your family was wiped out during a raid - by the Imperials, by criminals, by pirates, you're not sure. But the weight of evidence points to some seriously evil folks. And those folks are going to pay. You swore to your family that you'd make them pay. Gathering what few weapons you possessed, you hopped the first transport off-planet, searching for the elusive killers that ruined your life. You've spent the intervening time honing your skills and preparing for the day when you face those responsible for the deaths of our loved ones. And only you are going to walk away...
Personality: You're deadly, dangerous, and driven. You have no fear and no pity; you have nothing to live for and no reason not to risk your life. As far as you're concerned, no one will miss you when you're gone, but when ou go, you sure as blazes aren't going alone.
Objectives: Revenge -pure, simple, and ugly- but revenge nonetheless.
Connection With Characters: You've hooked up with the other characters because you think they can bring you closer to the people who killed your family. Along the way, you've cone to care about them (as much as you are still capable of caring). If there's any emotion you can still feel, it's parental love. Younger characters (kid or brash pilot, for example) may be adopted as surrogate children. You may feel a bleak kinship with similarly driven characters like a merc or bounty hunter; in time it might ripen into true trust and affection.
Source: Star Wars RPG 2nd Edition Revised and expanded
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