Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Outlaw Tech
- Work coveralls, datapad, diagnostic scanner, repair kit, laser cutter, circuitry replacement parts, blaster pistol (4D), concealed vibroblade (STR+1D), 1000 credits.
- You love to tinker with things - there's always ways to make better. Given the right tools and enough time, you can improve anything ever built.
Of course, this often makes the item illegal to own, but you don't worry much about that. You certainly never let some bureaucrat tell you how to fix anything. Since the Imperials have gone out their way to make work difficult for you to find, you've taken to hiding out or working for shady characters to make ends meet. They do pay well for your skills, though you try not to get mixed up in their business any more than you have to - their credits are all you want from them.
- You're a "go anywhere, fix anything" sort of person - for the right price, that is. It donesn't matter which side hired you. You're always learning about new gadgets and how to improve them. It annoys you when people tell you something can't be done.
Objectives: To own your own company someday and let others work for you.
Heroes and Rogues
Character Name:
| |
Dexterity 2D
Perception 3D+2
Knowledge 3D
Strength 2D
Mechanical 3D+1
Technical 4D
Special Abilities
Move 10
Equipment: | Comlink, coveralls, medpac, pocket computer, tool harness, tool kit, vacuum suit, 1,000 credits |
Background: | You have always been good at fixing up systems and discovered it paid well, especially if you were willing to stretch the bounds of equipment a little. People trying to avoid Imperial entanglements are willing to pay big credits for high quality work and you give them their money's worth. |
Personality: | You're more comfortable with engines and droids than people. Considering the rough group you often have to deal with, you have to keep pretty sharp. |
Objectives: | To be the best, and richest, technician you know. |
Connection With Characters: | |
Source: | Rebel Privateers! - Star Wars Adventure Journal Number 2 - WEG41002 |
Wiki note: West End Games published two character templates under the name Outlaw Tech, for simplicity, both are listed here. Back to Templates